79 Commits
145 changed files with 6072 additions and 4725 deletions
@ -1,16 +1,26 @@ |
{ |
"name": { |
"ast": "Infraestructures", |
"ca": "Serveis", |
"cs": "Občanská vybavenost", |
"de": "Einrichtungen", |
"en": "Amenities", |
"es": "Instalaciones", |
"fr": "Équipement", |
"gl": "Instalacións", |
"hu": "Létesítmények", |
"it": "Infrastrutture", |
"ja": "生活環境", |
"nb": "Fasiliteter", |
"nl": "Voorzieningen", |
"oc": "Equipament", |
"pl": "Pożyteczne miejsca", |
"pt": "Equipamentos", |
"pt-br": "Equipamentos", |
"ro": "Facilități", |
"ru": "Полезные места", |
"sr": "Додаци", |
"tr": "Tesisler", |
"uk": "Amenities" |
} |
} |
@ -1,17 +1,26 @@ |
{ |
"name": { |
"ast": "Rutes", |
"ca": "Rutes", |
"cs": "Trasy cest", |
"de": "(ausgeschilderte) Routen", |
"en": "Routes", |
"fr": "Routes", |
"hu": "Útvonalak", |
"es": "Rutas", |
"fr": "Itinéraires", |
"gl": "Rotas", |
"hu": "(Jelzett) útvonalak", |
"it": "Itinerari segnalati", |
"ja": "ルート", |
"nb": "Ruter", |
"nl": "Alternatieve routes", |
"oc": "Varianta d'itinerari", |
"pl": "Trasy", |
"pt": "Rotas", |
"pt-br": "Rotas", |
"ro": "Rute", |
"ru": "Маршруты", |
"sr": "Трасе", |
"tr": "Rotalar", |
"uk": "Маршрути" |
} |
} |
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"ast": "Infraestructures", |
"cs": "Občasnká vybavenost", |
"de": "Einrichtungen", |
"en": "Amenities", |
"fr": "Équipements auto", |
"hu": "Létesítmények", |
"it": "Infrastrutture", |
"ja": "生活環境", |
"nl": "Voorzieningen", |
"pt-br": "Equipamentos", |
"ru": "Обслуживание транспорта", |
"uk": "Amenities" |
}, |
"query": { |
"13": [ |
"(", |
"nwr[amenity~\"^(car_rental|car_sharing|fuel)$\"];", |
"nwr[amenity~\"^(charging_station)$\"][motorcar][motorcar!=\"no\"];", |
"nwr[amenity~\"^(charging_station)$\"][motorcycle][motorcycle!=\"no\"];", |
")" |
], |
"16": [ |
"(", |
"nwr[amenity~\"^(car_rental|car_sharing|car_wash|fuel|motorcycle_parking|parking)$\"];", |
"nwr[amenity~\"^(charging_station)$\"][motorcar][motorcar!=\"no\"];", |
"nwr[amenity~\"^(charging_station)$\"][motorcycle][motorcycle!=\"no\"];", |
")" |
] |
}, |
"feature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% set key = 'amenity' %}", |
"{% set value = tags.amenity %}" |
], |
"description": "{{ tagTrans(key, value) }}", |
"markerSign": "{{ const[value] }}" |
}, |
"const": { |
"car_rental": "R", |
"car_sharing": "S", |
"car_wash": "🚿", |
"charging_station": "🔌", |
"fuel": "⛽", |
"parking": "🅿", |
"motorcycle_parking": "🅿" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ast: Infraestructures |
ca: Serveis |
cs: Občasnká vybavenost |
de: Einrichtungen |
en: Amenities |
es: Instalaciones |
fr: Équipements auto |
gl: Instalacións |
hu: Létesítmények |
it: Infrastrutture |
ja: 生活環境 |
nb: Fasiliteter |
nl: Voorzieningen |
oc: Equipaments auto |
pl: Użyteczne w transporcie drogowym |
pt: Equipamentos |
pt-br: Equipamentos |
ro: Dotări |
ru: Обслуживание транспорта |
sr: Додаци |
tr: Tesisler |
uk: Amenities |
query: |
13: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(car_rental|car_sharing|fuel)(;.*|)$"]; |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(charging_station)(;.*|)$"][motorcar][motorcar!="no"]; |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(charging_station)(;.*|)$"][motorcycle][motorcycle!="no"]; |
) |
16: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(car_rental|car_sharing|car_wash|fuel|motorcycle_parking|parking)(;.*|)$"]; |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(charging_station)(;.*|)$"][motorcar][motorcar!="no"]; |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(charging_station)(;.*|)$"][motorcycle][motorcycle!="no"]; |
) |
feature: |
pre: |- |
{% set key = 'amenity' %} |
{% set value = tags.amenity %} |
description: |- |
{{ tagTransList(key, value) }} |
markerSign: |- |
{{ const[value] }} |
const: |
car_rental: R |
car_sharing: S |
car_wash: 🚿 |
charging_station: 🔌 |
fuel: ⛽ |
parking: 🅿 |
motorcycle_parking: 🅿 |
@ -1,18 +1,25 @@ |
{ |
"name": { |
"ast": "Acondicionamientu urbanu", |
"ca": "Mobiliari Urbà", |
"cs": "Pouliční přislušenství", |
"de": "Straßenausstattung", |
"en": "Street Furniture", |
"es": "Mobiliario Urbano", |
"fr": "Fournitures automobiles", |
"gl": "Mobiliario urbano", |
"hu": "Jelzőtáblák", |
"it": "Dotazioni stradali", |
"ja": "街路設置公共物", |
"nb": "Gatemøbler", |
"nl": "Straatmeubilair", |
"oc": "Fornituras automobilas", |
"pl": "Elementy drogowe", |
"pt": "Mobiliário urbano", |
"pt-br": "Mobiliário urbano", |
"ro": "Mobilier Stradal", |
"ru": "Элементы дороги", |
"tr": "Sokak Mobilyaları", |
"uk": "Street Furniture" |
} |
} |
@ -1,203 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"de": "Höchstgeschwindigkeiten", |
"en": "Maxspeed", |
"fr": "Limites de vitesse", |
"hu": "Sebességkorlátozás", |
"pt": "Velocidade máxima", |
"pt-br": "Velocidade máxima" |
}, |
"query": { |
"11": "way[highway~\"^(motorway|trunk)$\"];", |
"13": "way[highway~\"^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link|primary|primary_link|secondary|tertiary)$\"];", |
"15": "way[highway~\"^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link|primary|primary_link|secondary|secondary_link|tertiary|tertiary_link|residential|unclassified)$\"];", |
"17": "way[highway~\"^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link|primary|primary_link|secondary|secondary_link|tertiary|tertiary_link|residential|unclassified|service|living_street|pedestrian|track|road)$\"];" |
}, |
"feature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% set maxspeedKmh = null %}", |
"{% set maxspeed = null %}", |
"{% set unit = null %}", |
"", |
"{% if tags.maxspeed is defined %}", |
" {% if const.colorOther[tags.maxspeed] %}", |
" {% set maxspeed = tags.maxspeed %}", |
" {% elseif tags.maxspeed|matches(\"^[0-9]+$\") %}", |
" {% set maxspeedKmh = tags.maxspeed %}", |
" {% set maxspeed = tags.maxspeed %}", |
" {% set unit = \"km/h\" %}", |
" {% elseif tags.maxspeed|matches( \"(^[0-9]+) mph$\") %}", |
" {% set m = tags.maxspeed|matches(\"(^[0-9]+) mph$\") %}", |
" {% set maxspeedKmh = m[1] * 1.60934 %}", |
" {% set maxspeed = m[1] %}", |
" {% set unit = \"mph\" %}", |
" {% else %}", |
" {% set maxspeed = 'other' %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') is defined %}", |
" {% set x = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') %}", |
" {% if const.colorOther[x] %}", |
" {% set maxspeedF = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') %}", |
" {% elseif attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward')|matches(\"^[0-9]+$\") %}", |
" {% set maxspeedFKmh = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') %}", |
" {% set maxspeedF = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') %}", |
" {% set unit = \"km/h\" %}", |
" {% elseif attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward')|matches(\"^[0-9]+ mph$\") %}", |
" {% set m = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward')|matches(\"(^[0-9]+) mph$\") %}", |
" {% set maxspeedFKmh = m[1] * 1.60934 %}", |
" {% set maxspeedF = m[1] %}", |
" {% set unit = \"mph\" %}", |
" {% else %}", |
" {% set maxspeedF = 'other' %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') is defined %}", |
" {% set x = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') %}", |
" {% if const.colorOther[x] %}", |
" {% set maxspeedB = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') %}", |
" {% elseif attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward')|matches(\"^[0-9]+$\") %}", |
" {% set maxspeedBKmh = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') %}", |
" {% set maxspeedB = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') %}", |
" {% set unit = \"km/h\" %}", |
" {% elseif attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward')|matches(\"^[0-9]+ mph$\") %}", |
" {% set m = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward')|matches(\"(^[0-9]+) mph$\") %}", |
" {% set maxspeedBKmh = m[1] * 1.60934 %}", |
" {% set maxspeedB = m[1] %}", |
" {% set unit = \"mph\" %}", |
" {% else %}", |
" {% set maxspeedB = 'other' %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if const.colorOther[maxspeed] %}", |
"{% set color = const.colorOther[maxspeed] %}", |
"{% elseif not maxspeedKmh %}", |
"{% set color = \"#404040\" %}", |
"{% else %}", |
"{% set color = colorInterpolate(const.colorMap, (maxspeedKmh - const.offsetColorSpeed) / const.highestColorSpeed) %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if const.colorOther[maxspeedF] %}", |
"{% set colorF = const.colorOther[maxspeedF] %}", |
"{% elseif maxspeedFKmh %}", |
"{% set colorF = colorInterpolate(const.colorMap, (maxspeedFKmh - const.offsetColorSpeed) / const.highestColorSpeed) %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if const.colorOther[maxspeedB] %}", |
"{% set colorB = const.colorOther[maxspeedB] %}", |
"{% elseif maxspeedBKmh %}", |
"{% set colorB = colorInterpolate(const.colorMap, (maxspeedBKmh - const.offsetColorSpeed) / const.highestColorSpeed) %}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"description": "{{ tagTransList('highway', tags.highway) }}", |
"details": [ |
"{% if maxspeedF or maxspeedB %}", |
"<span style='color: {{ colorB }}'>{{ maxspeedB == 'other' ? attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') : const.colorOther[maxspeedB] ? tagTrans('maxspeed', maxspeedB) : maxspeedB|default(trans('unknown')) }}</span> / <span style='color: {{ colorF }}'>{{ maxspeedF == 'other' ? attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') : const.colorOther[maxspeedF] ? tagTrans('maxspeed', maxspeedF) : maxspeedF|default(trans('unknown')) }}</span> {{ unit }}", |
"{% elseif maxspeed %}", |
"<span style='color: {{ color }}'>{{ maxspeed == 'other' ? tags.maxspeed : const.colorOther[maxspeed] ? tagTrans('maxspeed', maxspeed) : maxspeed }} {{ unit }}</span>", |
"{% elseif tags.maxspeed %}", |
"{{ tags.maxspeed }}", |
"{% else %}", |
"{{ trans('unknown') }}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"markerSymbol": "", |
"listMarkerSymbol": "line", |
"styles": "{% if maxspeedB or maxspeedF %}left,right,default{% else %}default{% endif %}", |
"style": { |
"width": "{% if maxspeedB or maxspeedF %}0{% else %}4{% endif %}", |
"color": "{{ color }}", |
"text": [ |
"{% if maxspeedB or maxspeedF %}", |
" {% if maxspeedB %}🡸 {{ maxspeedB == 'other' ? attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') : maxspeedB }} {% endif %}|{% if maxspeedF %} {{ maxspeedF == 'other' ? attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') : maxspeedF }} 🡺{% endif %} ", |
"{% else %}", |
" {{ maxspeed == 'other' ? tags.maxspeed : maxspeed }} ", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"textRepeat": "1", |
"textOffset": "4", |
"textFontWeight": "bold" |
}, |
"style:left": { |
"width": "2", |
"color": "{{ colorB|default('#404040') }}", |
"offset": "-1" |
}, |
"style:right": { |
"width": "2", |
"color": "{{ colorF|default('#404040') }}", |
"offset": "1" |
} |
}, |
"const": { |
"colorMap": [ |
"#00af00", |
"#ff7f00", |
"#ff0000", |
"#af00af" |
], |
"colorOther": { |
"none": "#ff00ff", |
"walk": "#00afff", |
"other": "#0000ff" |
}, |
"highestColorSpeed": 150, |
"offsetColorSpeed": 10 |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<table>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({}))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td colspan>{{ trans('unknown') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"maxspeed\": \"walk\" }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td colspan>{{ tagTrans('maxspeed', 'walk') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"maxspeed\": \"none\" }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans('maxspeed', 'none') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"maxspeed\": \"other\" }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ trans('other') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"</table>", |
"<div style='display: inline-block; width: 49%;'>", |
"<table>", |
"{% for i in range(10, 140, 20) %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"maxspeed\": i }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ i }}km/h</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endfor %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"maxspeed\": 150 }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>≥150km/h</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"</table>", |
"</div>", |
"<div style='display: inline-block; width: 49%;'>", |
"<table>", |
"{% for i in range(10, 60, 10) %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"maxspeed\": (i * 1.60934)|round }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ i }}mph</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endfor %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"maxspeed\": (75 * 1.60934)|round }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>75mph</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"maxspeed\": (95 * 1.60934)|round }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>≥95mph</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"</table>", |
"</div>" |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ca: Velocitat màxima |
cs: Maximální rychlost |
de: Höchstgeschwindigkeiten |
en: Maxspeed |
es: Velocidad máxima |
fr: Limites de vitesse |
gl: Velocidade máxima |
hu: Sebességkorlátozás |
it: Velocità massima |
ja: 最高速度 |
nb: Fartsgrense |
nl: Snelheidslimiet |
oc: Limits de velocitat |
pl: Prędkość maksymalna |
pt: Velocidade máxima |
pt-br: Veloc. máxima |
ro: Viteza maximă |
ru: Максимальная скорость |
sr: Максимална брзина |
tr: En yüksek hız |
query: |
11: way[highway~"^(motorway|trunk)$"]; |
13: way[highway~"^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link|primary|primary_link|secondary|tertiary)$"]; |
15: way[highway~"^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link|primary|primary_link|secondary|secondary_link|tertiary|tertiary_link|residential|unclassified)$"]; |
16: |- |
( |
way[highway~"^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link|primary|primary_link|secondary|secondary_link|tertiary|tertiary_link|residential|unclassified)$"]; |
node[traffic_sign~"^(|.*;)maxspeed(;.*|)$"]; |
) |
17: |- |
( |
way[highway~"^(motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link|primary|primary_link|secondary|secondary_link|tertiary|tertiary_link|residential|unclassified|service|living_street|pedestrian|track|road)$"]; |
node[traffic_sign~"^(|.*;)maxspeed(;.*|)$"]; |
) |
feature: |
pre: |- |
{% set maxspeedKmh = null %} |
{% set maxspeed = null %} |
{% set unit = null %} |
{% if tags.maxspeed is defined %} |
{% if const.colorOther[tags.maxspeed] %} |
{% set maxspeed = tags.maxspeed %} |
{% elseif tags.maxspeed|matches("^[0-9]+$") %} |
{% set maxspeedKmh = tags.maxspeed %} |
{% set maxspeed = tags.maxspeed %} |
{% set unit = "km/h" %} |
{% elseif tags.maxspeed|matches( "(^[0-9]+) mph$") %} |
{% set m = tags.maxspeed|matches("(^[0-9]+) mph$") %} |
{% set maxspeedKmh = m[1] * 1.60934 %} |
{% set maxspeed = m[1] %} |
{% set unit = "mph" %} |
{% else %} |
{% set maxspeed = 'other' %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') is defined %} |
{% set x = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') %} |
{% if const.colorOther[x] %} |
{% set maxspeedF = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') %} |
{% elseif attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward')|matches("^[0-9]+$") %} |
{% set maxspeedFKmh = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') %} |
{% set maxspeedF = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') %} |
{% set unit = "km/h" %} |
{% elseif attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward')|matches("^[0-9]+ mph$") %} |
{% set m = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward')|matches("(^[0-9]+) mph$") %} |
{% set maxspeedFKmh = m[1] * 1.60934 %} |
{% set maxspeedF = m[1] %} |
{% set unit = "mph" %} |
{% else %} |
{% set maxspeedF = 'other' %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') is defined %} |
{% set x = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') %} |
{% if const.colorOther[x] %} |
{% set maxspeedB = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') %} |
{% elseif attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward')|matches("^[0-9]+$") %} |
{% set maxspeedBKmh = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') %} |
{% set maxspeedB = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') %} |
{% set unit = "km/h" %} |
{% elseif attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward')|matches("^[0-9]+ mph$") %} |
{% set m = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward')|matches("(^[0-9]+) mph$") %} |
{% set maxspeedBKmh = m[1] * 1.60934 %} |
{% set maxspeedB = m[1] %} |
{% set unit = "mph" %} |
{% else %} |
{% set maxspeedB = 'other' %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if const.colorOther[maxspeed] %} |
{% set color = const.colorOther[maxspeed] %} |
{% elseif not maxspeedKmh %} |
{% set color = "#404040" %} |
{% else %} |
{% set color = colorInterpolate(const.colorMap, (maxspeedKmh - const.offsetColorSpeed) / const.highestColorSpeed) %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if const.colorOther[maxspeedF] %} |
{% set colorF = const.colorOther[maxspeedF] %} |
{% elseif maxspeedFKmh %} |
{% set colorF = colorInterpolate(const.colorMap, (maxspeedFKmh - const.offsetColorSpeed) / const.highestColorSpeed) %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if const.colorOther[maxspeedB] %} |
{% set colorB = const.colorOther[maxspeedB] %} |
{% elseif maxspeedBKmh %} |
{% set colorB = colorInterpolate(const.colorMap, (maxspeedBKmh - const.offsetColorSpeed) / const.highestColorSpeed) %} |
{% endif %} |
description: |- |
{% if tags.highway %} |
{{ tagTransList('highway', tags.highway) }} |
{% else %} |
{{ keyTrans('traffic_sign') }}: {{ tagTransList('traffic_sign', tags.traffic_sign) }} |
{% endif %} |
details: |- |
{% if maxspeedF or maxspeedB %} |
<span style='color: {{ colorB }}'>{{ maxspeedB == 'other' ? attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') : const.colorOther[maxspeedB] ? tagTrans('maxspeed', maxspeedB) : maxspeedB|default(trans('unknown')) }}</span> / <span style='color: {{ colorF }}'>{{ maxspeedF == 'other' ? attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') : const.colorOther[maxspeedF] ? tagTrans('maxspeed', maxspeedF) : maxspeedF|default(trans('unknown')) }}</span> {{ unit }} |
{% elseif maxspeed %} |
<span style='color: {{ color }}'>{{ maxspeed == 'other' ? tags.maxspeed : const.colorOther[maxspeed] ? tagTrans('maxspeed', maxspeed) : maxspeed }} {{ unit }}</span> |
{% elseif tags.maxspeed %} |
{{ tags.maxspeed }} |
{% else %} |
{{ trans('unknown') }} |
{% endif %} |
markerSymbol: |- |
{% if not tags.highway %} |
{{ markerCircle({ color: 'red', width: 2, fill: true, fillColor: '#ffffff', fillOpacity: 1, radius: 9 }) }} |
{% endif %} |
listMarkerSymbol: |- |
{% if tags.highway %} |
line |
{% else %} |
{{ markerCircle({ color: 'red', width: 2, fill: true, fillColor: '#ffffff', fillOpacity: 1, radius: 9 }) }} |
{% endif %} |
markerSign: | |
{% if not tags.highway %} |
<span style='font-size: 8pt; |
{% if tags.direction != null %} |
transform: rotate({{ tags.direction|parseDirection|default(0) + 180 }}deg); |
{% endif %} |
'>{{ tags.maxspeed|default('?') }}</span> |
{% endif %} |
listMarkerSign: | |
{% if not tags.highway %} |
<span style='font-size: 8pt;'>{{ tags.maxspeed|default('?') }}</span> |
{% endif %} |
styles: |- |
{% if not tags.highway %} |
traffic_sign |
{% elseif maxspeedB or maxspeedF %} |
left,right,default |
{% else %} |
default |
{% endif %} |
style: |
width: '{% if maxspeedB or maxspeedF %}0{% else %}4{% endif %}' |
color: '{{ color }}' |
text: |- |
{% if maxspeedB or maxspeedF %} |
{% if maxspeedB %}🡸 {{ maxspeedB == 'other' ? attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') : maxspeedB }} {% endif %}|{% if maxspeedF %} {{ maxspeedF == 'other' ? attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') : maxspeedF }} 🡺{% endif %} |
{% else %} |
{{ maxspeed == 'other' ? tags.maxspeed : maxspeed }} |
{% endif %} |
textRepeat: '1' |
textOffset: '4' |
textFontWeight: bold |
style:left: |
width: '2' |
color: |- |
{{ colorB|default('#404040') }} |
offset: '-1' |
style:right: |
width: '2' |
color: | |
{{ colorF|default('#404040') }} |
offset: '1' |
style:traffic_sign: |
width: 0 |
radius: 0 |
const: |
colorMap: |
- '#00af00' |
- '#ff7f00' |
- '#ff0000' |
- '#af00af' |
colorOther: |
none: '#ff00ff' |
walk: '#00afff' |
other: '#0000ff' |
highestColorSpeed: 150 |
offsetColorSpeed: 10 |
info: |- |
<table> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({}))|raw }}</td> |
<td colspan>{{ trans('unknown') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "maxspeed": "walk" }))|raw }}</td> |
<td colspan>{{ tagTrans('maxspeed', 'walk') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "maxspeed": "none" }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans('maxspeed', 'none') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "maxspeed": "other" }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ trans('other') }}</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<div style='display: inline-block; width: 49%;'> |
<table> |
{% for i in range(10, 140, 20) %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "maxspeed": i }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ i }}km/h</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "maxspeed": 150 }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>≥150km/h</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
</div> |
<div style='display: inline-block; width: 49%;'> |
<table> |
{% for i in range(10, 60, 10) %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "maxspeed": (i * 1.60934)|round }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ i }}mph</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "maxspeed": (75 * 1.60934)|round }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>75mph</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "maxspeed": (95 * 1.60934)|round }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>≥95mph</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
</div> |
filter: |
type: |
name: | |
{{ trans('filter:type') }} |
type: select |
show_default: true |
values: |- |
<option value='road' query='way[highway]'>{{ keyTrans('highway') }}</option> |
<option value='traffic_sign' query='node[traffic_sign]'>{{ keyTrans('traffic_sign') }}</option> |
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"en": "Car routes", |
"fr": "Itinéraires auto", |
"hu": "Főútvonalak", |
"pt-br": "Rotas rodoviárias" |
}, |
"query": { |
"10": "relation[type=route][route=road]" |
}, |
"members": true, |
"feature": { |
"pre": "{% set color = '#' ~ tags.network|default('')|md5|slice(0, 6) %}", |
"description": "{% if tags.network %}{{ tagTrans('network', tags.network) }}{% endif %}", |
"title": "{% if tags.ref and tags.name %}{{ tags.ref }} - {{ tags.name }}{% elseif tags.ref %}{{ tags.ref }}{% elseif tags.name %}{{ tags.name }}{% endif %}", |
"listMarkerSymbol": "{{ markerLine({ 'width': 4, 'color': color })|raw }}", |
"markerSymbol": "", |
"styles": "" |
}, |
"memberFeature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% set refs = [] %}", |
"{% set color = '#d41d8c' %}", |
"{% if tags.ref %}", |
" {% for ref in tags.ref|split(';') %}", |
" {% set refs = refs|merge([ ref|trim ]) %}", |
" {% endfor %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% for master in masters %}", |
" {% if master.tags.network %}", |
" {% set color = '#' ~ master.tags.network|md5|slice(0, 6) %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
" {% if master.tags.ref %}", |
" {% set refs = refs|merge([ master.tags.ref ]) %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"", |
"{% set refs = refs|unique|natsort({ insensitive: true }) %}" |
], |
"body": [ |
"<h4>Routes</h4>", |
"<ul>", |
"{% for master in masters %}", |
" {% set _color = '#' ~ master.tags.operator|default('')|md5|slice(0, 6) %}", |
" <li data-object=\"{{ master.id }}\" style='list-style: none;'>", |
" <span class='markerParent'><div class='marker'>{{ markerLine({ width: 4, color: _color })|raw }}</div></span>", |
" <span class='title'>{% if master.tags.ref and master.tags.name %}{{ master.tags.ref }} - {{ master.tags.name|default(master.tags.ref) }}{% elseif master.tags.ref %}{{ master.tags.ref }}{% elseif master.tags.name %}{{ master.tags.name }}{% else %}{{ trans('unnamed') }}{% endif %}</span>", |
" <span class='description'>{{ tagTrans('network', master.tags.network) }}</span>", |
" </li>", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"</ul>" |
], |
"listExclude": "1", |
"style": { |
"color": "{{ color }}", |
"width": 4, |
"opacity": 1, |
"text": "{{ refs|join(' · ') }} ", |
"textRepeat": "1", |
"textOffset": "12", |
"textFontWeight": "bold" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ca: Rutes en cotxe |
cs: Automobilové cesty |
de: Autorouten |
en: Car routes |
es: Rutas de coche |
fr: Itinéraires auto |
gl: Rotas automobilísticas |
hu: Főútvonalak |
it: Tratte automobilistiche |
ja: 車のルート |
nb: Bilruter |
nl: Autoroutes |
oc: Itineraris auto |
pl: Trasy samochodowe |
pt: Rotas rodoviárias |
pt-br: Rotas rodoviárias |
ro: Rute auto |
ru: Автомобильные маршруты |
sr: Трасе за возила |
tr: Araba Rotaları |
query: |
10: relation[type=route][route=road] |
members: true |
feature: |
pre: |- |
{% set color = '#' ~ tags.network|default('')|md5|slice(0, 6) %} |
description: |- |
{% if tags.network %}{{ tagTrans('network', tags.network) }}{% endif %} |
title: |- |
{% if tags.ref and tags.name %}{{ tags.ref }} - {{ tags.name }}{% elseif tags.ref %}{{ tags.ref }}{% elseif tags.name %}{{ tags.name }}{% endif %} |
listMarkerSymbol: |- |
{{ markerLine({ 'width': 4, 'color': color })|raw }} |
markerSymbol: '' |
styles: '' |
memberFeature: |
pre: |- |
{% set refs = [] %} |
{% set color = '#d41d8c' %} |
{% if tags.ref %} |
{% for ref in tags.ref|split(';') %} |
{% set refs = refs|merge([ ref|trim ]) %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% endif %} |
{% for master in masters %} |
{% if master.tags.network %} |
{% set color = '#' ~ master.tags.network|md5|slice(0, 6) %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if master.tags.ref %} |
{% set refs = refs|merge([ master.tags.ref ]) %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% set refs = refs|unique|natsort({ insensitive: true }) %} |
body: |- |
<h4>Routes</h4> |
<ul> |
{% for master in masters %} |
{% set _color = '#' ~ master.tags.operator|default('')|md5|slice(0, 6) %} |
<li data-object="{{ master.id }}" style='list-style: none;'> |
<span class='markerParent'><div class='marker'>{{ markerLine({ width: 4, color: _color })|raw }}</div></span> |
<span class='title'>{% if master.tags.ref and master.tags.name %}{{ master.tags.ref }} - {{ master.tags.name|default(master.tags.ref) }}{% elseif master.tags.ref %}{{ master.tags.ref }}{% elseif master.tags.name %}{{ master.tags.name }}{% else %}{{ trans('unnamed') }}{% endif %}</span> |
<span class='description'>{{ tagTrans('network', master.tags.network) }}</span> |
</li> |
{% endfor %} |
</ul> |
listExclude: 1 |
style: |
color: '{{ color }}' |
width: 4 |
opacity: 1 |
text: '{{ refs|join(" · ") }} ' |
textRepeat: 1 |
textOffset: 12 |
textFontWeight: bold |
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"de": "Einrichtungen für Kinder", |
"en": "Children amenities", |
"fr": "Équipements pour enfants", |
"hu": "Gyermekek", |
"pt-br": "Equipamentos infantis" |
}, |
"query": { |
"15": [ |
"(", |
"node[leisure~'^(playground|summer_camp|indoor_play)$'];", |
"way[leisure~'^(playground|summer_camp|indoor_play)$'];", |
"relation[leisure~'^(playground|summer_camp|indoor_play)$'];", |
"node[shop~'^(baby_goods|toys)$'];", |
"way[shop~'^(baby_goods|toys)$'];", |
"relation[shop~'^(baby_goods|toys)$'];", |
"nwr[changing_table][changing_table!=no];", |
"nwr[diaper][diaper!=no];", |
"node[kids_area];", |
"way[kids_area];", |
"relation[kids_area];", |
");" |
] |
}, |
"feature": { |
"description": [ |
"{% if tags.leisure=='playground' %}", |
"{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'playground') }}", |
"{% elseif tags.leisure=='summer_camp'%}", |
"{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'summer_camp') }}", |
"{% elseif tags.leisure=='indoor_play' %}", |
"{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'indoor_play') }}", |
"{% elseif tags.kids_area %}", |
"{{ keyTrans('kids_area') }}", |
"{% elseif tags.shop=='baby_goods' or tags.shop=='toys' %}", |
"{{ keyTrans('shop') }}: {{ tagTrans('shop', tags.shop) }}", |
"{% elseif tags.amenity == 'toilets' and ( (tags.changing_table and tags.changing_table != 'no') or (tags.diaper and tags.diaper != 'no') ) %}", |
"{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'toilets changing_table=yes') }}", |
"{% elseif (tags.changing_table and tags.changing_table != 'no') or (tags.diaper and tags.diaper != 'no') %}", |
"{{ keyTrans('changing_table') }}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"markerSign": [ |
"{% if tags.leisure=='playground' %}", |
"⛹", |
"{% elseif tags.leisure=='summer_camp'%}", |
"🏕", |
"{% elseif tags.leisure=='indoor_play' or tags.kids_area %}", |
"🏠", |
"{% elseif tags.shop=='baby_goods' or tags.shop=='toys' %}", |
"<i class=\"fa fa-shopping-cart\"></i>", |
"{% elseif tags.amenity=='toilets' and tags.changing_table and tags.changing_table!='no' %}", |
"🚽🚼", |
"{% endif %}" |
] |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<table>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>⛹</div></td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'playground') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>🏠</div></td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'indoor_play') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>🏕</div></td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'summer_camp') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>🏠</div></td>", |
" <td>{{ keyTrans('kids_area') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'><i class=\"fa fa-shopping-cart\"></i></div></td>", |
" <td>{{ keyTrans('shop') }}: {{ tagTransList('shop', 'baby_goods;toys') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>🚽🚼</div></td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'toilets changing_table=yes') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"</table>" |
], |
"filter": { |
"type": { |
"name": "{{ trans('filter:type') }}", |
"type": "select", |
"show_default": "true", |
"values": { |
"playground": { |
"name": "{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'playground') }}", |
"query": "nwr[leisure=playground]" |
}, |
"indoor_play": { |
"name": "{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'indoor_play') }}", |
"query": "nwr[leisure=indoor_play]" |
}, |
"summer_camp": { |
"name": "{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'summer_camp') }}", |
"query": "nwr[leisure=summer_camp]" |
}, |
"kids_area": { |
"name": "{{ keyTrans('kids_area') }}", |
"query": "nwr[kids_area]" |
}, |
"shop_baby_goods": { |
"name": "{{ tagTrans('shop', 'baby_goods') }}", |
"query": "nwr[shop=baby_goods]" |
}, |
"shop_toys": { |
"name": "{{ tagTrans('shop', 'toys') }}", |
"query": "nwr[shop=toys]" |
}, |
"toilets": { |
"name": "{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'toilets changing_table=yes') }}", |
"query": "nwr[amenity=toilets][changing_table][changing_table!=no]" |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ca: Serveis per a infants |
cs: Vybavení pro děti |
de: Einrichtungen für Kinder |
en: Children amenities |
es: Instalaciones para niños |
fr: Équipements pour enfants |
gl: Instalacións infantís |
hu: Gyermekek |
it: Luoghi per bambini |
ja: 子ども用施設 |
nb: Barnefasiliteter |
nl: Voorzieningen voor kinderen |
oc: Luòcs per leis enfants |
pl: Użyteczne dzieciom |
pt: Equipamentos infantis |
pt-br: Equipamentos infantis |
ro: Facilități copii |
sr: Додаци за децу |
tr: Çocuk Malzemeleri |
query: |
15: |- |
( |
nwr[leisure~'^(playground|summer_camp|indoor_play)$']; |
nwr[shop~'^(baby_goods|toys)$']; |
nwr[changing_table][changing_table!=no]; |
nwr[diaper][diaper!=no]; |
nwr[kids_area]; |
); |
feature: |
description: |- |
{% if tags.leisure=='playground' %} |
{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'playground') }} |
{% elseif tags.leisure=='summer_camp'%} |
{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'summer_camp') }} |
{% elseif tags.leisure=='indoor_play' %} |
{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'indoor_play') }} |
{% elseif tags.kids_area %} |
{{ keyTrans('kids_area') }} |
{% elseif tags.shop=='baby_goods' or tags.shop=='toys' %} |
{{ keyTrans('shop') }}: {{ tagTrans('shop', tags.shop) }} |
{% elseif tags.amenity == 'toilets' and ( (tags.changing_table and tags.changing_table != 'no') or (tags.diaper and tags.diaper != 'no') ) %} |
{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'toilets changing_table=yes') }} |
{% elseif (tags.changing_table and tags.changing_table != 'no') or (tags.diaper and tags.diaper != 'no') %} |
{{ keyTrans('changing_table') }} |
{% endif %} |
markerSign: |- |
{% if tags.leisure=='playground' %} |
⛹ |
{% elseif tags.leisure=='summer_camp'%} |
🏕 |
{% elseif tags.leisure=='indoor_play' or tags.kids_area %} |
🏠 |
{% elseif tags.shop=='baby_goods' or tags.shop=='toys' %} |
<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> |
{% elseif tags.amenity=='toilets' and tags.changing_table and tags.changing_table!='no' %} |
🚽🚼 |
{% endif %} |
info: |- |
<table> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>⛹</div></td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'playground') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>🏠</div></td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'indoor_play') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>🏕</div></td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'summer_camp') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>🏠</div></td> |
<td>{{ keyTrans('kids_area') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i></div></td> |
<td>{{ keyTrans('shop') }}: {{ tagTransList('shop', 'baby_goods;toys') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>🚽🚼</div></td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'toilets changing_table=yes') }}</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
filter: |
type: |
name: |- |
{{ trans('filter:type') }} |
type: select |
show_default: true |
values: |
playground: |
name: '{{ tagTrans("leisure", "playground") }}' |
query: nwr[leisure=playground] |
indoor_play: |
name: '{{ tagTrans("leisure", "indoor_play") }}' |
query: nwr[leisure=indoor_play] |
summer_camp: |
name: '{{ tagTrans("leisure", "summer_camp") }}' |
query: nwr[leisure=summer_camp] |
kids_area: |
name: '{{ keyTrans("kids_area") }}' |
query: nwr[kids_area] |
shop_baby_goods: |
name: '{{ tagTrans("shop", "baby_goods") }}' |
query: nwr[shop=baby_goods] |
shop_toys: |
name: '{{ tagTrans("shop", "toys") }}' |
query: nwr[shop=toys] |
toilets: |
name: '{{ tagTrans("amenity", "toilets changing_table=yes") }}' |
query: nwr[amenity=toilets][changing_table][changing_table!=no] |
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"ast": "Comunicaciones", |
"ca": "Comunicacions", |
"cs": "Komunikace", |
"de": "Kommunikation", |
"el": "Επικοινωνίες", |
"en": "Communication", |
"et": "Kommunikatsioon", |
"fr": "Communication", |
"hu": "Kommunikácó", |
"it": "Communicazioni", |
"ja": "交流", |
"nl": "Communicatie", |
"pt": "Comunicação", |
"pt-br": "Comunicação", |
"ro": "Comunicatii", |
"ru": "Услуги связи", |
"uk": "Телекомунікації" |
}, |
"query": { |
"13": [ |
"(", |
"nwr[amenity~'^(post_office|internet_cafe)$'];", |
"nwr[office~\"^(telecommunication|it|newspaper|publisher|advertising_agency)$\"];", |
");" |
], |
"15": [ |
"(", |
"nwr[amenity~'^(post_office|internet_cafe|post_box|parcel_locker|telephone)$'];", |
"nwr[office~\"^(telecommunication|it|newspaper|publisher|advertising_agency)$\"];", |
"nwr[vending~\"^(|.*;)parcel_pickup(;.*|)$\"];", |
"nwr[vending~\"^(|.*;)parcel_mail_in(;.*|)$\"];", |
");" |
] |
}, |
"feature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% if tags.vending %}", |
" {% set key = 'amenity' %}", |
" {% set value = 'parcel_locker' %}", |
" {% set deprecated = ['vending=' ~ tags.vending, 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/amenity%3Dparcel_locker'] %}", |
"{% elseif tags.amenity %}", |
" {% set key = 'amenity' %}", |
" {% set value = tags.amenity %}", |
"{% else %}", |
" {% set key = 'office' %}", |
" {% set value = tags.office %}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"description": [ |
"{% if key == 'office' %}", |
" {{ keyTrans('office') }} ({{ tagTrans('office', tags.office) }})", |
"{% else %}", |
" {{ tagTransList(key, value) }}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"body": [ |
"{% if deprecated %}<div class='warning'>{{ repoTrans('deprecated', deprecated[0], deprecated[1])|raw }}</div>{% endif %}", |
"{% if tags.operator %}{{ keyTrans('operator') }}: {{ localizedTag(tags, 'operator') }}<br/>{% endif %}" |
], |
"markerSign": [ |
"{% set data = const[key ~ '=' ~ value] %}", |
"{% if data %}", |
"{{ data.sign|raw }}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"markerSymbol": "{{ markerPointer({\"fillColor\": (deprecated ? 'red' : '#f2756a') })|raw }}", |
"listMarkerSymbol": "{{ markerCircle({\"fillColor\": (deprecated ? 'red' : '#f2756a')})|raw }}" |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<table>", |
"{% for kv, data in const %}", |
"{% if data.zoom <= map.zoom and not data.info_hide %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td>", |
" <td>", |
" {% if kv|split('=')[0] == 'office' %}", |
" {{ keyTrans('office') }}", |
" ({{ tagTrans('office', kv|split('=')[1]) }})", |
" {% else %}", |
" {{ tagTrans(kv|split('=')[0], kv|split('=')[1]) }}", |
" {% endif %}", |
" </td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endif %}", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"</table>" |
], |
"const": { |
"amenity=post_office": { |
"sign": "<img src='maki:post?size=15'>", |
"zoom": 13 |
}, |
"amenity=post_box": { |
"sign": "<img src='maki:post?size=11'>", |
"zoom": 16 |
}, |
"amenity=internet_cafe": { |
"sign": "<i class='fa fa-laptop' aria-hidden='true'></i>", |
"zoom": 13 |
}, |
"amenity=parcel_locker": { |
"sign": "<i class='fas fa-box'></i>", |
"query": "(nwr[vending~\"^(|.*;)parcel_pickup(;.*|)$\"];nwr[vending~\"^(|.*;)parcel_mail_in(;.*|)$\"];nwr[amenity=parcel_locker];)", |
"zoom": 16 |
}, |
"office=telecommunication": { |
"sign": "<i class='fas fa-mobile-alt'></i>", |
"zoom": 13 |
}, |
"office=it": { |
"sign": "<i class='fas fa-desktop'></i>", |
"zoom": 13 |
}, |
"office=newspaper": { |
"sign": "<i class='fas fa-newspaper'></i>", |
"zoom": 13 |
}, |
"office=publisher": { |
"sign": "<i class='fas fa-book'></i>", |
"zoom": 13 |
}, |
"office=advertising_agency": { |
"sign": "<i class='fas fa-sign'></i>", |
"zoom": 13 |
}, |
"office=public_relations": { |
"sign": "<i class='fas fa-sign'></i>", |
"zoom": 13 |
}, |
"office=audiovisual_production": { |
"sign": "<i class='fas fa-film'></i>", |
"zoom": 13 |
}, |
"office=film_production": { |
"sign": "<i class='fas fa-film'></i>", |
"zoom": 13 |
}, |
"amenity=telephone": { |
"sign": "<img src='maki:telephone'>", |
"zoom": 16 |
} |
}, |
"filter": { |
"type": { |
"name": "{{ trans('filter:type') }}", |
"show_default": "true", |
"type": "select", |
"values": "{% for k, v in const %}<option value=\"{{ k }}\" query=\"{% if v.query %}{{ v.query }}{% else %}nwr[{{ k }}]{% endif %}\" minzoom=\"{{ v.zoom }}\">{{ tagTrans(k) }}</option>{% endfor %}" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ast: Comunicaciones |
ca: Comunicacions |
cs: Komunikace |
de: Kommunikation |
el: Επικοινωνίες |
en: Communication |
es: Comunicación |
et: Kommunikatsioon |
fr: Communication |
gl: Comunicacións |
hu: Kommunikácó |
it: Comunicazione |
ja: 情報通信 |
nb: Kommunikasjon |
nl: Communicatie |
oc: Communicacion |
pl: Komunikacja |
pt: Comunicação |
pt-br: Comunicação |
ro: Comunicatii |
ru: Услуги связи |
sr: Комуникација |
tr: İletişim |
uk: Телекомунікації |
query: |
13: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~'^(.*;|)(post_office|internet_cafe)(;.*|)$']; |
nwr[office~"^(.*;|)(telecommunication|it|newspaper|publisher|advertising_agency)(;.*|)$"]; |
); |
15: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~'^(.*;|)(post_office|internet_cafe|post_box|parcel_locker|telephone)(;.*|)$']; |
nwr[office~"^(.*;|)(telecommunication|it|newspaper|publisher|advertising_agency)(;.*|)$"]; |
nwr[vending~"^(|.*;)parcel_pickup(;.*|)$"]; |
nwr[vending~"^(|.*;)parcel_mail_in(;.*|)$"]; |
); |
feature: |
pre: |- |
{% if tags.vending %} |
{% set key = 'amenity' %} |
{% set value = 'parcel_locker' %} |
{% set deprecated = ['vending=' ~ tags.vending, 'https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/amenity%3Dparcel_locker'] %} |
{% elseif tags.amenity %} |
{% set key = 'amenity' %} |
{% set value = tags.amenity %} |
{% else %} |
{% set key = 'office' %} |
{% set value = tags.office %} |
{% endif %} |
description: |- |
{% if key == 'office' %} |
{{ keyTrans('office') }} ({{ tagTransList('office', tags.office) }}) |
{% else %} |
{{ tagTransList(key, value) }} |
{% endif %} |
body: |- |
{% if deprecated %}<div class='warning'>{{ repoTrans('deprecated', deprecated[0], deprecated[1])|raw }}</div>{% endif %} |
{% if tags.operator %}{{ keyTrans('operator') }}: {{ localizedTag(tags, 'operator') }}<br/>{% endif %} |
markerSign: |- |
{% set data = const[key ~ '=' ~ value] %} |
{% if data %} |
{{ data.sign|raw }} |
{% endif %} |
markerSymbol: '{{ markerPointer({"fillColor": (deprecated ? "red" : "#f2756a") })|raw }}' |
listMarkerSymbol: '{{ markerCircle({"fillColor": (deprecated ? "red" : "#f2756a")})|raw }}' |
info: |- |
<table> |
{% for kv, data in const %} |
{% if data.zoom <= map.zoom and not data.info_hide %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td> |
<td> |
{% if kv|split('=')[0] == 'office' %} |
{{ keyTrans('office') }} |
({{ tagTrans('office', kv|split('=')[1]) }}) |
{% else %} |
{{ tagTrans(kv|split('=')[0], kv|split('=')[1]) }} |
{% endif %} |
</td> |
</tr> |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
</table> |
const: |
amenity=post_office: |
sign: <img src='maki:post?size=15'> |
zoom: 13 |
amenity=post_box: |
sign: <img src='maki:post?size=11'> |
zoom: 16 |
amenity=internet_cafe: |
sign: <i class='fa fa-laptop' aria-hidden='true'></i> |
zoom: 13 |
amenity=parcel_locker: |
sign: <i class='fas fa-box'></i> |
query: (nwr[vending~"^(|.*;)parcel_pickup(;.*|)$"];nwr[vending~"^(|.*;)parcel_mail_in(;.*|)$"];nwr[amenity=parcel_locker];) |
zoom: 16 |
office=telecommunication: |
sign: <i class='fas fa-mobile-alt'></i> |
zoom: 13 |
office=it: |
sign: <i class='fas fa-desktop'></i> |
zoom: 13 |
office=newspaper: |
sign: <i class='fas fa-newspaper'></i> |
zoom: 13 |
office=publisher: |
sign: <i class='fas fa-book'></i> |
zoom: 13 |
office=advertising_agency: |
sign: <i class='fas fa-sign'></i> |
zoom: 13 |
office=public_relations: |
sign: <i class='fas fa-sign'></i> |
zoom: 13 |
office=audiovisual_production: |
sign: <i class='fas fa-film'></i> |
zoom: 13 |
office=film_production: |
sign: <i class='fas fa-film'></i> |
zoom: 13 |
amenity=telephone: |
sign: <img src='maki:telephone'> |
zoom: 16 |
filter: |
type: |
name: '{{ trans("filter:type") }}' |
show_default: 'true' |
type: select |
values: '{% for k, v in const %}<option value="{{ k }}" query="{% if v.query %}{{ v.query }}{% else %}nwr[{{ k }}]{% endif %}" minzoom="{{ v.zoom }}">{{ tagTrans(k) }}</option>{% endfor %}' |
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"de": "Handwerk", |
"en": "Craft", |
"fr": "Artisanat", |
"hu": "Műhelyek", |
"pt": "Artesanato", |
"pt-br": "Ofícios" |
}, |
"query": { |
"15": "(node[craft];way[craft];relation[craft];);" |
}, |
"feature": { |
"description": "{{ tagTransList('craft', tags.craft) }}", |
"markerSign": "{% set craft0 = tags.craft|split(';')[0] %}{% if const.crafts[craft0] %}{% set v = const.crafts[craft0] %}{% else %}{% set v = const.default %}{% endif %}{% if v|slice(0, 3) == 'fa-' %}<i class=\"fa {{ v }}\"></i>{% else %}{{ v|raw }}{% endif %}" |
}, |
"const": { |
"default": "", |
"crafts": { |
"bakery": "fa-birthday-cake", |
"beekeeper": "🐝", |
"blacksmith": "🔨", |
"boatbuilder": "⛵", |
"bookbinder": "📕", |
"brewery": "fa-beer", |
"builder": "🚧", |
"carpenter": "fa-hammer", |
"carpet_layer": "", |
"caterer": "fa-birthday-cake", |
"chimney_sweeper": "", |
"clockmaker": "⌚", |
"confectionery": "", |
"distillery": "🍷", |
"dressmaker": "👚", |
"electrician": "🔌", |
"floorer": "", |
"gardener": "⚘", |
"glaziery": "", |
"handicraft": "fa-hammer", |
"hvac": "", |
"insulation": "", |
"jeweller": "💍", |
"key_cutter": "🔑", |
"locksmith": "🔑", |
"metal_construction": "", |
"optician": "👓", |
"painter": "🖌", |
"parquet_layer": "", |
"photographer": "📷", |
"photographic_laboratory": "📷", |
"piano_tuner": "", |
"plasterer": "", |
"plumber": "fa-wrench", |
"pottery": "", |
"rigger": "", |
"roofer": "", |
"saddler": "🐎", |
"sailmaker": "⛵", |
"sawmill": "", |
"scaffolder": "", |
"sculptor": "", |
"shoemaker": "👞", |
"stand_builder": "", |
"stonemason": "", |
"sun_protection": "fa-sun", |
"tailor": "👚", |
"tiler": "", |
"tinsmith": "", |
"turner": "", |
"upholsterer": "", |
"watchmaker": "⌚", |
"window_construction": "", |
"winery": "🍷" |
} |
}, |
"filter": { |
"craft": { |
"name": "{{ trans('filter:type') }}", |
"type": "select", |
"show_default": "true", |
"values": "{% set list = [] %}{% for t, v in const.crafts %}<option value=\"{{ t }}\">{% set list = list|merge([ t ]) %}{{ tagTrans('craft', t) }}</option>{% endfor %}<option value='other' query='nwr[craft][craft!~\"^({{ list|join('|') }})$\"]'>{{ trans('other') }}</option>" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ca: Artesania |
cs: Řemeslo |
de: Handwerk |
en: Craft |
es: Artesano |
fr: Artisanat |
gl: Artesán |
hu: Műhelyek |
it: Artigianato |
ja: 職人 |
nb: Håndverk |
nl: Handwerk |
oc: Artisanat |
pl: Rzemiosło |
pt: Artesanato |
pt-br: Ofícios |
ru: Мастерские |
sr: Занат |
tr: El Sanatları |
query: |
15: nwr[craft] |
feature: |
description: '{{ tagTransList("craft", tags.craft) }}' |
markerSign: '{% set craft0 = tags.craft|split(";")[0] %}{% if const.crafts[craft0] %}{% set v = const.crafts[craft0] %}{% else %}{% set v = const.default %}{% endif %}{% if v|slice(0, 3) == "fa-" %}<i class="fa {{ v }}"></i>{% else %}{{ v|raw }}{% endif %}' |
const: |
default: '' |
crafts: |
bakery: fa-birthday-cake |
beekeeper: 🐝 |
blacksmith: 🔨 |
boatbuilder: ⛵ |
bookbinder: 📕 |
brewery: fa-beer |
builder: 🚧 |
carpenter: fa-hammer |
carpet_layer: '' |
caterer: fa-birthday-cake |
chimney_sweeper: '' |
clockmaker: ⌚ |
confectionery: '' |
distillery: 🍷 |
dressmaker: '👚' |
electrician: 🔌 |
floorer: '' |
gardener: ⚘ |
glaziery: '' |
handicraft: fa-hammer |
hvac: '' |
insulation: '' |
jeweller: 💍 |
key_cutter: 🔑 |
locksmith: 🔑 |
metal_construction: '' |
optician: 👓 |
painter: 🖌 |
parquet_layer: '' |
photographer: 📷 |
photographic_laboratory: 📷 |
piano_tuner: '' |
plasterer: '' |
plumber: fa-wrench |
pottery: '' |
rigger: '' |
roofer: '' |
saddler: 🐎 |
sailmaker: ⛵ |
sawmill: '' |
scaffolder: '' |
sculptor: '' |
shoemaker: 👞 |
stand_builder: '' |
stonemason: '' |
sun_protection: fa-sun |
tailor: '👚' |
tiler: '' |
tinsmith: '' |
turner: '' |
upholsterer: '' |
watchmaker: ⌚ |
window_construction: '' |
winery: 🍷 |
filter: |
craft: |
name: '{{ trans("filter:type") }}' |
type: select |
show_default: 'true' |
op: has |
values: '{% set list = [] %}{% for t, v in const.crafts %}<option value="{{ t }}">{% set list = list|merge([ t ]) %}{{ tagTrans("craft", t) }}</option>{% endfor %}<option value="other" query="nwr[craft][craft!~"^({{ list|join("|") }})$"]">{{ trans("other") }}</option>' |
@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"ast": "Cultura", |
"ca": "Cultura", |
"cs": "Kultura", |
"de": "Kultur", |
"el": "Πολιτισμός", |
"en": "Culture", |
"es": "Cultura", |
"et": "Kultuur", |
"fr": "Culture", |
"hu": "Kultúra", |
"it": "Cultura", |
"ja": "文化", |
"nl": "Cultuur", |
"pl": "Kultura", |
"pt": "Cultura", |
"pt-br": "Cultura", |
"ro": "Cultura", |
"ru": "Культура", |
"uk": "Культура " |
}, |
"query": { |
"13": [ |
"(", |
"node[amenity~\"^(arts_centre|cinema|community_centre|fountain|studio|theatre)$\"];", |
"way[amenity~\"^(arts_centre|cinema|community_centre|fountain|studio|theatre)$\"];", |
"relation[amenity~\"^(arts_centre|cinema|community_centre|fountain|studio|theatre)$\"];", |
"node[tourism~\"^(artwork|gallery|museum|theme_park)$\"];", |
"way[tourism~\"^(artwork|gallery|museum|theme_park)$\"];", |
"relation[tourism~\"^(artwork|gallery|museum|theme_park)$\"];", |
"nwr[amenity=clock][display~\"^(sundial|unorthodox)$\"];", |
"nwr[amenity=clock][\"display:sundial\"];", |
"nwr[amenity=clock][\"display:unorthodox\"];", |
"nwr[shop~\"^(art)$\"];", |
")" |
] |
}, |
"feature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% if tags.amenity in [ 'arts_centre', 'cinema', 'community_centre', 'fountain', 'studio', 'theatre', 'clock' ] %}", |
"{% set key = 'amenity' %}", |
"{% set value = tags.amenity %}", |
"{% elseif tags.tourism %}", |
"{% set key = 'tourism' %}", |
"{% set value = tags.tourism %}", |
"{% elseif tags.shop %}", |
"{% set key = 'shop' %}", |
"{% set value = tags.shop %}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"description": [ |
"{% if key == 'shop' %}", |
" {{ keyTrans(key) }} ({{ tagTrans(key, value) }})", |
"{% elseif tags.amenity == 'clock' %}", |
" {% if tags.display == 'sundial' or attribute(tags, 'display:sundial') %}{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'clock display=sundial') }}{% endif %}", |
" {% if tags.display == 'unorthodox' or attribute(tags, 'display:unorthodox') %}{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'clock display=unorthodox') }}{% endif %}", |
"{% else %}", |
" {{ tagTrans(key, value) }}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if tags.tourism == 'museum' and tags.museum %}", |
"({{ tagTrans('museum', tags.museum) }})", |
"{% endif %}", |
"{% if tags.amenity == 'theatre' and attribute(tags, 'theatre:genre') %}", |
"({{ tagTrans('theatre:genre', attribute(tags, 'theatre:genre')) }})", |
"{% endif %}", |
"{% if tags.amenity == 'community_centre' and tags.community_centre %}", |
"({{ tagTrans('community_centre', tags.community_centre) }})", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"body": [ |
"<ul>", |
"{% if tags.inscription %}", |
" <li class='hasSymbol'>", |
" <i class=\"fa fa-pencil-alt\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>", |
" <span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('inscription') }}:</span>", |
" <span class='value'>{{ localizedTag(tags, 'inscription') }}</span>", |
" </li>", |
"{% elseif attribute(tags, 'inscription:url') %}", |
" <li class='hasSymbol'>", |
" <i class=\"fa fa-pencil-alt\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>", |
" <span class='key'><a href=\"{{ attribute(tags, 'inscription:url') }}\">{{ keyTrans('inscription') }}</a></span>", |
" </li>", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if tags.artist_name %}", |
" <li class='hasSymbol'>", |
" <i class=\"fa fa-palette\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>", |
" <span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('artist_name') }}:</span>", |
" <span class='value'>{{ enumerate(tags.artist_name) }}</span>", |
" </li>", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if tags.material %}", |
" <li class='hasSymbol'>", |
" <img data-src=\"maki:warehouse\">", |
" <span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('material') }}:</span>", |
" <span class='value'>{{ tagTransList('material', tags.material) }}</span>", |
" </li>", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"</ul>" |
], |
"markerSign": "{{ attribute(const, key ~ '=' ~ value)|raw }}" |
}, |
"const": { |
"amenity=arts_centre": "🎨", |
"amenity=cinema": "🎦", |
"amenity=clock": "<i class=\"fas fa-clock\"></i>", |
"amenity=community_centre": "<i class=\"fas fa-users\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>", |
"amenity=fountain": "⛲", |
"amenity=studio": "<i class=\"fas fa-microphone\"></i>", |
"amenity=theatre": "🎭", |
"tourism=artwork": "🎨 ", |
"tourism=gallery": "🖼", |
"tourism=museum": "🏛 ", |
"tourism=theme_park": "<img data-src='maki:amusement-park'>", |
"shop=art": "<i class=\"fa fa-shopping-cart\"></i>" |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<table>", |
"{% for value, sign in const %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ sign|raw }}</div></td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans(value|split('=')[0], value|split('=')[1]) }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"</table>" |
], |
"filter": { |
"type": { |
"name": "{{ trans('filter:type') }}", |
"show_default": "true", |
"query": "nwr[{{ value }}]", |
"type": "select", |
"values": "{% for k, v in const %}<option value=\"{{ k }}\">{{ trans('tag:' ~ k) }}</option>{% endfor %}<option value=\"other\" query=\"nwr[amenity=fountain]\">{{ trans('other') }}</option>", |
"valueName": "{{ trans('tag:' ~ value) }}" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ast: Cultura |
ca: Cultura |
cs: Kultura |
de: Kultur |
el: Πολιτισμός |
en: Culture |
es: Cultura |
et: Kultuur |
fr: Culture |
gl: Cultura |
hu: Kultúra |
it: Cultura |
ja: 文化 |
nb: Kultur |
nl: Cultuur |
oc: Cultura |
pl: Kultura |
pt: Cultura |
pt-br: Cultura |
ro: Cultura |
ru: Культура |
sr: Култура |
tr: Kültür |
uk: 'Культура ' |
query: |
13: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(arts_centre|cinema|community_centre|fountain|studio|theatre)(;.*|)$"]; |
nwr[tourism~"^(.*;|)(artwork|gallery|museum|theme_park)(;.*|)$"]; |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)clock(;.*|)$"][display~"^(sundial|unorthodox)$"]; |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)clock(;.*|)$"]["display:sundial"]; |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)clock(;.*|)$"]["display:unorthodox"]; |
nwr[shop~"^(.*;|)(art)$"]; |
) |
feature: |
pre: |- |
{% if tags.amenity in [ 'arts_centre', 'cinema', 'community_centre', 'fountain', 'studio', 'theatre', 'clock' ] %} |
{% set key = 'amenity' %} |
{% set value = tags.amenity %} |
{% elseif tags.tourism %} |
{% set key = 'tourism' %} |
{% set value = tags.tourism %} |
{% elseif tags.shop %} |
{% set key = 'shop' %} |
{% set value = tags.shop %} |
{% endif %} |
description: |- |
{% if key == 'shop' %} |
{{ keyTrans(key) }} ({{ tagTrans(key, value) }}) |
{% elseif tags.amenity matches "/^(.*;|)clock(;.*|)$/" %} |
{% if tags.display == 'sundial' or attribute(tags, 'display:sundial') %}{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'clock display=sundial') }}{% endif %} |
{% if tags.display == 'unorthodox' or attribute(tags, 'display:unorthodox') %}{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'clock display=unorthodox') }}{% endif %} |
{% else %} |
{{ tagTransList(key, value) }} |
{% endif %} |
{% if tags.tourism matches "/^(.*;|)museum(;.*|)$/" and tags.museum %} |
({{ tagTransList('museum', tags.museum) }}) |
{% endif %} |
{% if tags.amenity matches "/^(.*;|)theatre(;.*|)$/" and attribute(tags, 'theatre:genre') %} |
({{ tagTransList('theatre:genre', attribute(tags, 'theatre:genre')) }}) |
{% endif %} |
{% if tags.amenity matches "/^(.*;|)community_centre(;.*|)$/" and tags.community_centre %} |
({{ tagTransList('community_centre', tags.community_centre) }}) |
{% endif %} |
body: |- |
<ul> |
{% if tags.inscription %} |
<li class='hasSymbol'> |
<i class="fa fa-pencil-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
<span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('inscription') }}:</span> |
<span class='value'>{{ localizedTag(tags, 'inscription')|nl2br }}</span> |
</li> |
{% elseif attribute(tags, 'inscription:url') %} |
<li class='hasSymbol'> |
<i class="fa fa-pencil-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
<span class='key'><a href="{{ attribute(tags, 'inscription:url') }}">{{ keyTrans('inscription') }}</a></span> |
</li> |
{% endif %} |
{% if tags.artist_name %} |
<li class='hasSymbol'> |
<i class="fa fa-palette" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
<span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('artist_name') }}:</span> |
<span class='value'>{{ enumerate(tags.artist_name) }}</span> |
</li> |
{% endif %} |
{% if tags.material %} |
<li class='hasSymbol'> |
<img data-src="maki:warehouse"> |
<span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('material') }}:</span> |
<span class='value'>{{ tagTransList('material', tags.material) }}</span> |
</li> |
{% endif %} |
</ul> |
markerSign: '{{ attribute(const, key ~ "=" ~ value)|raw }}' |
const: |
amenity=arts_centre: 🎨 |
amenity=cinema: 🎦 |
amenity=clock: <i class="fas fa-clock"></i> |
amenity=community_centre: <i class="fas fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
amenity=fountain: ⛲ |
amenity=studio: <i class="fas fa-microphone"></i> |
amenity=theatre: 🎭 |
tourism=artwork: '🎨 ' |
tourism=gallery: 🖼 |
tourism=museum: '🏛 ' |
tourism=theme_park: <img data-src='maki:amusement-park'> |
shop=art: <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> |
info: |- |
<table> |
{% for value, sign in const %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ sign|raw }}</div></td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans(value|split('=')[0], value|split('=')[1]) }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
</table> |
filter: |
type: |
name: '{{ trans("filter:type") }}' |
show_default: 'true' |
query: |- |
nwr[{{ value|replace({ '=': '^' }) }}] |
type: select |
values: '{% for k, v in const %}<option value="{{ k }}">{{ trans("tag:" ~ k) }}</option>{% endfor %}<option value="other" query="nwr[amenity=fountain]">{{ trans("other") }}</option>' |
valueName: '{{ trans("tag:" ~ value) }}' |
@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"de": "Einrichtungen", |
"en": "Amenities", |
"fr": "Équipements vélo", |
"hu": "Kerékpáros létesítmények", |
"pt-br": "Equipamentos" |
}, |
"query": { |
"13": [ |
"(", |
"nwr[amenity~\"^(bicycle_rental)$\"];", |
"node[amenity~\"^(charging_station)$\"][bicycle][bicycle!=\"no\"];", |
"nwr[shop~\"^(bicycle)$\"];", |
"nwr[rental~\"^(.*;|)bicycle(|;.*)$\"];", |
")" |
], |
"16": [ |
"(", |
"nwr[amenity~\"^(bicycle_.*|compressed_air)$\"];", |
"node[amenity~\"^(charging_station)$\"][bicycle][bicycle!=\"no\"];", |
"nwr[shop~\"^(bicycle)$\"];", |
"nwr[\"monitoring:bicycle\"];", |
"nwr[vending~\"^(bicycle_tube)$\"];", |
"nwr[rental~\"^(.*;|)bicycle(|;.*)$\"];", |
")" |
] |
}, |
"feature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% if tags.shop in [ 'bicycle' ] %}", |
" {% set key = 'shop' %}", |
" {% set value = tags.shop %}", |
"{% elseif attribute(tags, \"monitoring:bicycle\") %}", |
" {% set key = 'man_made' %}", |
" {% set value = 'monitoring_station' %}", |
"{% elseif tags.vending in [ 'bicycle_tube' ] %}", |
" {% set key = 'vending' %}", |
" {% set value = tags.vending %}", |
"{% elseif 'bicycle' in tags.rental|split(';') %}", |
" {% set key = 'amenity' %}", |
" {% set value = 'bicycle_rental' %}", |
"{% else %}", |
" {% set key = 'amenity' %}", |
" {% set value = tags.amenity %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% set constIndex = (key ~ \"=\" ~ value) %}" |
], |
"title": [ |
"{{ localizedTag(tags, 'name') |default(localizedTag(tags, 'operator')) | default(localizedTag(tags, 'ref')) }}", |
"", |
"{% if tags.capacity %}({{ tags.capacity }}){% endif %}" |
], |
"description": [ |
"{% if tags.amenity == 'vending_machine' %}", |
"{{ tagTransList('amenity=vending_machine vending', value) }}", |
"{% else %}", |
"{{ tagTrans(key, value) }}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"body": [ |
"{% if tags.capacity %}", |
" {{ keyTrans('capacity') }}: {{ tags.capacity }}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"markerSign": "{{ const[constIndex]['sign'] }}", |
"priority": [ |
"{% if const[constIndex] and const[constIndex]['priority']['capacity'] %}", |
" {% set max=const[constIndex]['priority']['default'] %}", |
" {% for v in const[constIndex]['priority']['capacity'] %}", |
" {% if tags.capacity >= v[0] %}{% set max=v[1] %}{% endif %}", |
" {% endfor %}", |
" {{ max }}", |
"{% elseif const[constIndex] is defined %}", |
"{{ const[constIndex]['priority'] }}", |
"{% else %}", |
"10", |
"{% endif %}" |
] |
}, |
"const": { |
"shop=bicycle": { |
"sign": "🚲", |
"priority": 0 |
}, |
"amenity=bicycle_repair_station": { |
"sign": "🔧", |
"priority": 2 |
}, |
"amenity=bicycle_parking": { |
"sign": "🅿", |
"priority": { |
"capacity": [ |
[ |
0, |
3 |
], |
[ |
20, |
2 |
], |
[ |
100, |
0 |
] |
], |
"default": 3 |
} |
}, |
"amenity=bicycle_rental": { |
"sign": "R", |
"filter_query": "(nwr[amenity=bicycle_rental];nwr[rental~\"^(.*;|)bicycle(|;.*)$\"];nwr['service:bicycle:rental']['service:bicycle:rental'!='no'];)", |
"priority": 1 |
}, |
"man_made=monitoring_station": { |
"sign": "#", |
"priority": 4 |
}, |
"vending=bicycle_tube": { |
"sign": "T", |
"priority": 2 |
}, |
"amenity=compressed_air": { |
"sign": "A", |
"priority": 2 |
}, |
"amenity=charging_station": { |
"sign": "🔌", |
"priority": 2 |
} |
}, |
"filter": { |
"type": { |
"name": "{{ trans('filter:type') }}", |
"show_default": "true", |
"type": "select", |
"values": "{% for k, v in const %}<option value=\"{{ k }}\" query=\"{{ v.filter_query|default('nwr[' ~ k ~ ']') }}\">{{ tagTrans(k) }}</option>{% endfor %}" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ca: Serveis |
cs: veřejná zařízení |
de: Einrichtungen |
en: Amenities |
es: Instalaciones |
fr: Équipements vélo |
gl: Instalacións |
hu: Kerékpáros létesítmények |
it: Infrastrutture |
ja: アメニティ |
nb: Fasiliteter |
nl: Voorzieningen |
oc: Equipaments per lei cicistas |
pl: Użyteczne w jeździe rowerem |
pt: Equipamentos |
pt-br: Equipamentos |
ro: Facilități |
sr: Додаци |
tr: Tesisler |
query: |
13: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(bicycle_rental)(;.*|)$"]; |
node[amenity~"^(.*;|)(charging_station)(;.*|)$"][bicycle][bicycle!="no"]; |
nwr[shop~"^(.*;|)(bicycle)(;.*|)$"]; |
nwr[rental~"^(.*;|)bicycle(|;.*)$"]; |
) |
16: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(bicycle_.*|compressed_air)(;.*|)$"]; |
node[amenity~"^(.*;|)(charging_station)(;.*|)$"][bicycle][bicycle!="no"]; |
nwr[shop~"^(.*;|)(bicycle)(;.*|)$"]; |
nwr["monitoring:bicycle"]; |
nwr[vending~"^(.*;|)(bicycle_tube)(;.*|)$"]; |
nwr[rental~"^(.*;|)bicycle(|;.*)$"]; |
) |
feature: |
pre: |- |
{% if tags.shop and 'bicycle' in tags.shop|split(';') %} |
{% set key = 'shop' %} |
{% set value = tags.shop %} |
{% elseif attribute(tags, "monitoring:bicycle") %} |
{% set key = 'man_made' %} |
{% set value = 'monitoring_station' %} |
{% elseif tags.vending and 'bicycle_tube' in tags.vending|split(';') %} |
{% set key = 'vending' %} |
{% set value = 'bicycle_tube' %} |
{% elseif 'bicycle' in tags.rental|split(';') %} |
{% set key = 'amenity' %} |
{% set value = 'bicycle_rental' %} |
{% else %} |
{% set key = 'amenity' %} |
{% set value = tags.amenity %} |
{% endif %} |
{% set constIndex = (key ~ "=" ~ value) %} |
title: |- |
{{ localizedTag(tags, 'name') |default(localizedTag(tags, 'operator')) | default(localizedTag(tags, 'ref')) }} |
{% if tags.capacity %}({{ tags.capacity }}){% endif %} |
description: |- |
{% if tags.amenity == 'vending_machine' %} |
{{ tagTransList('amenity=vending_machine vending', value) }} |
{% else %} |
{{ tagTransList(key, value) }} |
{% endif %} |
body: |- |
{% if tags.capacity %} |
{{ keyTrans('capacity') }}: {{ tags.capacity }} |
{% endif %} |
markerSign: '{{ const[constIndex]["sign"] }}' |
priority: |- |
{% if const[constIndex] and const[constIndex]['priority']['capacity'] %} |
{% set max=const[constIndex]['priority']['default'] %} |
{% for v in const[constIndex]['priority']['capacity'] %} |
{% if tags.capacity >= v[0] %}{% set max=v[1] %}{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
{{ max }} |
{% elseif const[constIndex] is defined %} |
{{ const[constIndex]['priority'] }} |
{% else %} |
10 |
{% endif %} |
const: |
shop=bicycle: |
sign: 🚲 |
priority: 0 |
amenity=bicycle_repair_station: |
sign: 🔧 |
priority: 2 |
amenity=bicycle_parking: |
sign: 🅿 |
priority: |
capacity: |
- - 0 |
- 3 |
- - 20 |
- 2 |
- - 100 |
- 0 |
default: 3 |
amenity=bicycle_rental: |
sign: R |
filter_query: (nwr[amenity=bicycle_rental];nwr[rental~"^(.*;|)bicycle(|;.*)$"];nwr['service:bicycle:rental']['service:bicycle:rental'!='no'];) |
priority: 1 |
man_made=monitoring_station: |
sign: '#' |
priority: 4 |
vending=bicycle_tube: |
sign: T |
priority: 2 |
amenity=compressed_air: |
sign: A |
priority: 2 |
amenity=charging_station: |
sign: 🔌 |
priority: 2 |
filter: |
type: |
name: '{{ trans("filter:type") }}' |
show_default: 'true' |
type: select |
values: '{% for k, v in const %}<option value="{{ k }}" query="{{ v.filter_query|default("nwr[" ~ k ~ "]") }}">{{ tagTrans(k) }}</option>{% endfor %}' |
@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"ast": "Servicios educativos", |
"cs": "Vzdělávací služby", |
"de": "Bildungseinrichtungen", |
"el": "Υπηρεσίες Εκπαίδευσης", |
"en": "Educational Services", |
"et": "Haridusteenused", |
"fr": "Éducation", |
"hu": "Oktatás", |
"it": "Istruzione", |
"ja": "教育サービス", |
"nl": "Onderwijs", |
"pl": "Edukacyjne", |
"pt": "Educação", |
"pt-br": "Educação", |
"ro": "Servicii educatie", |
"ru": "Образование", |
"uk": "Освіта" |
}, |
"query": { |
"11": [ |
"(", |
"node[amenity~'^(college|university|library)$'];", |
"way[amenity~'^(college|university|library)$'];", |
"relation[amenity~'^(college|university|library)$'];", |
")" |
], |
"14": [ |
"(", |
"nwr[amenity~'^(college|university|library|school|kindergarten|language_school|childcare)$'];", |
"nwr[office~\"^(educational_institution|research)$\"];", |
")" |
], |
"16": [ |
"(", |
"nwr[amenity~'^(college|university|library|school|kindergarten|language_school|public_bookcase|childcare)$'];", |
"nwr[office~\"^(educational_institution|research)$\"];", |
")" |
] |
}, |
"feature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% if tags.office == 'educational_institution' or tags.office == 'research' %}", |
" {% set key = 'office' %}", |
" {% set value = tags.office %}", |
"{% else %}", |
" {% set key = 'amenity' %}", |
" {% set value = tags.amenity %}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"description": "{{ tagTrans(key, value) }}", |
"body": "{% if tags.operator %}{{ keyTrans('operator') }}: {{ tags.operator }}<br/>{% endif %}", |
"markerSign": [ |
"{% set data = const[key ~ '=' ~ value] %}", |
"{% if data %}", |
"{{ data.sign|raw }}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"priority": [ |
"{% set data = const[key ~ '=' ~ value] %}", |
"{% if data %}", |
"{{ data.priority }}", |
"{% endif %}" |
] |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<table>", |
"{% for kv, data in const %}", |
"{% if data.zoom <= map.zoom %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td>", |
" <td>", |
" {{ tagTrans(kv|split('=')[0], kv|split('=')[1]) }}", |
" </td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endif %}", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"</table>" |
], |
"const": { |
"amenity=university": { |
"priority": 0, |
"sign": "🎓", |
"zoom": 11 |
}, |
"amenity=college": { |
"priority": 1, |
"sign": "🎓", |
"zoom": 11 |
}, |
"amenity=library": { |
"priority": 2, |
"sign": "🕮", |
"zoom": 11 |
}, |
"amenity=school": { |
"priority": 3, |
"sign": "🏫", |
"zoom": 14 |
}, |
"amenity=language_school": { |
"priority": 3, |
"sign": "🏫", |
"zoom": 14 |
}, |
"amenity=kindergarten": { |
"priority": 4, |
"sign": "⛹", |
"zoom": 14 |
}, |
"amenity=childcare": { |
"priority": 4, |
"sign": "⛹", |
"zoom": 14 |
}, |
"amenity=public_bookcase": { |
"priority": 5, |
"sign": "📚", |
"zoom": 16 |
}, |
"office=educational_institution": { |
"priority": 3, |
"sign": "🏢", |
"zoom": 14 |
}, |
"office=research": { |
"priority": 3, |
"sign": "<i class='fas fa-vials'></i>", |
"zoom": 14 |
} |
}, |
"filter": { |
"type": { |
"name": "{{ trans('filter:type') }}", |
"show_default": "true", |
"type": "select", |
"values": "{% for k, v in const %}<option value=\"{{ k }}\" query=\"nwr[{{ k }}]\" minzoom=\"{{ v.zoom }}\">{{ tagTrans(k) }}</option>{% endfor %}" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ast: Servicios educativos |
ca: Serveis Educatius |
cs: Vzdělávací služby |
de: Bildungseinrichtungen |
el: Υπηρεσίες Εκπαίδευσης |
en: Educational Services |
es: Servicios educativos |
et: Haridusteenused |
fr: Éducation |
gl: Servizos educativos |
hu: Oktatás |
it: Servizi d'istruzione |
ja: 教育サービス |
nb: Utdanningstjenester |
nl: Onderwijs |
oc: Education |
pl: Usługi edukacyjne |
pt: Educação |
pt-br: Educação |
ro: Servicii educatie |
ru: Образование |
sr: Образовне услуге |
tr: Eğitim Servisleri |
uk: Освіта |
query: |
11: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~'^(.*;|)(college|university|library)(;.*|)$']; |
) |
14: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~'^(.*;|)(college|university|library|school|kindergarten|language_school|childcare)(;.*|)$']; |
nwr[office~"^(.*;|)(educational_institution|research)(;.*|)$"]; |
) |
16: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~'^(.*;|)(college|university|library|school|kindergarten|language_school|public_bookcase|childcare)(;.*|)$']; |
nwr[office~"^(.*;|)(educational_institution|research)(;.*|)$"]; |
) |
feature: |
pre: |- |
{% set key = null %} |
{% set value = null %} |
{% if tags.office and 'educational_institution' in tags.office|split(';') %} |
{% set key = 'office' %} |
{% set value = 'educational_institution' %} |
{% elseif tags.office and 'research' in tags.office|split(';') %} |
{% set key = 'office' %} |
{% set value = 'research' %} |
{% else %} |
{% for k, d in const %} |
{% set kv = k|split('=') %} |
{% if kv[0] == 'amenity' and kv[1] in tags.amenity|split(';') %} |
{% set key = 'amenity' %} |
{% set value = kv[1] %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% endif %} |
description: '{{ tagTransList(key, attribute(tags, key)) }}' |
body: | |
{% if tags.operator %}{{ keyTrans("operator") }}: {{ tags.operator }}<br/>{% endif %} |
markerSign: |- |
{% set data = const[key ~ '=' ~ value] %} |
{% if data %} |
{{ data.sign|raw }} |
{% endif %} |
priority: |- |
{% set data = const[key ~ '=' ~ value] %} |
{% if data %} |
{{ data.priority }} |
{% endif %} |
info: |- |
<table> |
{% for kv, data in const %} |
{% if data.zoom <= map.zoom %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td> |
<td> |
{{ tagTrans(kv|split('=')[0], kv|split('=')[1]) }} |
</td> |
</tr> |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
</table> |
const: |
amenity=university: |
priority: 0 |
sign: 🎓 |
zoom: 11 |
amenity=college: |
priority: 1 |
sign: 🎓 |
zoom: 11 |
amenity=library: |
priority: 2 |
sign: 🕮 |
zoom: 11 |
amenity=school: |
priority: 3 |
sign: 🏫 |
zoom: 14 |
amenity=language_school: |
priority: 3 |
sign: 🏫 |
zoom: 14 |
amenity=kindergarten: |
priority: 4 |
sign: ⛹ |
zoom: 14 |
amenity=childcare: |
priority: 4 |
sign: ⛹ |
zoom: 14 |
amenity=public_bookcase: |
priority: 5 |
sign: 📚 |
zoom: 16 |
office=educational_institution: |
priority: 3 |
sign: 🏢 |
zoom: 14 |
office=research: |
priority: 3 |
sign: <i class='fas fa-vials'></i> |
zoom: 14 |
filter: |
type: |
name: '{{ trans("filter:type") }}' |
show_default: 'true' |
type: select |
values: | |
{% for k, v in const %} |
<option value="{{ k }}" query="nwr[{{ k|replace({ '=', '^' }) }}]" minzoom="{{ v.zoom }}"> |
{{ tagTrans(k) }} |
</option> |
{% endfor %} |
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"ast": "Servicios d'emerxencia", |
"ca": "Serveis d'emergència", |
"cs": "Pohotovostní služby", |
"de": "Notfalldienste", |
"el": "Υπηρεσίες Έκτακτης Ανάγκης", |
"en": "Emergency Services", |
"es": "Servicios de emergencia", |
"et": "Hädaabi teenused", |
"fr": "Services d'urgence", |
"hu": "Vészhelyzet", |
"it": "Servizi d'emergenza", |
"ja": "緊急サービス", |
"nl": "Hulpdiensten", |
"pt": "Emergência", |
"pt-br": "Emergência", |
"ro": "Servicii urgenta", |
"ru": "Экстренные службы", |
"uk": "Швидка допомога" |
}, |
"query": { |
"11": [ |
"(", |
"nwr[amenity~\"^(fire_station|hospital)$\"];", |
"nwr[emergency~\"^(lifeguard)$\"];", |
")" |
], |
"13": [ |
"(", |
"nwr[amenity~\"^(fire_station|hospital|police)$\"];", |
"nwr[emergency~\"^(lifeguard)$\"];", |
"node[emergency~\"^(phone|defibrillator|access_point)$\"];", |
"node[highway=emergency_access_point];", |
")" |
] |
}, |
"feature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% if tags.amenity in [ 'fire_station', 'hospital', 'police' ] %}", |
"{% set key = 'amenity' %}", |
"{% set value = tags.amenity %}", |
"{% elseif tags.emergency %}", |
"{% set key = 'emergency' %}", |
"{% set value = tags.emergency %}", |
"{% elseif tags.highway == 'emergency_access_point' %}", |
"{% set key = 'highway' %}", |
"{% set value = tags.highway %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"{% set kv = key ~ \"=\" ~ value %}" |
], |
"description": "{{ tagTrans(key, value) }}", |
"markerSign": [ |
"{% set data = const[kv] %}", |
"{% if data %}", |
"{{ data.sign|raw }}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"markerSymbol": "{{ markerPointer({ fillColor: data.background|default('#f27f6a') })|raw }}", |
"listMarkerSymbol": "{{ markerCircle({ fillColor: data.background|default('#f27f6a') })|raw }}" |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<table>", |
"{% for value, data in const %}", |
"{% if data.zoom <= map.zoom %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({ fillColor: data.background|default('#f27f6a') })|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans(value|split('=')[0], value|split('=')[1]) }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endif %}", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"</table>" |
], |
"const": { |
"amenity=fire_station": { |
"zoom": "11", |
"sign": "🔥" |
}, |
"amenity=hospital": { |
"zoom": "11", |
"sign": "🏥" |
}, |
"amenity=police": { |
"zoom": "13", |
"sign": "👮" |
}, |
"emergency=lifeguard": { |
"zoom": "11", |
"sign": "<i class='far fa-life-ring'></i>" |
}, |
"emergency=phone": { |
"zoom": "13", |
"sign": "📞" |
}, |
"emergency=defibrillator": { |
"zoom": "13", |
"sign": "<img data-src='maki:defibrillator?fill=white'>", |
"background": "#009262" |
}, |
"highway=emergency_access_point": { |
"zoom": "13", |
"sign": "<img data-src='maki:hospital?fill=white'>", |
"background": "#009262" |
} |
}, |
"filter": { |
"type": { |
"name": "{{ trans('filter:type') }}", |
"type": "select", |
"show_default": "true", |
"values": { |
"fire_station": { |
"name": "{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'fire_station') }}", |
"query": "nwr[amenity=fire_station]" |
}, |
"hospital": { |
"name": "{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'hospital') }}", |
"query": "nwr[amenity=hospital]" |
}, |
"police": { |
"name": "{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'police') }}", |
"query": "nwr[amenity=police]" |
}, |
"lifeguard": { |
"name": "{{ tagTrans('emergency', 'lifeguard') }}", |
"query": "nwr[emergency=lifeguard]" |
}, |
"emergency_phone": { |
"name": "{{ tagTrans('emergency', 'phone') }}", |
"query": "node[emergency=phone]" |
}, |
"defibrillator": { |
"name": "{{ tagTrans('emergency', 'defibrillator') }}", |
"query": "node[emergency=defibrillator]" |
}, |
"emergency_access_point": { |
"name": "{{ tagTrans('highway', 'emergency_access_point') }}", |
"query": "(node[highway=emergency_access_point];node[emergency=access_point];)" |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ast: Servicios d'emerxencia |
ca: Serveis d'emergència |
cs: Pohotovostní služby |
de: Notfalldienste |
el: Υπηρεσίες Έκτακτης Ανάγκης |
en: Emergency Services |
es: Servicios de emergencia |
et: Hädaabi teenused |
fr: Services d'urgence |
gl: Servizos de emerxencia |
hu: Vészhelyzet |
it: Servizi d'emergenza |
ja: 緊急サービス |
nb: Nødtjenester |
nl: Hulpdiensten |
oc: Servicis d'urgéncia |
pl: Służby ratunkowe |
pt: Emergência |
pt-br: Emergência |
ro: Servicii urgenta |
ru: Экстренные службы |
sr: Хитне службе |
tr: Acil Servisler |
uk: Швидка допомога |
query: |
11: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(fire_station|hospital)(;.*|)$"]; |
nwr[emergency~"^(.*;|)(lifeguard)(;.*|)$"]; |
) |
13: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(fire_station|hospital|police)(;.*|)$"]; |
nwr[emergency~"^(.*;|)(lifeguard)(;.*|)$"]; |
node[emergency~"^(.*;|)(phone|defibrillator|access_point)(;.*|)$"]; |
node[highway^emergency_access_point]; |
) |
feature: |
pre: |- |
{% set key = null %} |
{% set value = null %} |
{% for k, d in const %} |
{% set kv = k|split('=') %} |
{% if attribute(tags, kv[0]) and kv[1] in attribute(tags, kv[0])|split(';') %} |
{% set key = kv[0] %} |
{% set value = kv[1] %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% set kv = key ~ "=" ~ value %} |
{% set data = const[kv] %} |
description: |- |
{{ tagTransList(key, attribute(tags, key)) }} |
markerSign: |- |
{% if data %} |
{{ data.sign|raw }} |
{% endif %} |
markerSymbol: '{{ markerPointer({ fillColor: data.background|default("#f27f6a") })|raw }}' |
listMarkerSymbol: '{{ markerCircle({ fillColor: data.background|default("#f27f6a") })|raw }}' |
info: |- |
<table> |
{% for value, data in const %} |
{% if data.zoom <= map.zoom %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({ fillColor: data.background|default('#f27f6a') })|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans(value|split('=')[0], value|split('=')[1]) }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
</table> |
const: |
amenity=fire_station: |
zoom: '11' |
sign: 🔥 |
amenity=hospital: |
zoom: '11' |
sign: 🏥 |
amenity=police: |
zoom: '13' |
sign: 👮 |
emergency=lifeguard: |
zoom: '11' |
sign: <i class='far fa-life-ring'></i> |
emergency=phone: |
zoom: '13' |
sign: 📞 |
emergency=defibrillator: |
zoom: '13' |
sign: <img data-src='maki:defibrillator?fill=white'> |
background: '#009262' |
highway=emergency_access_point: |
zoom: '13' |
sign: <img data-src='maki:hospital?fill=white'> |
background: '#009262' |
filter: |
type: |
name: '{{ trans("filter:type") }}' |
type: select |
show_default: 'true' |
values: |
fire_station: |
name: '{{ tagTrans("amenity", "fire_station") }}' |
query: nwr[amenity^fire_station] |
hospital: |
name: '{{ tagTrans("amenity", "hospital") }}' |
query: nwr[amenity^hospital] |
police: |
name: '{{ tagTrans("amenity", "police") }}' |
query: nwr[amenity^police] |
lifeguard: |
name: '{{ tagTrans("emergency", "lifeguard") }}' |
query: nwr[emergency^lifeguard] |
emergency_phone: |
name: '{{ tagTrans("emergency", "phone") }}' |
query: node[emergency^phone] |
defibrillator: |
name: '{{ tagTrans("emergency", "defibrillator") }}' |
query: node[emergency^defibrillator] |
emergency_access_point: |
name: '{{ tagTrans("highway", "emergency_access_point") }}' |
query: (node[highway^emergency_access_point];node[emergency^access_point];) |
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ |
name: |
en: Etymology |
query: | |
( |
nwr["name:etymology"]; |
nwr["name:etymology:wikidata"]; |
) |
feature: |
description: | |
{% set value = null %} |
{% for tag in ['highway', 'railway', 'amenity', 'leisure', 'shop', 'man_made', 'landuse', 'natural', 'waterway', 'place', 'route', 'aeroway', 'aerialway', 'craft', 'office', 'military', 'building', 'barrier','geological','historic', 'power', 'tourism', 'boundary'] %} |
{% if not value and tags[tag] %} |
{% set value = attribute(tags, tag) %} |
{% if value in ['yes'] %} |
{{ keyTrans(tag) }} |
{% else %} |
{{ tagTransList(tag, value) }} |
{% endif %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
details: | |
{% if not attribute(tags, "name:etymology") and attribute(tags, 'name:etymology:wikidata') %} |
{% for i, wd in attribute(tags, 'name:etymology:wikidata')|split(';') %} |
{%- if i != 0 %},{% endif %} |
{% if wd %} |
{% set wikidata = wd|wikidataEntity %} |
{{ wikidata ? (wikidata.labels[user.data_lang]|default(wikidata.labels[user.ui_lang])|default(wikidata.labels.en)).value : wd }} |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% else %} |
{{ attribute(tags, "name:etymology")|enumerate }} |
{% endif %} |
body: | |
<ul> |
{% if attribute(tags, "name:etymology") or attribute(tags, 'name:etymology:wikidata') %} |
<li class='hasSymbol'> |
<i class="fa fa-book" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
<span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('name:etymology') }}:</span> |
<span class='value'> |
{% set etymWikidata = attribute(tags, 'name:etymology:wikidata')|split(';') %} |
{% set etymName = attribute(tags, 'name:etymology')|split(';') %} |
{% set etymDesc = attribute(tags, 'name:etymology:description')|split(';') %} |
{% set result = [] %} |
{% for i in 0..max(etymName|length - 1, etymWikidata|length - 1) %} |
{% set wikidata = etymWikidata[i]|wikidataEntity %} |
{% set label = wikidata ? (wikidata.labels[user.data_lang]|default(wikidata.labels[user.ui_lang])|default(wikidata.labels.en)).value : etymName[i]|default(etymWikidata[i]) %} |
{% set desc = wikidata ? (wikidata.descriptions[user.data_lang]|default(wikidata.descriptions[user.ui_lang])|default(wikidata.descriptions.en)).value|default(etymDesc) : etymDesc %} |
{% set url = attribute(tags, 'name:etymology:website') |
|default(attribute(tags, 'name:etymology:url')) |
|default(wikidata.sitelinks[user.data_lang ~ 'wiki'].url) |
|default(wikidata.sitelinks[user.ui_lang ~ 'wiki'].url) |
|default(etymWikidata[i] ? 'https://wikidata.org/wiki/' ~ etymWikidata[i]|url_encode : null) |
%} |
{% set result = result|merge([ url ? '<a target="_blank" href="' ~ url ~ '">' ~ (etymName[i]|default(label))|e ~ '</a>' ~ (desc ? ' (' ~ desc|e ~ ')' : '') : etymName[i]|e ~ (desc ? ' (' ~ desc|e ~ ')' : '') ]) %} |
{% endfor %} |
{{ result|enumerate|raw }} |
</span> |
</li> |
{% endif %} |
{% if attribute(tags, 'name:start_date') %} |
<li class='hasSymbol'> |
<i class="fa fa-book" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
<span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('name:start_date') }}:</span> |
<span class='value'>{{ attribute(tags, 'name:start_date')|osmFormatDate({ format: 'short' }) }}</span> |
</li> |
{% endif %} |
</ul> |
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"ast": "Dineru", |
"cs": "Finanční služby", |
"de": "Finanzen", |
"el": "Χρήμα", |
"en": "Financial", |
"fr": "Finance", |
"hu": "Pénzügyek", |
"it": "Finanze", |
"ja": "金融", |
"nl": "Financieel", |
"pl": "Finasowe", |
"pt": "Finanças", |
"pt-br": "Finanças", |
"ro": "Financiar", |
"ru": "Финансы", |
"uk": "Фінанси" |
}, |
"query": { |
"14": [ |
"(", |
"node[amenity~\"^(bank)$\"];", |
"way[amenity~\"^(bank)$\"];", |
"relation[amenity~\"^(bank)$\"];", |
")" |
], |
"15": [ |
"(", |
"node[amenity~\"^(bank|bureau_de_change|atm)$\"];", |
"way[amenity~\"^(bank|bureau_de_change|atm)$\"];", |
"relation[amenity~\"^(bank|bureau_de_change|atm)$\"];", |
"node[office~\"^(financial|accountant|insurance|tax|tax_advisor)$\"];", |
"way[office~\"^(financial|accountant|insurance|tax|tax_advisor)$\"];", |
"relation[office~\"^(financial|accountant|insurance|tax|tax_advisor)$\"];", |
")" |
] |
}, |
"feature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% if tags.amenity %}", |
" {% set key = 'amenity' %}", |
" {% set value = tags.amenity %}", |
"{% else %}", |
" {% set key = 'office' %}", |
" {% set value = tags.office %}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"description": "{{ tagTrans(key, value) }}", |
"markerSign": "{{ const[key ~ '=' ~ value].sign|raw }}" |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<table>", |
"{% for kv, data in const %}", |
"{% if data.zoom <= map.zoom %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td>", |
" <td>", |
" {{ tagTrans(kv|split('=')[0], kv|split('=')[1]) }}", |
" </td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endif %}", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"</table>" |
], |
"const": { |
"amenity=atm": { |
"sign": "<img data-src='maki:bank?size=11'>", |
"zoom": 15 |
}, |
"amenity=bank": { |
"sign": "<img data-src='maki:building'>", |
"zoom": 14 |
}, |
"amenity=bureau_de_change": { |
"sign": "⇄", |
"zoom": 15 |
}, |
"office=financial": { |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-coins\"></i>", |
"zoom": 15 |
}, |
"office=accountant": { |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-book\"></i>", |
"zoom": 15 |
}, |
"office=insurance": { |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-file-signature\"></i>", |
"zoom": 15 |
}, |
"office=tax": { |
"sign": "%", |
"zoom": 15 |
}, |
"office=tax_advisor": { |
"sign": "<span style='color: green'>%</span>", |
"zoom": 15 |
}, |
"office=cooperative": { |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-piggy-bank\"></i>", |
"zoom": 15 |
} |
}, |
"filter": { |
"type": { |
"name": "{{ trans('filter:type') }}", |
"show_default": "true", |
"type": "select", |
"values": "{% for k, v in const %}<option value=\"{{ k }}\" query=\"nwr[{{ k }}]\" minzoom=\"{{ v.zoom }}\">{{ tagTrans(k) }}</option>{% endfor %}" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ast: Dineru |
ca: Financer |
cs: Finanční služby |
de: Finanzen |
el: Χρήμα |
en: Financial |
es: Financiera |
fr: Finance |
gl: Finanzas |
hu: Pénzügyek |
it: Finanziario |
ja: 金融 |
nb: Finansiell |
nl: Financieel |
oc: Finança |
pl: Finansowe |
pt: Finanças |
pt-br: Finanças e seguros |
ro: Financiar |
ru: Финансы |
sr: Финансије |
tr: Finansal |
uk: Фінанси |
query: |
14: |- |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(bank)(;.*|)$"]; |
15: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(bank|bureau_de_change|atm)(;.*|)$"]; |
nwr[office~"^(.*;|)(financial|accountant|insurance|tax|tax_advisor)(;.*|)$"]; |
) |
feature: |
pre: |- |
{% set key = null %} |
{% set value = null %} |
{% for k, d in const %} |
{% set kv = k|split('=') %} |
{% if attribute(tags, kv[0]) and kv[1] in attribute(tags, kv[0])|split(';') %} |
{% set key = kv[0] %} |
{% set value = kv[1] %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% set kv = key ~ "=" ~ value %} |
{% set data = const[kv] %} |
description: |- |
{{ tagTransList(key, attribute(tags, key)) }} |
markerSign: |- |
{{ const[kv].sign|raw }} |
info: |- |
<table> |
{% for kv, data in const %} |
{% if data.zoom <= map.zoom %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td> |
<td> |
{{ tagTrans(kv|split('=')[0], kv|split('=')[1]) }} |
</td> |
</tr> |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
</table> |
const: |
amenity=atm: |
sign: <img data-src='maki:bank?size=11'> |
zoom: 15 |
amenity=bank: |
sign: <img data-src='maki:building'> |
zoom: 14 |
amenity=bureau_de_change: |
sign: ⇄ |
zoom: 15 |
office=financial: |
sign: <i class="fas fa-coins"></i> |
zoom: 15 |
office=accountant: |
sign: <i class="fas fa-book"></i> |
zoom: 15 |
office=insurance: |
sign: <i class="fas fa-file-signature"></i> |
zoom: 15 |
office=tax: |
sign: '%' |
zoom: 15 |
office=tax_advisor: |
sign: '<span style="color: green">%</span>' |
zoom: 15 |
office=cooperative: |
sign: <i class="fas fa-piggy-bank"></i> |
zoom: 15 |
filter: |
type: |
name: '{{ trans("filter:type") }}' |
show_default: 'true' |
type: select |
values: |- |
{% for k, v in const %} |
<option value="{{ k }}" query="nwr[{{ k|replace({ '=': '^' }) }}]" minzoom="{{ v.zoom }}"> |
{{ tagTrans(k) }} |
</option> |
{% endfor %} |
@ -1,247 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"ast": "Salú", |
"cs": "Zdravotnictví", |
"de": "Gesundheitsdienste", |
"el": "Υγεία", |
"en": "Health", |
"fr": "Santé", |
"hu": "Egészségügy", |
"it": "Sanità", |
"ja": "健康", |
"nl": "Gezondheid", |
"pl": "Zdrowie", |
"pt": "Saúde", |
"pt-br": "Saúde e assistência", |
"ro": "Sanatate", |
"ru": "Медицина", |
"uk": "Здоров'я" |
}, |
"query": { |
"11": [ |
"(", |
"node[amenity~\"^(hospital)$\"];", |
"way[amenity~\"^(hospital)$\"];", |
"relation[amenity~\"^(hospital)$\"];", |
"node[healthcare~\"^(hospital|clinic)$\"];", |
"way[healthcare~\"^(hospital|clinic)$\"];", |
"relation[healthcare~\"^(hospital|clinic)$\"];", |
")" |
], |
"14": [ |
"(", |
"node[amenity~\"^(baby_hatch|clinic|dentist|doctors|hospital|nursing_home|pharmacy|social_facility|veterinary)$\"];", |
"way[amenity~\"^(baby_hatch|clinic|dentist|doctors|hospital|nursing_home|pharmacy|social_facility|veterinary)$\"];", |
"relation[amenity~\"^(baby_hatch|clinic|dentist|doctors|hospital|nursing_home|pharmacy|social_facility|veterinary)$\"];", |
"node[healthcare];", |
"way[healthcare];", |
"relation[healthcare];", |
")" |
] |
}, |
"feature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% if tags.healthcare %}", |
" {% set key = 'healthcare' %}", |
" {% set value = tags.healthcare|split(';')[0] %}", |
"{% else %}", |
" {% set key = 'amenity' %}", |
" {% set value = tags.amenity %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"{% set kv = key ~ '=' ~ value %}", |
"{% set found = { sign: '' } %}", |
"{% for data in const %}", |
" {% if kv in data.types %}{% set found = data %}{% endif %}", |
"{% endfor %}" |
], |
"description": [ |
"{{ tagTransList(key, attribute(tags, key)) }}", |
"{% if attribute(tags, 'healthcare:speciality') %}", |
"-", |
"{{ tagTransList('healthcare:speciality', attribute(tags, 'healthcare:speciality')) }}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"markerSign": "{{ found.sign|raw }}" |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<table>", |
"{% for data in const %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans(data.types[0]|split('=')[0], data.types[0]|split('=')[1]) }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"</table>" |
], |
"const": [ |
{ |
"types": [ |
"amenity=hospital", |
"healthcare=hospital" |
], |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-hospital-alt\"></i>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=clinic" |
], |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-hospital\"></i>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=centre" |
], |
"sign": "<i class=\"far fa-hospital\"></i>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=doctor", |
"amenity=doctors" |
], |
"sign": "<img data-src='maki:doctor'>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"amenity=pharmacy", |
"healthcare=pharmacy" |
], |
"sign": "<img data-src='maki:pharmacy'>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=dentist", |
"amenity=dentist" |
], |
"sign": "<img data-src='maki:dentist'>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"amenity=baby_hatch" |
], |
"sign": "🚼" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=blood_bank" |
], |
"sign": "<img data-src='maki:blood-bank'>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=blood_donation" |
], |
"sign": "<img data-src='maki:blood-bank'>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"amenity=nursing_home" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"amenity=social_facility" |
], |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-users\"></i>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"amenity=veterinary" |
], |
"sign": "<img data-src='maki:veterinary'>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=physiotherapist" |
], |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-user-injured\"></i>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=psychotherapist" |
], |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-couch\"></i>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=alternative" |
], |
"sign": "" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=audiologist" |
], |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-headphones-alt\"></i>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=birthing_centre", |
"healthcare=birthing_center" |
], |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-baby\"></i>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=dialysis" |
], |
"sign": "" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=laboratory" |
], |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-vials\"></i>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=midwife" |
], |
"sign": "" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=nutrition_counseling" |
], |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-carrot\"></i>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=occupational_therapist" |
], |
"sign": "" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=optometrist" |
], |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-eye\"></i>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=podiatrist" |
], |
"sign": "" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=rehabilitation" |
], |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-crutch\"></i>" |
}, |
{ |
"types": [ |
"healthcare=speech_therapist" |
], |
"sign": "" |
} |
], |
"filter": { |
"type": { |
"name": "{{ trans('filter:type') }}", |
"show_default": "true", |
"type": "select", |
"values": "{% for data in const %}<option value=\"{{ data.types[0] }}\" query=\"({% for t in data.types %}nwr[{{ t }}];{% endfor %})\" minzoom=\"{{ data.zoom }}\">{{ tagTrans(data.types[0]) }}</option>{% endfor %}" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ast: Salú |
ca: Sanitat |
cs: Zdravotnictví |
de: Gesundheitsdienste |
el: Υγεία |
en: Health |
es: Salud |
fr: Santé |
gl: Saúde |
hu: Egészségügy |
it: Salute |
ja: 健康 |
nb: Helse |
nl: Gezondheid |
oc: Santat |
pl: Zdrowie |
pt: Saúde |
pt-br: Saúde e assistência |
ro: Sanatate |
ru: Медицина |
sr: Здравље |
tr: Sağlık |
uk: Здоров'я |
query: |
11: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(hospital)(;.*|)$"]; |
nwr[healthcare~"^(.*;|)(hospital|clinic)(;.*|)$"]; |
) |
14: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity~"^(.*;|)(baby_hatch|clinic|dentist|doctors|hospital|nursing_home|pharmacy|social_facility|veterinary)(;.*|)$"]; |
nwr[healthcare]; |
) |
feature: |
pre: |- |
{% if tags.healthcare %} |
{% set key = 'healthcare' %} |
{% set value = tags.healthcare|split(';')[0] %} |
{% else %} |
{% set key = 'amenity' %} |
{% set value = tags.amenity %} |
{% endif %} |
{% set kv = key ~ '=' ~ value %} |
{% set found = { sign: '' } %} |
{% for data in const %} |
{% if kv in data.types %}{% set found = data %}{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
description: |- |
{{ tagTransList(key, attribute(tags, key)) }} |
{% if attribute(tags, 'healthcare:speciality') %} |
- |
{{ tagTransList('healthcare:speciality', attribute(tags, 'healthcare:speciality')) }} |
{% endif %} |
markerSign: '{{ found.sign|raw }}' |
info: |- |
<table> |
{% for data in const %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans(data.types[0]|split('=')[0], data.types[0]|split('=')[1]) }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
</table> |
const: |
- types: |
- amenity=hospital |
- healthcare=hospital |
sign: <i class="fas fa-hospital-alt"></i> |
- types: |
- healthcare=clinic |
sign: <i class="fas fa-hospital"></i> |
- types: |
- healthcare=centre |
sign: <i class="far fa-hospital"></i> |
- types: |
- healthcare=doctor |
- amenity=doctors |
sign: <img data-src='maki:doctor'> |
- types: |
- amenity=pharmacy |
- healthcare=pharmacy |
sign: <img data-src='maki:pharmacy'> |
- types: |
- healthcare=dentist |
- amenity=dentist |
sign: <img data-src='maki:dentist'> |
- types: |
- amenity=baby_hatch |
sign: 🚼 |
- types: |
- healthcare=blood_bank |
sign: <img data-src='maki:blood-bank'> |
- types: |
- healthcare=blood_donation |
sign: <img data-src='maki:blood-bank'> |
- types: |
- amenity=nursing_home |
- types: |
- amenity=social_facility |
sign: <i class="fas fa-users"></i> |
- types: |
- amenity=veterinary |
sign: <img data-src='maki:veterinary'> |
- types: |
- healthcare=physiotherapist |
sign: <i class="fas fa-user-injured"></i> |
- types: |
- healthcare=psychotherapist |
sign: <i class="fas fa-couch"></i> |
- types: |
- healthcare=alternative |
sign: '' |
- types: |
- healthcare=audiologist |
sign: <i class="fas fa-headphones-alt"></i> |
- types: |
- healthcare=birthing_centre |
- healthcare=birthing_center |
sign: <i class="fas fa-baby"></i> |
- types: |
- healthcare=dialysis |
sign: '' |
- types: |
- healthcare=laboratory |
sign: <i class="fas fa-vials"></i> |
- types: |
- healthcare=midwife |
sign: '' |
- types: |
- healthcare=nutrition_counseling |
sign: <i class="fas fa-carrot"></i> |
- types: |
- healthcare=occupational_therapist |
sign: '' |
- types: |
- healthcare=optometrist |
sign: <i class="fas fa-eye"></i> |
- types: |
- healthcare=podiatrist |
sign: '' |
- types: |
- healthcare=rehabilitation |
sign: <i class="fas fa-crutch"></i> |
- types: |
- healthcare=speech_therapist |
sign: '' |
filter: |
type: |
name: '{{ trans("filter:type") }}' |
show_default: 'true' |
type: select |
values: |- |
{% for data in const %} |
<option value="{{ data.types[0] }}" query="({% for t in data.types %}nwr[{{ t|replace({ '=': '^' }) }}];{% endfor %})"> |
{{ tagTrans(data.types[0]) }} |
</option> |
{% endfor %} |
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"query": { |
"8": "nwr[heritage~\"^(|.*;)1(|;.*)$\"];", |
"11": "nwr[heritage~\"^(|.*;)(1|2)(|;.*)$\"];", |
"13": "nwr[heritage];" |
}, |
"feature": { |
"description": [ |
"{% set found = false %}", |
"{% for k in ['amenity', 'shop', 'telecom', 'waterway', 'craft', 'highway', 'railway', 'aerialway', 'emergency', 'geological', 'man_made', 'natural', 'office', 'power', 'aeroway', 'tourism', 'leisure', 'military', 'landuse', 'barrier', 'route'] if not found %}", |
" {% if attribute(tags, k) and attribute(tags, k) != 'yes' %}", |
" {{ tagTransList(k, attribute(tags, k)) }}", |
" {% set found = true %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"{% if found %}{# nothing #}", |
"{% elseif tags.building and tags.building != 'yes' %}", |
"{{ tagTransList('building', tags.building) }}", |
"{% elseif tags.historic and tags.historic not in ['heritage', 'yes', 'building'] %}", |
"{{ tagTransList('historic', tags.historic) }}", |
"{% elseif tags.building == 'yes' or tags.historic == 'building' %}", |
"{{ keyTrans('building') }}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"priority": "{{ min(tags.heritage|split(\";\")) }}" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ca: Protecció del Patrimoni |
de: Denkmalschutz |
en: Heritage Protection |
fr: Protection patrimoniale |
hu: Örökségvédelem |
it: Protezione del patrimonio |
pl: Ochrona dziedzictwa |
pt: Património cultural |
pt-br: Patrimônio histórico |
tr: Kültürel Miras |
query: |
8: nwr[heritage~"^(|.*;)1(|;.*)$"]; |
11: nwr[heritage~"^(|.*;)(1|2)(|;.*)$"]; |
13: nwr[heritage]; |
feature: |
description: |- |
{% set found = false %} |
{% for k in ['amenity', 'shop', 'telecom', 'waterway', 'craft', 'highway', 'railway', 'aerialway', 'emergency', 'geological', 'man_made', 'natural', 'office', 'power', 'aeroway', 'tourism', 'leisure', 'military', 'landuse', 'barrier', 'route'] if not found %} |
{% if attribute(tags, k) and attribute(tags, k) != 'yes' %} |
{{ tagTransList(k, attribute(tags, k)) }} |
{% set found = true %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% if found %}{# nothing #} |
{% elseif tags.building and tags.building != 'yes' %} |
{{ tagTransList('building', tags.building) }} |
{% elseif tags.historic and tags.historic not in ['heritage', 'yes', 'building'] %} |
{{ tagTransList('historic', tags.historic) }} |
{% elseif tags.building == 'yes' or tags.historic == 'building' %} |
{{ keyTrans('building') }} |
{% endif %} |
priority: '{{ min(tags.heritage|split(";")) }}' |
@ -1,93 +1,110 @@ |
{ |
"Objects with diet information": "", |
"category:historic": "Hestoria", |
"category:leisure_sport_shopping": "Recréu, deportes y compres", |
"category:services": "Servicios", |
"category:transport": "Tresporte", |
"category:transport_pt": "Tresporte Públicu", |
"category:transport_car": "Tráficu individual", |
"category:railway": "Ferrocarril", |
"category:internet": "Accesu a Internet", |
"category:leisure": "Recréu", |
"category:military": "Militar", |
"category:natural": "Formaciones naturales", |
"category:other": "Otres", |
"category:phone": "Teléfonos", |
"category:places": "Llugares", |
"category:places_geo": "Llugares", |
"category:playgrounds": "Xuegos infantiles", |
"category:post": "Corréu", |
"category:pt:stops": "Paraes y estaciones", |
"category:pt_amenities": "Infraestructures", |
"category:public": "Serviciu Públicu", |
"category:religion": "Relixón", |
"category:shop": "Compres", |
"category:sport": "Deportes", |
"category:tourism_attractions": "Turismu", |
"category:tourism_services": "Turismu", |
"category:transport_alternative": "Alternativu (Ciclismu, senderismu, ...)", |
"category:waste": "Basures", |
"category:works": "Fábriques", |
"category:administrative": "Divisiones Alministratives", |
"category:agriculture": "Agricultura", |
"category:alternative_amenities": "Infraestructures", |
"category:alternative_routes": "Rutes", |
"category:resources": "Estraición de recursos", |
"category:residential": "Zones residenciales", |
"category:car_amenities": "Infraestructures", |
"category:car_furniture": "Acondicionamientu urbanu", |
"category:communication": "Comunicaciones", |
"category:construction": "Sitios d'obres", |
"category:culture": "Cultura", |
"category:culture_religion": "Cultura", |
"category:education": "Servicios educativos", |
"category:electric_power": "Enerxía", |
"category:emergency": "Servicios d'emerxencia", |
"category:financial": "Dineru", |
"category:gastro": "Gastronomía", |
"category:health": "Salú", |
"category:buildings": "", |
"category:buildings-entrances": "", |
"category:buildings-figure-ground": "", |
"category:buildings-height": "", |
"category:buildings-start_date": "", |
"category:buildings-type": "", |
"category:car_amenities": "Infraestructures", |
"category:car_furniture": "Acondicionamientu urbanu", |
"category:car_maxspeed": "", |
"category:car_routes": "", |
"category:children": "", |
"category:climbing": "", |
"category:coal": "", |
"category:communication": "Comunicaciones", |
"category:construction": "Sitios d'obres", |
"category:craft": "", |
"category:culture": "Cultura", |
"category:culture_religion": "Cultura", |
"category:culture-media": "", |
"category:cycle_amenities": "", |
"category:cycle_directions": "", |
"category:cycle_routes": "", |
"category:education": "Servicios educativos", |
"category:electric_power": "Enerxía", |
"category:emergency": "Servicios d'emerxencia", |
"category:developable_areas": "", |
"category:developments": "", |
"category:energy": "", |
"category:financial": "Dineru", |
"category:gastro": "Gastronomía", |
"category:fixme": "", |
"category:footways": "", |
"category:gastro-smoking": "", |
"category:health": "Salú", |
"category:heritage": "", |
"category:hiking_routes": "", |
"category:historic": "Hestoria", |
"category:index": "", |
"category:infrastructure": "", |
"category:internet": "Accesu a Internet", |
"category:kerbs": "", |
"category:law": "", |
"category:leisure": "Recréu", |
"category:leisure_sport_shopping": "Recréu, deportes y compres", |
"category:memorial": "", |
"category:military": "Militar", |
"category:mtb-routes": "", |
"category:natural": "Formaciones naturales", |
"category:office": "", |
"category:oil_gas": "", |
"category:organisations": "", |
"category:other": "Otres", |
"category:osm-qa": "", |
"category:outdoor": "", |
"category:phone": "Teléfonos", |
"category:places": "Llugares", |
"category:places_geo": "Llugares", |
"category:playgrounds": "Xuegos infantiles", |
"category:post": "Corréu", |
"category:paddling": "", |
"category:paddling_amenities": "", |
"category:paddling_hazards": "", |
"category:paddling_routes": "", |
"category:power_routes": "", |
"category:proposals": "", |
"category:pt": "", |
"category:pt:routes": "", |
"category:pt:stops": "Paraes y estaciones", |
"category:pt_amenities": "Infraestructures", |
"category:public": "Serviciu Públicu", |
"category:railway": "Ferrocarril", |
"category:railway-electrification": "", |
"category:railway-gauge": "", |
"category:railway-infrastructure": "", |
"category:railway-maxspeed": "", |
"category:railway-routes": "", |
"category:religion": "Relixón", |
"category:renewables": "", |
"category:residential": "Zones residenciales", |
"category:resources": "Estraición de recursos", |
"category:services": "Servicios", |
"category:shop": "Compres", |
"category:roads": "", |
"category:special": "", |
"category:sport": "Deportes", |
"category:swimming_bathing": "", |
"category:tourism_attractions": "Turismu", |
"category:tourism_services": "Turismu", |
"category:transport": "Tresporte", |
"category:transport_alternative": "Alternativu (Ciclismu, senderismu, ...)", |
"category:transport_car": "Tráficu individual", |
"category:transport_cycle": "", |
"category:transport_pt": "Tresporte Públicu", |
"category:transport_walk": "", |
"category:walk_amenities": "", |
"category:waste": "Basures", |
"category:walk_amenities_qa": "", |
"category:water": "", |
"category:wikipedia": "", |
"category:works": "Fábriques", |
"category:xmas": "", |
"Objects with diet information": "", |
"date format not understood": "", |
"outdated feature": "", |
"xmas:outdated-warning": "" |
@ -1,111 +1,111 @@ |
{ |
"category:places_geo": "Yerler", |
"category:power_routes": "Elektrik şebekeleri", |
"category:proposals": "Teklifler", |
"category:pt": "Toplu taşıma haritası", |
"category:pt:stops": "Duraklar ve İstasyonlar", |
"category:pt:routes": "Rotalar", |
"category:pt_amenities": "Tesisler", |
"category:public": "Kamu Hizmetleri", |
"category:railway-electrification": "Demiryolu elektrifikasyonu", |
"category:railway-gauge": "Demiryolu hat açıklığı", |
"category:railway-infrastructure": "Demiryolu altyapısı", |
"category:railway-maxspeed": "Demiryolu Maksimum Hızı", |
"category:railway-routes": "Demiryolu Güzergahları", |
"category:religion": "Din", |
"category:renewables": "Yenilenebilir kaynaklar", |
"category:residential": "Yerleşim Alanları", |
"category:resources": "Yeraltı Kaynağı Çıkarma", |
"category:roads": "Yollar", |
"category:shop": "Alışveriş", |
"category:sport": "Spor", |
"category:swimming_bathing": "Yüzme ve banyo yapma", |
"category:tourism_attractions": "Turizm", |
"category:tourism_services": "Turizm", |
"category:transport_alternative": "Alternatif Ulaşım modları", |
"category:walk_amenities": "Olanaklar", |
"category:walk_amenities_qa": "Yürüyüş Olanakları", |
"category:waste": "Atık ve Geri Dönüşüm", |
"category:water": "Su kütleleri", |
"category:wikipedia": "Wikipedia", |
"category:works": "Endüstri Bölgeleri", |
"category:xmas": "Noel", |
"category:post": "Posta", |
"category:places": "Yerler", |
"category:playgrounds": "Oyun Alanı", |
"category:administrative": "İdari Alanlar", |
"category:agriculture": "Tarım", |
"category:buildings": "Binalar", |
"category:buildings-start_date": "Bina yaşı", |
"category:car_maxspeed": "En yüksek hız", |
"category:alternative_amenities": "Tesisler", |
"category:alternative_routes": "Rotalar", |
"category:buildings-entrances": "Girişler", |
"category:buildings-figure-ground": "Figür-zemin diyagramı", |
"category:buildings-height": "Bina yüksekliği", |
"category:buildings-start_date": "Bina yaşı", |
"category:buildings-type": "Bina tipleri", |
"category:buildings": "Binalar", |
"category:car_amenities": "Tesisler", |
"category:car_furniture": "Sokak Mobilyaları", |
"category:car_maxspeed": "En yüksek hız", |
"category:car_routes": "Araba Rotaları", |
"category:children": "Çocuk Malzemeleri", |
"category:climbing": "Tırmanış", |
"category:administrative": "İdari Alanlar", |
"category:coal": "Kömür", |
"category:communication": "İletişim", |
"category:construction": "İnşaat Sahaları", |
"Objects with diet information": "Diyet bilgisi içeren Nesneler", |
"category:alternative_amenities": "Tesisler", |
"category:coal": "Kömür", |
"category:craft": "El Sanatları", |
"category:culture-media": "Kültür - Medya/Wikidata", |
"category:culture": "Kültür", |
"category:culture_religion": "Kültür ve Din", |
"category:cycle_amenities": "Tesisler", |
"category:cycle_directions": "Yol Tarifi", |
"category:cycle_routes": "Bisiklet Rotaları", |
"category:developable_areas": "Gelişim Sahaları", |
"category:developments": "Planlama ve İnşaat", |
"category:education": "Eğitim Servisleri", |
"category:electric_power": "Elektrik Enerjisi", |
"category:emergency": "Acil Servisler", |
"category:energy": "Enerji", |
"category:financial": "Finansal", |
"category:fixme": "Beni Geliştirin", |
"category:footways": "Yaya Yolları", |
"category:gastro-smoking": "Dumansız Gastronomi", |
"category:gastro": "Gastronomi", |
"category:health": "Sağlık", |
"category:heritage": "Kültürel Miras", |
"category:hiking_routes": "Yürüyüş Rotaları", |
"category:historic": "Tarihi", |
"category:index": "Kategori İndeksi", |
"category:leisure_sport_shopping": "Eğlence, Spor ve Alışveriş", |
"category:services": "Hizmetler", |
"category:transport": "Ulaşım", |
"category:transport_walk": "Yürüme", |
"category:transport_cycle": "Bisiklet", |
"category:transport_pt": "Toplu Taşıma", |
"category:transport_car": "Bireysel Trafik", |
"category:infrastructure": "Altyapı", |
"category:developments": "Planlama ve İnşaat", |
"category:energy": "Enerji", |
"category:railway": "Demiryolu", |
"category:special": "Özel", |
"category:osm-qa": "OpenStreetMap Kalite Kontrol", |
"category:internet": "İnternet erişimi", |
"category:law": "Hukuk", |
"category:craft": "El Sanatları", |
"category:culture-media": "Kültür - Medya/Wikidata", |
"category:cycle_directions": "Yol Tarifi", |
"category:footways": "Yaya Yolları", |
"category:gastro-smoking": "Dumansız Gastronomi", |
"category:kerbs": "Bordürler", |
"category:law": "Hukuk", |
"category:leisure": "Boş zaman", |
"category:leisure_sport_shopping": "Eğlence, Spor ve Alışveriş", |
"category:memorial": "Anıt ve Abideler", |
"category:military": "Askeri", |
"category:mtb-routes": "Dağ bisikleti rotaları", |
"category:natural": "Doğal Oluşumlar", |
"category:office": "Ofisler", |
"category:oil_gas": "Petrol ve doğal gaz", |
"category:organisations": "Kuruluşlar", |
"category:osm-qa": "OpenStreetMap Kalite Kontrol", |
"category:other": "Diğer", |
"category:outdoor": "Açık hava etkinlikleri", |
"category:phone": "Telefon", |
"category:places": "Yerler", |
"category:places_geo": "Yerler", |
"category:playgrounds": "Oyun Alanı", |
"category:post": "Posta", |
"category:power_routes": "Elektrik şebekeleri", |
"category:proposals": "Teklifler", |
"category:pt": "Toplu taşıma haritası", |
"category:pt:routes": "Rotalar", |
"category:pt:stops": "Duraklar ve İstasyonlar", |
"category:public": "Kamu Hizmetleri", |
"category:railway": "Demiryolu", |
"category:railway-electrification": "Demiryolu elektrifikasyonu", |
"category:railway-routes": "Demiryolu Güzergahları", |
"category:religion": "Din", |
"category:residential": "Yerleşim Alanları", |
"category:roads": "Yollar", |
"category:services": "Hizmetler", |
"category:shop": "Alışveriş", |
"category:special": "Özel", |
"category:sport": "Spor", |
"category:swimming_bathing": "Yüzme ve banyo yapma", |
"category:tourism_attractions": "Turizm", |
"category:tourism_services": "Turizm", |
"category:transport": "Ulaşım", |
"category:transport_alternative": "Alternatif Ulaşım modları", |
"category:transport_car": "Bireysel Trafik", |
"category:transport_cycle": "Bisiklet", |
"category:transport_pt": "Toplu Taşıma", |
"category:transport_walk": "Yürüme", |
"category:water": "Su kütleleri", |
"category:wikipedia": "Wikipedia", |
"category:xmas": "Noel", |
"date format not understood": "Geçersiz Tarih Formatı", |
"category:fixme": "Beni Geliştirin", |
"category:heritage": "Kültürel Miras", |
"category:memorial": "Anıt ve Abideler", |
"category:railway-gauge": "Demiryolu hat açıklığı", |
"category:railway-infrastructure": "Demiryolu altyapısı", |
"category:railway-maxspeed": "Demiryolu Maksimum Hızı", |
"category:renewables": "Yenilenebilir kaynaklar", |
"category:resources": "Yeraltı Kaynağı Çıkarma", |
"category:walk_amenities": "Olanaklar", |
"category:walk_amenities_qa": "Yürüyüş Olanakları", |
"category:waste": "Atık ve Geri Dönüşüm", |
"category:works": "Endüstri Bölgeleri", |
"category:pt_amenities": "Tesisler", |
"category:paddling": "Kürek", |
"category:paddling_amenities": "Kürek Tesisleri", |
"category:paddling_hazards": "Kürek Tehlikeleri", |
"category:paddling_routes": "Kürek Rotaları", |
"category:phone": "Telefon", |
"Objects with diet information": "Diyet bilgisi içeren Nesneler", |
"date format not understood": "Geçersiz Tarih Formatı", |
"outdated feature": "Güncelliğini yitirmiş özellikler", |
"xmas:outdated-warning": "Özellik mevcut sezon için güncellenmedi! Lütfen 'xmas:lastcheck' etiketini kontrol edip geçerli tarihe ayarlayın.", |
"deprecated": "%s etiketi kullanımdan kaldırıldı. Ayrıntılar için<a target='_blank' href=\"%s\">buraya</a> bakınız." |
@ -1,93 +1,110 @@ |
{ |
"Objects with diet information": "", |
"category:administrative": "", |
"category:agriculture": "", |
"category:places_geo": "Місцевість", |
"category:pt:stops": "Зупинки та станції", |
"category:pt_amenities": "Amenities", |
"category:public": "Громадські місця", |
"category:religion": "Релігія", |
"category:residential": "Житлова зона", |
"category:shop": "Торгівля", |
"category:sport": "Спорт. Інше.", |
"category:tourism_attractions": "Туризм", |
"category:tourism_services": "Туризм", |
"category:transport_alternative": "Інші (Велосипедні, піші, ...)", |
"category:places": "Місцевість", |
"category:playgrounds": "Дитячий майданчик", |
"category:alternative_amenities": "Amenities", |
"category:alternative_routes": "Маршрути", |
"category:car_amenities": "Amenities", |
"category:car_furniture": "Street Furniture", |
"category:communication": "Телекомунікації", |
"category:culture": "Культура ", |
"category:culture_religion": "Культура ", |
"category:education": "Освіта", |
"category:emergency": "Швидка допомога", |
"category:financial": "Фінанси", |
"category:gastro": "Гастрономія", |
"category:health": "Здоров'я", |
"category:historic": "Історія", |
"category:leisure_sport_shopping": "Дозвілля", |
"category:services": "Послуги", |
"category:transport": "Транспорт", |
"category:transport_pt": "Громадський транспорт", |
"category:transport_car": "Приватний транспорт", |
"category:leisure": "Дозвілля", |
"category:natural": "Природне середовище", |
"category:other": "Інше", |
"category:administrative": "", |
"category:agriculture": "", |
"category:buildings": "", |
"category:buildings-entrances": "", |
"category:buildings-figure-ground": "", |
"category:buildings-height": "", |
"category:buildings-start_date": "", |
"category:buildings-type": "", |
"category:car_amenities": "Amenities", |
"category:car_furniture": "Street Furniture", |
"category:car_maxspeed": "", |
"category:car_routes": "", |
"category:children": "", |
"category:climbing": "", |
"category:coal": "", |
"category:communication": "Телекомунікації", |
"category:construction": "", |
"category:craft": "", |
"category:culture": "Культура ", |
"category:culture_religion": "Культура ", |
"category:culture-media": "", |
"category:cycle_amenities": "", |
"category:cycle_directions": "", |
"category:cycle_routes": "", |
"category:education": "Освіта", |
"category:developable_areas": "", |
"category:developments": "", |
"category:electric_power": "", |
"category:emergency": "Швидка допомога", |
"category:energy": "", |
"category:financial": "Фінанси", |
"category:gastro": "Гастрономія", |
"category:fixme": "", |
"category:footways": "", |
"category:gastro-smoking": "", |
"category:health": "Здоров'я", |
"category:heritage": "", |
"category:hiking_routes": "", |
"category:historic": "Історія", |
"category:index": "", |
"category:infrastructure": "", |
"category:internet": "", |
"category:kerbs": "", |
"category:law": "", |
"category:leisure": "Дозвілля", |
"category:leisure_sport_shopping": "Дозвілля", |
"category:memorial": "", |
"category:military": "", |
"category:mtb-routes": "", |
"category:natural": "Природне середовище", |
"category:office": "", |
"category:oil_gas": "", |
"category:organisations": "", |
"category:other": "Інше", |
"category:osm-qa": "", |
"category:outdoor": "", |
"category:paddling": "", |
"category:paddling_amenities": "", |
"category:paddling_hazards": "", |
"category:paddling_routes": "", |
"category:phone": "", |
"category:places": "Місцевість", |
"category:places_geo": "Місцевість", |
"category:playgrounds": "Дитячий майданчик", |
"category:post": "", |
"category:power_routes": "", |
"category:proposals": "", |
"category:pt": "", |
"category:pt:routes": "", |
"category:pt:stops": "Зупинки та станції", |
"category:pt_amenities": "Amenities", |
"category:public": "Громадські місця", |
"category:railway": "", |
"category:railway-electrification": "", |
"category:railway-gauge": "", |
"category:railway-infrastructure": "", |
"category:railway-maxspeed": "", |
"category:railway-routes": "", |
"category:religion": "Релігія", |
"category:renewables": "", |
"category:residential": "Житлова зона", |
"category:resources": "", |
"category:services": "Послуги", |
"category:shop": "Торгівля", |
"category:roads": "", |
"category:special": "", |
"category:sport": "Спорт. Інше.", |
"category:swimming_bathing": "", |
"category:tourism_attractions": "Туризм", |
"category:tourism_services": "Туризм", |
"category:transport": "Транспорт", |
"category:transport_alternative": "Інші (Велосипедні, піші, ...)", |
"category:transport_car": "Приватний транспорт", |
"category:transport_cycle": "", |
"category:transport_pt": "Громадський транспорт", |
"category:transport_walk": "", |
"category:walk_amenities": "", |
"category:walk_amenities_qa": "", |
"category:waste": "", |
"category:water": "", |
"category:wikipedia": "", |
"category:works": "", |
"category:xmas": "", |
"Objects with diet information": "", |
"date format not understood": "", |
"outdated feature": "", |
"xmas:outdated-warning": "" |
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"en": "Law", |
"fr": "Services législatifs", |
"pt-br": "Direito" |
}, |
"query": { |
"14": [ |
"(", |
"node[amenity~\"^(courthouse)$\"];", |
"way[amenity~\"^(courthouse)$\"];", |
"relation[amenity~\"^(courthouse)$\"];", |
"node[office~\"^(lawyer|notary)$\"];", |
"way[office~\"^(lawyer|notary)$\"];", |
"relation[office~\"^(lawyer|notary)$\"];", |
")" |
] |
}, |
"feature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% if tags.amenity %}", |
" {% set key = 'amenity' %}", |
" {% set value = tags.amenity %}", |
"{% else %}", |
" {% set key = 'office' %}", |
" {% set value = tags.office %}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"description": "{{ tagTrans(key, value) }}", |
"markerSign": "{{ const[key ~ '=' ~ value].sign|raw }}" |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<table>", |
"{% for kv, data in const %}", |
"{% if data.zoom <= map.zoom %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td>", |
" <td>", |
" {{ tagTrans(kv|split('=')[0], kv|split('=')[1]) }}", |
" </td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endif %}", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"</table>" |
], |
"const": { |
"amenity=courthouse": { |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-gavel\"></i>", |
"zoom": 14 |
}, |
"office=lawyer": { |
"sign": "⚖", |
"zoom": 14 |
}, |
"office=notary": { |
"sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-file-signature\"></i>", |
"zoom": 14 |
} |
}, |
"filter": { |
"type": { |
"name": "{{ trans('filter:type') }}", |
"show_default": "true", |
"type": "select", |
"values": "{% for k, v in const %}<option value=\"{{ k }}\" query=\"nwr[{{ k }}]\" minzoom=\"{{ v.zoom }}\">{{ tagTrans(k) }}</option>{% endfor %}" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ca: Llei |
cs: Právo |
de: Juristische Institutionen |
en: Law |
es: Ley |
fr: Services législatifs |
gl: Leis |
hu: Jog |
it: Legge |
ja: 法律 |
nb: Lov |
nl: Juridische diensten |
oc: Lèi |
pl: Prawo |
pt: Direito |
pt-br: Direito |
ru: Юристы |
sr: Закон |
tr: Hukuk |
query: |
14: |- |
( |
nwr[amenity^courthouse]; |
nwr[office^lawyer]; |
nwr[office^notary]; |
) |
feature: |
pre: |- |
{% set key = null %} |
{% set value = null %} |
{% for k, d in const %} |
{% set kv = k|split('=') %} |
{% if attribute(tags, kv[0]) and kv[1] in attribute(tags, kv[0])|split(';') %} |
{% set key = kv[0] %} |
{% set value = kv[1] %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
description: '{{ tagTransList(key, attribute(tags, key)) }}' |
markerSign: '{{ const[key ~ "=" ~ value].sign|raw }}' |
info: |- |
<table> |
{% for kv, data in const %} |
{% if data.zoom <= map.zoom %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td> |
<td> |
{{ tagTrans(kv|split('=')[0], kv|split('=')[1]) }} |
</td> |
</tr> |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
</table> |
const: |
amenity=courthouse: |
sign: <i class="fas fa-gavel"></i> |
zoom: 14 |
office=lawyer: |
sign: ⚖ |
zoom: 14 |
office=notary: |
sign: <i class="fas fa-file-signature"></i> |
zoom: 14 |
filter: |
type: |
name: '{{ trans("filter:type") }}' |
show_default: 'true' |
type: select |
values: |- |
{% for k, v in const %} |
<option value="{{ k }}" query="nwr[{{ k|replace({ '=': '^' }) }}]" minzoom="{{ v.zoom }}"> |
{{ tagTrans(k) }} |
</option> |
{% endfor %} |
@ -1,19 +1,27 @@ |
{ |
"name": { |
"ast": "Otres", |
"ca": "Altres", |
"cs": "Jiné", |
"de": "Andere", |
"en": "Other", |
"es": "Otro", |
"et": "Ülejäänud", |
"fr": "Autres", |
"gl": "Outros", |
"hu": "Egyéb", |
"it": "Altri", |
"it": "Altro", |
"ja": "その他", |
"nb": "Andre", |
"nl": "Andere", |
"oc": "Autrei", |
"pl": "Inne", |
"pt": "Outros", |
"pt-br": "Outros", |
"ro": "Altele", |
"ru": "Прочее", |
"sr": "Остало", |
"tr": "Diğer", |
"uk": "Інше" |
} |
} |
Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff
Reference in new issue