Stephan Bösch-Plepelits
4 months ago
10 changed files with 645 additions and 719 deletions
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"ca": "Electrificació de la via fèrria", |
"cs": "Elektrifikovaná železnice", |
"de": "Eisenbahn Elektrifizierung", |
"en": "Railway electrification", |
"es": "Electrificación ferroviaria", |
"fr": "Puissance électrique ferroviaire", |
"gl": "Ferrocarril electrificado", |
"hu": "Vasút villamosítottsága", |
"it": "Elettrificazione ferroviaria", |
"ja": "鉄道の電力", |
"nb": "Jernbane-strømtilførsel", |
"nl": "Spoorwegelektrificatie", |
"oc": "Electrificacion ferroviària", |
"pl": "Elektryfikacja kolei", |
"pt": "Eletrificação ferroviária", |
"pt-br": "Eletrificação ferroviária", |
"ru": "Электрификация железных дорог", |
"tr": "Demiryolu elektrifikasyonu" |
}, |
"query": { |
"11": "way[railway=rail][railway!~'^(platform|abandoned|disused|station|proposed|subway_entrance)$'][usage~'^(main|branch)$'];", |
"14": "way[railway~'^(disused|construction|funicular|light_rail|miniature|monorail|narrow_gauge|preserved|rail|subway|tram)$'];" |
}, |
"feature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% if tags.electrified and tags.electrified != 'no' %}", |
" {% if not tags.voltage is defined %}", |
" {% set color = const.colorUnknown %}", |
" {% elseif not tags.voltage|matches('^[0-9]+$') %}", |
" {% set color = const.colorIllegal %}", |
" {% elseif tags.voltage < const.range[1] %}", |
" {% set color = colorInterpolate(const.scheme|slice(0, 2), tags.voltage / const.range[1]) %}", |
" {% else %}", |
" {% set color = colorInterpolate(const.scheme|slice(1, 2), (tags.voltage - const.range[1]) / (const.range[2] - const.range[1])) %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
"{% elseif tags.electrified and tags.electrified == 'no' %}", |
" {% set color = const.colorNone %}", |
"{% else %}", |
" {% set color = const.colorUnknown %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if tags.service == 'yard' or tags.service == 'siding' or tags.service == 'spur' or tags.service == 'crossover' %}", |
" {% set width=2 %}", |
" {% else %}", |
" {% if tags.railway == 'rail' %}", |
" {% if tags.usage == 'main' or tags.usage == 'branch' %}", |
" {% set width=4 %}", |
" {% else %}", |
" {% set width=3 %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
" {% else %}", |
" {% set width=2 %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"title": "{% if tags.ref %}{{ localizedTag(tags, 'ref') }} - {% endif %}{{ localizedTag(tags, 'name')|default(localizedTag(tags, 'operator')) }}", |
"description": "{{ tagTrans('railway', tags.railway) }}", |
"details": [ |
"{% if tags.electrified == 'no' %}", |
"{{ tagTrans('electrified', 'no') }}", |
"{% elseif tags.electrified %}", |
"{{ tags.voltage|default(trans('unknown')) }}V, {{ tags.frequency|default(trans('unknown')) }}Hz", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"body": [ |
"{{ tagTrans('railway', tags.railway) }}<br/>", |
"{% if tags.operator %}{{ keyTrans('operator') }}: {{ localizedTag(tags, 'operator') }}<br>{% endif %}", |
"{% if tags.usage %}{{ keyTrans('usage') }}: {{ tagTrans('usage', tags.usage)|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %}", |
"{% if tags.service %}{{ keyTrans('service') }}: {{ tagTrans('service', tags.service ) }}<br/>{% endif %}", |
"{{ keyTrans('gauge') }}: {{ tags.gauge|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>", |
"{% if tags.electrified == 'no' %}{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', 'no') }}{% elseif tags.electrified %}{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', tags.electrified) }}, {{ keyTrans('voltage') }}: {{ tags.voltage|default(trans('unknown')) }}, {{ keyTrans('frequency') }}: {{ tags.frequency|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %}" |
], |
"markerSymbol": null, |
"listMarkerSymbol": "line", |
"styles": "casing,default", |
"priority": "{% if tags.railway == 'station' %}0{% elseif tags.railway in [ 'halt', 'tram_stop' ] %}1{% else %}5{% endif %}", |
"style": { |
"width": "{{ width }}", |
"lineCap": "butt", |
"color": "{{ color }}", |
"opacity": "1", |
"fill": null, |
"dashArray": [ |
"{% if not tags.electrified is defined %}", |
"{% elseif not tags.frequency is defined or tags.frequency == 0 %}", |
"{% else %}", |
"5,2", |
"{% endif %}" |
] |
}, |
"style:casing": { |
"width": "{{ width }}", |
"color": "white", |
"opacity": "1", |
"lineCap": "butt", |
"fill": null |
} |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<table>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': const.colorNone })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ trans('not electrified') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% for i in range(0, const.range[1], const.infoSteps[0]) %}", |
" {% set color = colorInterpolate(const.scheme|slice(0, 2), i / const.range[1]) %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': color })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ i }}V</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"", |
"{% for i in range(const.range[1] + const.infoSteps[1], const.range[2], const.infoSteps[1]) %}", |
" {% set color = colorInterpolate(const.scheme|slice(1, 2), (i - const.range[1]) / (const.range[2] - const.range[1])) %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': color })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ i }}V</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"", |
"{% set color = const.scheme[1] %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': color })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ trans('tag:frequency=0') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'styles': [ 'casing', 'default' ], 'style:casing': { 'width': 3, 'color': 'white' }, 'style': { 'width': '3', 'dashArray': '5,2', 'lineCap': 'butt', 'color': color } })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ trans('tag:frequency>0') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': const.colorUnknown })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ trans('unknown') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': const.colorIllegal })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ trans('illegal value') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"</table>" |
], |
"const": { |
"range": [ |
0, |
1000, |
25000 |
], |
"infoSteps": [ |
200, |
2000 |
], |
"scheme": [ |
"#00ff00", |
"#003fff", |
"#af0000" |
], |
"colorNone": "orange", |
"colorUnknown": "#404040", |
"colorIllegal": "#ff0000" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ca: Electrificació de la via fèrria |
cs: Elektrifikovaná železnice |
de: Eisenbahn Elektrifizierung |
en: Railway electrification |
es: Electrificación ferroviaria |
fr: Puissance électrique ferroviaire |
gl: Ferrocarril electrificado |
hu: Vasút villamosítottsága |
it: Elettrificazione ferroviaria |
ja: 鉄道の電力 |
nb: Jernbane-strømtilførsel |
nl: Spoorwegelektrificatie |
oc: Electrificacion ferroviària |
pl: Elektryfikacja kolei |
pt: Eletrificação ferroviária |
pt-br: Eletrificação ferroviária |
ru: Электрификация железных дорог |
tr: Demiryolu elektrifikasyonu |
query: |
11: way[railway=rail][railway!~'^(platform|abandoned|disused|station|proposed|subway_entrance)$'][usage~'^(main|branch)$']; |
14: way[railway~'^(disused|construction|funicular|light_rail|miniature|monorail|narrow_gauge|preserved|rail|subway|tram)$']; |
feature: |
pre: |- |
{% if tags.electrified and tags.electrified != 'no' %} |
{% if not tags.voltage is defined %} |
{% set color = const.colorUnknown %} |
{% elseif not tags.voltage|matches('^[0-9]+$') %} |
{% set color = const.colorIllegal %} |
{% elseif tags.voltage < const.range[1] %} |
{% set color = colorInterpolate(const.scheme|slice(0, 2), tags.voltage / const.range[1]) %} |
{% else %} |
{% set color = colorInterpolate(const.scheme|slice(1, 2), (tags.voltage - const.range[1]) / (const.range[2] - const.range[1])) %} |
{% endif %} |
{% elseif tags.electrified and tags.electrified == 'no' %} |
{% set color = const.colorNone %} |
{% else %} |
{% set color = const.colorUnknown %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if tags.service == 'yard' or tags.service == 'siding' or tags.service == 'spur' or tags.service == 'crossover' %} |
{% set width=2 %} |
{% else %} |
{% if tags.railway == 'rail' %} |
{% if tags.usage == 'main' or tags.usage == 'branch' %} |
{% set width=4 %} |
{% else %} |
{% set width=3 %} |
{% endif %} |
{% else %} |
{% set width=2 %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endif %} |
title: '{% if tags.ref %}{{ localizedTag(tags, ''ref'') }} - {% endif %}{{ localizedTag(tags, ''name'')|default(localizedTag(tags, ''operator'')) }}' |
description: '{{ tagTrans(''railway'', tags.railway) }}' |
details: |- |
{% if tags.electrified == 'no' %} |
{{ tagTrans('electrified', 'no') }} |
{% elseif tags.electrified %} |
{{ tags.voltage|default(trans('unknown')) }}V, {{ tags.frequency|default(trans('unknown')) }}Hz |
{% endif %} |
body: |- |
{{ tagTrans('railway', tags.railway) }}<br/> |
{% if tags.operator %}{{ keyTrans('operator') }}: {{ localizedTag(tags, 'operator') }}<br>{% endif %} |
{% if tags.usage %}{{ keyTrans('usage') }}: {{ tagTrans('usage', tags.usage)|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %} |
{% if tags.service %}{{ keyTrans('service') }}: {{ tagTrans('service', tags.service ) }}<br/>{% endif %} |
{{ keyTrans('gauge') }}: {{ tags.gauge|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/> |
{% if tags.electrified == 'no' %}{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', 'no') }}{% elseif tags.electrified %}{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', tags.electrified) }}, {{ keyTrans('voltage') }}: {{ tags.voltage|default(trans('unknown')) }}, {{ keyTrans('frequency') }}: {{ tags.frequency|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %} |
markerSymbol: null |
listMarkerSymbol: line |
styles: casing,default |
priority: '{% if tags.railway == ''station'' %}0{% elseif tags.railway in [ ''halt'', ''tram_stop'' ] %}1{% else %}5{% endif %}' |
style: |
width: '{{ width }}' |
lineCap: butt |
color: '{{ color }}' |
opacity: '1' |
fill: null |
dashArray: |- |
{% if not tags.electrified is defined %} |
{% elseif not tags.frequency is defined or tags.frequency == 0 %} |
{% else %} |
5,2 |
{% endif %} |
style:casing: |
width: '{{ width }}' |
color: white |
opacity: '1' |
lineCap: butt |
fill: null |
info: |- |
<table> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': const.colorNone })|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ trans('not electrified') }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% for i in range(0, const.range[1], const.infoSteps[0]) %} |
{% set color = colorInterpolate(const.scheme|slice(0, 2), i / const.range[1]) %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': color })|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ i }}V</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
{% for i in range(const.range[1] + const.infoSteps[1], const.range[2], const.infoSteps[1]) %} |
{% set color = colorInterpolate(const.scheme|slice(1, 2), (i - const.range[1]) / (const.range[2] - const.range[1])) %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': color })|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ i }}V</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
{% set color = const.scheme[1] %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': color })|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ trans('tag:frequency=0') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine({ 'styles': [ 'casing', 'default' ], 'style:casing': { 'width': 3, 'color': 'white' }, 'style': { 'width': '3', 'dashArray': '5,2', 'lineCap': 'butt', 'color': color } })|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ trans('tag:frequency>0') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': const.colorUnknown })|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ trans('unknown') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': const.colorIllegal })|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ trans('illegal value') }}</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
const: |
range: |
- 0 |
- 1000 |
- 25000 |
infoSteps: |
- 200 |
- 2000 |
scheme: |
- '#00ff00' |
- '#003fff' |
- '#af0000' |
colorNone: orange |
colorUnknown: '#404040' |
colorIllegal: '#ff0000' |
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"ca": "Ample de via fèrria", |
"cs": "Rozchod železnice", |
"de": "Eisenbahn-Spurweite", |
"en": "Railway gauge", |
"es": "Ancho de vía", |
"fr": "Écartement des rails", |
"gl": "Anchura de vía", |
"hu": "Vasúti nyomtáv", |
"it": "Scartamento Ferroviario", |
"ja": "軌間", |
"nb": "Sporvidde", |
"oc": "Ample dei vias", |
"pl": "Rozstaw szyn", |
"pt": "Bitola", |
"pt-br": "Bitola", |
"ru": "Железнодорожная колея", |
"tr": "Demiryolu hat açıklığı" |
}, |
"query": { |
"11": "way[railway=rail][railway!~'^(platform|abandoned|disused|station|proposed|subway_entrance)$'][usage~'^(main|branch)$'];", |
"14": "way[railway~'^(disused|construction|funicular|light_rail|miniature|monorail|narrow_gauge|preserved|rail|subway|tram)$'];" |
}, |
"feature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% set gauges = tags.gauge|split(';')|sort|reverse %}", |
"{% set width = max(3, 3 / map.metersPerPixel) %}" |
], |
"title": "{% if tags.ref %}{{ localizedTag(tags, 'ref') }} - {% endif %}{{ localizedTag(tags, 'name')|default(localizedTag(tags, 'operator')) }}", |
"description": "{{ tagTrans('railway', tags.railway) }}", |
"details": "{{ tags.gauge|default(trans('unknown'))|enumerate }}", |
"body": [ |
"{{ tagTrans('railway', tags.railway) }}<br/>", |
"{% if tags.operator %}{{ keyTrans('operator') }}: {{ localizedTag(tags, 'operator') }}<br>{% endif %}", |
"{% if tags.usage %}{{ keyTrans('usage') }}: {{ tagTrans('usage', tags.usage)|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %}", |
"{% if tags.service %}{{ keyTrans('service') }}: {{ tagTrans('service', tags.service ) }}<br/>{% endif %}", |
"{{ keyTrans('gauge') }}: {{ tags.gauge|default(trans('unknown'))|enumerate }}<br/>", |
"{% if tags.electrified == 'no' %}{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', 'no') }}{% elseif tags.electrified %}{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', tags.electrified) }}, {{ keyTrans('voltage') }}: {{ tags.voltage|default(trans('unknown')) }}, {{ keyTrans('frequency') }}: {{ tags.frequency|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %}" |
], |
"markerSymbol": null, |
"listMarkerSymbol": "line", |
"styles": "{% if gauges|length < 2 %}default{% else %}{% for i, v in gauges %}{% if i != 0 %},{% endif %}gauge{{ i }}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if gauges|length > 0 and map.zoom >= 18 %},rail{% for i, v in gauges %},rail{{ i }}{% endfor %}{% endif %}", |
"style": { |
"width": "{{ width }}", |
"pane": "casing", |
"color": "{% if tags.gauge %}{% if not tags.gauge|matches('^\\d+$') %}#ff0000{% else %}{{ colorInterpolate([ '#00ff00', '#0000ff' ], tags.gauge / 2000) }}{% endif %}{% else %}#404040{% endif %}" |
}, |
"style:rail": { |
"width": "1", |
"color": "#ffffff", |
"offset": "{{ gauges[0] / -2000 }}m" |
}, |
"style:gauge0": { |
"width": "{{ width }}", |
"pane": "casing", |
"lineCap": "butt", |
"color": "{% if not gauges[0]|matches('^[0-9]+$') %}#ff0000{% else %}{{ colorInterpolate([ '#00ff00', '#0000ff' ], gauges[0] / 2000) }}{% endif %}", |
"dashArray": "5,{{ (gauges|length - 1) * 5 }}" |
}, |
"style:rail0": { |
"width": "1", |
"color": "#ffffff", |
"offset": "{{ gauges[0] / 2000 }}m" |
}, |
"style:gauge1": { |
"width": "{{ width }}", |
"pane": "casing", |
"lineCap": "butt", |
"color": "{% if not gauges[1]|matches('^[0-9]+$') %}#ff0000{% else %}{{ colorInterpolate([ '#00ff00', '#0000ff' ], gauges[1] / 2000) }}{% endif %}", |
"dashArray": "5,{{ (gauges|length - 1) * 5 }}", |
"dashOffset": "5" |
}, |
"style:rail1": { |
"width": "1", |
"color": "#ffffff", |
"offset": "{{ gauges[0] / -2000 + gauges[1] / 1000 }}m" |
}, |
"style:gauge2": { |
"width": "{{ width }}", |
"pane": "casing", |
"lineCap": "butt", |
"color": "{% if not gauges[2]|matches('^\\d+$') %}#ff0000{% else %}{{ colorInterpolate([ '#00ff00', '#0000ff' ], gauges[2] / 2000) }}{% endif %}", |
"dashArray": "5,{{ (gauges|length - 1) * 5 }}", |
"dashOffset": "10" |
}, |
"style:rail2": { |
"width": "1", |
"color": "#ffffff", |
"offset": "{{ gauges[0] / -2000 + gauges[2] / 1000 }}m" |
}, |
"style:gauge3": { |
"width": "{{ width }}", |
"pane": "casing", |
"lineCap": "butt", |
"color": "{% if not gauges[3]|matches('^\\d+$') %}#ff0000{% else %}{{ colorInterpolate([ '#00ff00', '#0000ff' ], gauges[3] / 2000) }}{% endif %}", |
"dashArray": "5,{{ (gauges|length - 1) * 5 }}", |
"dashOffset": "15" |
}, |
"style:rail3": { |
"width": "1", |
"color": "#ffffff", |
"offset": "{{ gauges[0] / -2000 + gauges[3] / 1000 }}m" |
} |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<table>", |
" {% set color = '#ff0000' %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': color })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ trans('illegal value') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" {% set color = '#404040' %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': color })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ trans('unknown') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% for i in range(0, 1800, 250) %}", |
" {% set color = colorInterpolate([ '#00ff00', '#0000ff' ], i / 2000) %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': color })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ i }}mm</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endfor %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': '#0000ff' })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>>2000mm</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"</table>" |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ca: Ample de via fèrria |
cs: Rozchod železnice |
de: Eisenbahn-Spurweite |
en: Railway gauge |
es: Ancho de vía |
fr: Écartement des rails |
gl: Anchura de vía |
hu: Vasúti nyomtáv |
it: Scartamento Ferroviario |
ja: 軌間 |
nb: Sporvidde |
oc: Ample dei vias |
pl: Rozstaw szyn |
pt: Bitola |
pt-br: Bitola |
ru: Железнодорожная колея |
tr: Demiryolu hat açıklığı |
query: |
11: way[railway=rail][railway!~'^(platform|abandoned|disused|station|proposed|subway_entrance)$'][usage~'^(main|branch)$']; |
14: way[railway~'^(disused|construction|funicular|light_rail|miniature|monorail|narrow_gauge|preserved|rail|subway|tram)$']; |
feature: |
pre: |- |
{% set gauges = tags.gauge|split(';')|sort|reverse %} |
{% set width = max(3, 3 / map.metersPerPixel) %} |
title: '{% if tags.ref %}{{ localizedTag(tags, ''ref'') }} - {% endif %}{{ localizedTag(tags, ''name'')|default(localizedTag(tags, ''operator'')) }}' |
description: '{{ tagTrans(''railway'', tags.railway) }}' |
details: '{{ tags.gauge|default(trans(''unknown''))|enumerate }}' |
body: |- |
{{ tagTrans('railway', tags.railway) }}<br/> |
{% if tags.operator %}{{ keyTrans('operator') }}: {{ localizedTag(tags, 'operator') }}<br>{% endif %} |
{% if tags.usage %}{{ keyTrans('usage') }}: {{ tagTrans('usage', tags.usage)|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %} |
{% if tags.service %}{{ keyTrans('service') }}: {{ tagTrans('service', tags.service ) }}<br/>{% endif %} |
{{ keyTrans('gauge') }}: {{ tags.gauge|default(trans('unknown'))|enumerate }}<br/> |
{% if tags.electrified == 'no' %}{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', 'no') }}{% elseif tags.electrified %}{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', tags.electrified) }}, {{ keyTrans('voltage') }}: {{ tags.voltage|default(trans('unknown')) }}, {{ keyTrans('frequency') }}: {{ tags.frequency|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %} |
markerSymbol: null |
listMarkerSymbol: line |
styles: '{% if gauges|length < 2 %}default{% else %}{% for i, v in gauges %}{% if i != 0 %},{% endif %}gauge{{ i }}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if gauges|length > 0 and map.zoom >= 18 %},rail{% for i, v in gauges %},rail{{ i }}{% endfor %}{% endif %}' |
style: |
width: '{{ width }}' |
pane: casing |
color: '{% if tags.gauge %}{% if not tags.gauge|matches(''^\d+$'') %}#ff0000{% else %}{{ colorInterpolate([ ''#00ff00'', ''#0000ff'' ], tags.gauge / 2000) }}{% endif %}{% else %}#404040{% endif %}' |
style:rail: |
width: '1' |
color: '#ffffff' |
offset: '{{ gauges[0] / -2000 }}m' |
style:gauge0: |
width: '{{ width }}' |
pane: casing |
lineCap: butt |
color: '{% if not gauges[0]|matches(''^[0-9]+$'') %}#ff0000{% else %}{{ colorInterpolate([ ''#00ff00'', ''#0000ff'' ], gauges[0] / 2000) }}{% endif %}' |
dashArray: '5,{{ (gauges|length - 1) * 5 }}' |
style:rail0: |
width: '1' |
color: '#ffffff' |
offset: '{{ gauges[0] / 2000 }}m' |
style:gauge1: |
width: '{{ width }}' |
pane: casing |
lineCap: butt |
color: '{% if not gauges[1]|matches(''^[0-9]+$'') %}#ff0000{% else %}{{ colorInterpolate([ ''#00ff00'', ''#0000ff'' ], gauges[1] / 2000) }}{% endif %}' |
dashArray: '5,{{ (gauges|length - 1) * 5 }}' |
dashOffset: '5' |
style:rail1: |
width: '1' |
color: '#ffffff' |
offset: '{{ gauges[0] / -2000 + gauges[1] / 1000 }}m' |
style:gauge2: |
width: '{{ width }}' |
pane: casing |
lineCap: butt |
color: '{% if not gauges[2]|matches(''^\d+$'') %}#ff0000{% else %}{{ colorInterpolate([ ''#00ff00'', ''#0000ff'' ], gauges[2] / 2000) }}{% endif %}' |
dashArray: '5,{{ (gauges|length - 1) * 5 }}' |
dashOffset: '10' |
style:rail2: |
width: '1' |
color: '#ffffff' |
offset: '{{ gauges[0] / -2000 + gauges[2] / 1000 }}m' |
style:gauge3: |
width: '{{ width }}' |
pane: casing |
lineCap: butt |
color: '{% if not gauges[3]|matches(''^\d+$'') %}#ff0000{% else %}{{ colorInterpolate([ ''#00ff00'', ''#0000ff'' ], gauges[3] / 2000) }}{% endif %}' |
dashArray: '5,{{ (gauges|length - 1) * 5 }}' |
dashOffset: '15' |
style:rail3: |
width: '1' |
color: '#ffffff' |
offset: '{{ gauges[0] / -2000 + gauges[3] / 1000 }}m' |
info: |- |
<table> |
{% set color = '#ff0000' %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': color })|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ trans('illegal value') }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% set color = '#404040' %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': color })|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ trans('unknown') }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% for i in range(0, 1800, 250) %} |
{% set color = colorInterpolate([ '#00ff00', '#0000ff' ], i / 2000) %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': color })|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ i }}mm</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 3, 'color': '#0000ff' })|raw }}</td> |
<td>>2000mm</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
@ -1,169 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"ca": "Infraestructura fèrria", |
"cs": "Železniční infrastruktura", |
"de": "Eisenbahn Infrastruktur", |
"en": "Railway infrastructure", |
"es": "Infraestructura ferroviaria", |
"fr": "Infrastructure ferroviaire", |
"gl": "Infraestrutura do ferrocarril", |
"hu": "Vasúti infrastruktúra", |
"it": "Infrastruttura ferroviaria", |
"ja": "鉄道インフラ", |
"nb": "Jernbane-infrastruktur", |
"nl": "Spoorweginfrastructuur", |
"oc": "Infrastructura ferroviària", |
"pl": "Infrastruktura kolejowa", |
"pt": "Infraestrutura ferroviária", |
"pt-br": "Infraestrutura ferroviária", |
"ru": "Железнодорожная инфраструктура", |
"sr": "Железничка инфраструктура", |
"tr": "Demiryolu altyapısı" |
}, |
"query": { |
"11": "(way[railway=rail][usage~'^(main|branch)$'];node[railway~'^(station)$'];)", |
"14": "(way[railway];node[railway~'^(station|halt|tram_stop)$'];)", |
"17": "(node[railway];way[railway];)" |
}, |
"feature": { |
"title": "{% if tags.ref %}{{ localizedTag(tags, 'ref') }} - {% endif %}{{ localizedTag(tags, 'name')|default(localizedTag(tags, 'operator')) }}", |
"description": [ |
"{{ tagTrans('railway', tags.railway) -}}", |
"{%- if tags.usage %}", |
", {{ tagTrans('railway=rail usage', tags.usage) }}", |
"{% endif -%}", |
"{%- if tags.service %}", |
", {{ tagTrans('railway=rail service', tags.service) }}", |
"{% endif -%}" |
], |
"body": [ |
"{% if tags.operator %}{{ keyTrans('operator') }}: {{ localizedTag(tags, 'operator') }}<br>{% endif %}", |
"{% if tags.usage %}{{ keyTrans('railway=rail usage') }}: {{ tagTrans('railway=rail usage', tags.usage)|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %}", |
"{% if tags.service %}{{ keyTrans('railway=rail service') }}: {{ tagTrans('railway=rail service', tags.service ) }}<br/>{% endif %}", |
"{{ keyTrans('gauge') }}: {{ tags.gauge|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>", |
"{% if tags.electrified == 'no' %}{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', 'no') }}{% elseif tags.electrified %}{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', tags.electrified) }}, {{ keyTrans('voltage') }}: {{ tags.voltage|default(trans('unknown')) }}, {{ keyTrans('frequency') }}: {{ tags.frequency|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %}" |
], |
"markerSign": "{% if tags.railway in [ 'halt', 'tram_stop', 'station', 'stop', 'subway_entrance' ] %}X{% endif %}", |
"markerSymbol": [ |
"{% if tags.railway == 'signal' %}", |
"<svg anchorX='5' anchorY='8' width='9' height='15'>", |
" <rect x='0.5' y='0.5' width='8' height='14' style='fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1;' />", |
" <circle cx='4.5' cy='4.5' r='2.5' style='stroke-width: 1; stroke: #000000; fill: #7f7f7f;'/>", |
" <circle cx='4.5' cy='10.5' r='2.5' style='stroke-width: 1; stroke: #000000; fill: #ff0000;'/>", |
"</svg>", |
"{% elseif tags.railway == 'switch' %}", |
"<svg anchorX='5' anchorY='8' width='9' height='15'>", |
" <rect x='0.5' y='0.5' width='8' height='14' style='fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: 1;' />", |
" <line x1='2' x2='2' y1='2' y2='13' style='stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000; stroke-linecap: round;'/>", |
" <line x1='2' x2='7' y1='10' y2='2' style='stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000; stroke-linecap: round;'/>", |
"</svg>", |
"{% elseif tags.railway == 'railway_crossing' %}", |
"<svg anchorX='5' anchorY='8' width='9' height='15'>", |
" <rect x='0.5' y='0.5' width='8' height='14' style='fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: 1;' />", |
" <line x1='2' x2='7' y1='2' y2='13' style='stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000; stroke-linecap: round;'/>", |
" <line x1='7' x2='2' y1='2' y2='13' style='stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000; stroke-linecap: round;'/>", |
"</svg>", |
"{% elseif tags.railway not in [ 'rail', 'tram', 'subway', 'narrow_gauge', 'abandoned', 'disused' ] %}", |
"{{ markerPointer({})|raw }}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"listMarkerSymbol": [ |
"{% if tags.railway in [ 'station', 'halt', 'tram_stop', 'stop', 'subway_entrance', 'signal', 'switch', 'railway_crossing' ] %}", |
"{% else %}", |
"line", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"priority": [ |
"{% if tags.railway == 'station' %}0", |
"{% elseif tags.railway in [ 'halt' ] %}1", |
"{% elseif tags.railway in [ 'tram_stop', 'stop' ] %}2", |
"{% elseif tags.railway in [ 'subway_entrance' ] %}3", |
"{% else %}5", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"styles": "{% if tags.railway == 'narrow_gauge' %}default,casing{% else %}default{% endif %}", |
"style": { |
"width": [ |
"{% if tags.service == 'yard' or tags.service == 'siding' or tags.service == 'spur' or tags.service == 'crossover' %}", |
"1", |
"{% else %}", |
" {% if tags.railway == 'rail' %}", |
" {% if tags.usage == 'main' or tags.usage == 'branch' %}", |
" 3", |
" {% else %}", |
" 2", |
" {% endif %}", |
" {% elseif tags.railway == 'platform' %}", |
" 1", |
" {% elseif tags.railway in [ 'signal', 'switch', 'railway_crossing' ] %}", |
" 0", |
" {% else %}", |
" 2", |
" {% endif %}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"color": "{% if tags.railway == 'rail' or tags.railway == 'narrow_gauge' or tags.railway == 'disused' %}{% if tags.usage == 'main' %}#ff8100{% elseif tags.usage == 'branch' %}#daca00{% else %}#000000{% endif %}{% elseif tags.railway == 'subway' %}#0000ff{% elseif tags.railway == 'tram' %}#ff00ff{% elseif tags.railway == 'light_rail' %}#00BD14{% elseif tags.railway == 'platform' %}#3f3f3f{% else %}#000000{% endif %}", |
"opacity": "1", |
"dashArray": "{% if tags.railway == 'rail' %}{% elseif tags.railway == 'disused' %}1,5{% elseif tags.railway == 'abandoned' %}1,7{% endif %}", |
"fill": [ |
"{% if tags.railway == 'platform' %}", |
"1", |
"{% elseif type == 'node' %}", |
"1", |
"{% else %}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"fillColor": [ |
"{% if tags.railway == 'platform' %}", |
"#3f3f3f", |
"{% elseif type == 'node' %}", |
"#ffffff", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"fillOpacity": [ |
"{% if tags.railway == 'platform' %}", |
"0.2", |
"{% elseif type == 'node' %}", |
"0", |
"{% endif %}" |
] |
}, |
"style:casing": { |
"width": "{% if tags.service == 'yard' or tags.service == 'siding' or tags.service == 'spur' or tags.service == 'crossover' %}5{% else %}{% if tags.railway == 'rail' %}{% if tags.usage == 'main' or tags.usage == 'branch' %}7{% else %}6{% endif %}{% elseif tags.railway == 'platform' %}5{% else %}6{% endif %}{% endif %}", |
"color": "{% if tags.railway == 'rail' or tags.railway == 'narrow_gauge' or tags.railway == 'disused' %}{% if tags.usage == 'main' %}#ff8100{% elseif tags.usage == 'branch' %}#daca00{% else %}#000000{% endif %}{% elseif tags.railway == 'subway' %}#0000ff{% elseif tags.railway == 'tram' %}#ff00ff{% elseif tags.railway == 'light_rail' %}#00BD14{% elseif tags.railway == 'platform' %}#3f3f3f{% else %}#000000{% endif %}", |
"lineCap": "butt", |
"dashArray": "2,4" |
} |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<table>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"railway\": \"rail\", \"usage\": \"main\" }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'rail') }}, {{ keyTrans('usage') }}: {{ tagTrans('usage', 'main') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"railway\": \"rail\" }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'rail') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"railway\": \"narrow_gauge\" }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'narrow_gauge') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"railway\": \"light_rail\" }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'light_rail') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"railway\": \"subway\" }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'subway') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% if map.zoom >= 14 %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"railway\": \"tram\" }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'tram') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endif %}", |
"</table>" |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ca: Infraestructura fèrria |
cs: Železniční infrastruktura |
de: Eisenbahn Infrastruktur |
en: Railway infrastructure |
es: Infraestructura ferroviaria |
fr: Infrastructure ferroviaire |
gl: Infraestrutura do ferrocarril |
hu: Vasúti infrastruktúra |
it: Infrastruttura ferroviaria |
ja: 鉄道インフラ |
nb: Jernbane-infrastruktur |
nl: Spoorweginfrastructuur |
oc: Infrastructura ferroviària |
pl: Infrastruktura kolejowa |
pt: Infraestrutura ferroviária |
pt-br: Infraestrutura ferroviária |
ru: Железнодорожная инфраструктура |
sr: Железничка инфраструктура |
tr: Demiryolu altyapısı |
query: |
11: (way[railway=rail][usage~'^(main|branch)$'];node[railway~'^(station)$'];) |
14: (way[railway];node[railway~'^(station|halt|tram_stop)$'];) |
17: (node[railway];way[railway];) |
feature: |
title: '{% if tags.ref %}{{ localizedTag(tags, ''ref'') }} - {% endif %}{{ localizedTag(tags, ''name'')|default(localizedTag(tags, ''operator'')) }}' |
description: |- |
{{ tagTrans('railway', tags.railway) -}} |
{%- if tags.usage %} |
, {{ tagTrans('railway=rail usage', tags.usage) }} |
{% endif -%} |
{%- if tags.service %} |
, {{ tagTrans('railway=rail service', tags.service) }} |
{% endif -%} |
body: |- |
{% if tags.operator %}{{ keyTrans('operator') }}: {{ localizedTag(tags, 'operator') }}<br>{% endif %} |
{% if tags.usage %}{{ keyTrans('railway=rail usage') }}: {{ tagTrans('railway=rail usage', tags.usage)|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %} |
{% if tags.service %}{{ keyTrans('railway=rail service') }}: {{ tagTrans('railway=rail service', tags.service ) }}<br/>{% endif %} |
{{ keyTrans('gauge') }}: {{ tags.gauge|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/> |
{% if tags.electrified == 'no' %}{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', 'no') }}{% elseif tags.electrified %}{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', tags.electrified) }}, {{ keyTrans('voltage') }}: {{ tags.voltage|default(trans('unknown')) }}, {{ keyTrans('frequency') }}: {{ tags.frequency|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %} |
markerSign: '{% if tags.railway in [ ''halt'', ''tram_stop'', ''station'', ''stop'', ''subway_entrance'' ] %}X{% endif %}' |
markerSymbol: |- |
{% if tags.railway == 'signal' %} |
<svg anchorX='5' anchorY='8' width='9' height='15'> |
<rect x='0.5' y='0.5' width='8' height='14' style='fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1;' /> |
<circle cx='4.5' cy='4.5' r='2.5' style='stroke-width: 1; stroke: #000000; fill: #7f7f7f;'/> |
<circle cx='4.5' cy='10.5' r='2.5' style='stroke-width: 1; stroke: #000000; fill: #ff0000;'/> |
</svg> |
{% elseif tags.railway == 'switch' %} |
<svg anchorX='5' anchorY='8' width='9' height='15'> |
<rect x='0.5' y='0.5' width='8' height='14' style='fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: 1;' /> |
<line x1='2' x2='2' y1='2' y2='13' style='stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000; stroke-linecap: round;'/> |
<line x1='2' x2='7' y1='10' y2='2' style='stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000; stroke-linecap: round;'/> |
</svg> |
{% elseif tags.railway == 'railway_crossing' %} |
<svg anchorX='5' anchorY='8' width='9' height='15'> |
<rect x='0.5' y='0.5' width='8' height='14' style='fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: 1;' /> |
<line x1='2' x2='7' y1='2' y2='13' style='stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000; stroke-linecap: round;'/> |
<line x1='7' x2='2' y1='2' y2='13' style='stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000; stroke-linecap: round;'/> |
</svg> |
{% elseif tags.railway not in [ 'rail', 'tram', 'subway', 'narrow_gauge', 'abandoned', 'disused' ] %} |
{{ markerPointer({})|raw }} |
{% endif %} |
listMarkerSymbol: |- |
{% if tags.railway in [ 'station', 'halt', 'tram_stop', 'stop', 'subway_entrance', 'signal', 'switch', 'railway_crossing' ] %} |
{% else %} |
line |
{% endif %} |
priority: |- |
{% if tags.railway == 'station' %}0 |
{% elseif tags.railway in [ 'halt' ] %}1 |
{% elseif tags.railway in [ 'tram_stop', 'stop' ] %}2 |
{% elseif tags.railway in [ 'subway_entrance' ] %}3 |
{% else %}5 |
{% endif %} |
styles: '{% if tags.railway == ''narrow_gauge'' %}default,casing{% else %}default{% endif %}' |
style: |
width: |- |
{% if tags.service == 'yard' or tags.service == 'siding' or tags.service == 'spur' or tags.service == 'crossover' %} |
1 |
{% else %} |
{% if tags.railway == 'rail' %} |
{% if tags.usage == 'main' or tags.usage == 'branch' %} |
3 |
{% else %} |
2 |
{% endif %} |
{% elseif tags.railway == 'platform' %} |
1 |
{% elseif tags.railway in [ 'signal', 'switch', 'railway_crossing' ] %} |
0 |
{% else %} |
2 |
{% endif %} |
{% endif %} |
color: '{% if tags.railway == ''rail'' or tags.railway == ''narrow_gauge'' or tags.railway == ''disused'' %}{% if tags.usage == ''main'' %}#ff8100{% elseif tags.usage == ''branch'' %}#daca00{% else %}#000000{% endif %}{% elseif tags.railway == ''subway'' %}#0000ff{% elseif tags.railway == ''tram'' %}#ff00ff{% elseif tags.railway == ''light_rail'' %}#00BD14{% elseif tags.railway == ''platform'' %}#3f3f3f{% else %}#000000{% endif %}' |
opacity: '1' |
dashArray: '{% if tags.railway == ''rail'' %}{% elseif tags.railway == ''disused'' %}1,5{% elseif tags.railway == ''abandoned'' %}1,7{% endif %}' |
fill: |- |
{% if tags.railway == 'platform' %} |
1 |
{% elseif type == 'node' %} |
1 |
{% else %} |
{% endif %} |
fillColor: |- |
{% if tags.railway == 'platform' %} |
#3f3f3f |
{% elseif type == 'node' %} |
#ffffff |
{% endif %} |
fillOpacity: |- |
{% if tags.railway == 'platform' %} |
0.2 |
{% elseif type == 'node' %} |
0 |
{% endif %} |
style:casing: |
width: '{% if tags.service == ''yard'' or tags.service == ''siding'' or tags.service == ''spur'' or tags.service == ''crossover'' %}5{% else %}{% if tags.railway == ''rail'' %}{% if tags.usage == ''main'' or tags.usage == ''branch'' %}7{% else %}6{% endif %}{% elseif tags.railway == ''platform'' %}5{% else %}6{% endif %}{% endif %}' |
color: '{% if tags.railway == ''rail'' or tags.railway == ''narrow_gauge'' or tags.railway == ''disused'' %}{% if tags.usage == ''main'' %}#ff8100{% elseif tags.usage == ''branch'' %}#daca00{% else %}#000000{% endif %}{% elseif tags.railway == ''subway'' %}#0000ff{% elseif tags.railway == ''tram'' %}#ff00ff{% elseif tags.railway == ''light_rail'' %}#00BD14{% elseif tags.railway == ''platform'' %}#3f3f3f{% else %}#000000{% endif %}' |
lineCap: butt |
dashArray: '2,4' |
info: |- |
<table> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "railway": "rail", "usage": "main" }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'rail') }}, {{ keyTrans('usage') }}: {{ tagTrans('usage', 'main') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "railway": "rail" }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'rail') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "railway": "narrow_gauge" }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'narrow_gauge') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "railway": "light_rail" }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'light_rail') }}</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "railway": "subway" }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'subway') }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% if map.zoom >= 14 %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "railway": "tram" }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'tram') }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% endif %} |
</table> |
@ -1,178 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"ca": "Velocitat màxima de la via fèrria", |
"cs": "Maximální rychlost železnice", |
"de": "Eisenbahn Höchstgeschwindigkeiten", |
"en": "Railway Maxspeed", |
"es": "Velocidad máxima del ferrocarril", |
"fr": "Limites de vitesse", |
"gl": "Velocidade máxima do ferrocarril", |
"hu": "Sebességkorlátozás", |
"it": "Velocità ferroviaria massima", |
"ja": "鉄道の最高速度", |
"nb": "Jernbane-fartsgrense", |
"nl": "Spoorweg snelheidslimiet", |
"oc": "Limits de velocitat", |
"pl": "Prędkość maksymalna kolei", |
"pt": "Velocidade máxima", |
"pt-br": "Velocidade máxima", |
"ru": "Максимальная скорость", |
"tr": "Demiryolu Maksimum Hızı" |
}, |
"query": { |
"11": "way[railway=rail][railway!~'^(platform|abandoned|disused|station|proposed|subway_entrance)$'][usage~'^(main|branch)$'];", |
"14": "way[railway~'^(disused|construction|funicular|light_rail|miniature|monorail|narrow_gauge|preserved|rail|subway|tram)$'];" |
}, |
"feature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% set maxspeedKmh = null %}", |
"{% set maxspeed = null %}", |
"{% set unit = null %}", |
"", |
"{% if tags.maxspeed is defined %}", |
" {% if tags.maxspeed|matches(\"^[0-9]+$\") %}", |
" {% set maxspeedKmh = tags.maxspeed %}", |
" {% set maxspeed = tags.maxspeed %}", |
" {% set unit = \"km/h\" %}", |
" {% elseif tags.maxspeed|matches( \"(^[0-9]+) mph$\") %}", |
" {% set m = tags.maxspeed|matches(\"(^[0-9]+) mph$\") %}", |
" {% set maxspeedKmh = m[1] * 1.60934 %}", |
" {% set maxspeed = m[1] %}", |
" {% set unit = \"mph\" %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') is defined %}", |
" {% if attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward')|matches(\"^[0-9]+$\") %}", |
" {% set maxspeedFKmh = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') %}", |
" {% set maxspeedF = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') %}", |
" {% set unit = \"km/h\" %}", |
" {% elseif attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward')|matches(\"^[0-9]+ mph$\") %}", |
" {% set m = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward')|matches(\"(^[0-9]+) mph$\") %}", |
" {% set maxspeedFKmh = m[1] * 1.60934 %}", |
" {% set maxspeedF = m[1] %}", |
" {% set unit = \"mph\" %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') is defined %}", |
" {% if attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward')|matches(\"^[0-9]+$\") %}", |
" {% set maxspeedBKmh = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') %}", |
" {% set maxspeedB = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') %}", |
" {% set unit = \"km/h\" %}", |
" {% elseif attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward')|matches(\"^[0-9]+ mph$\") %}", |
" {% set m = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward')|matches(\"(^[0-9]+) mph$\") %}", |
" {% set maxspeedBKmh = m[1] * 1.60934 %}", |
" {% set maxspeedB = m[1] %}", |
" {% set unit = \"mph\" %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if not maxspeedKmh %}", |
"{% set color = \"#404040\" %}", |
"{% else %}", |
"{% set color = colorInterpolate(const.colorMap, (maxspeedKmh - const.offsetColorSpeed) / const.highestColorSpeed) %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if maxspeedFKmh %}", |
"{% set colorF = colorInterpolate(const.colorMap, (maxspeedFKmh - const.offsetColorSpeed) / const.highestColorSpeed) %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if maxspeedBKmh %}", |
"{% set colorB = colorInterpolate(const.colorMap, (maxspeedBKmh - const.offsetColorSpeed) / const.highestColorSpeed) %}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"description": [ |
"{% if maxspeedF or maxspeedB %}", |
"<span style='color: {{ colorB }}'>{{ maxspeedB|default(trans('unknown')) }}</span> / <span style='color: {{ colorF }}'>{{ maxspeedF|default(trans('unknown')) }}</span> {{ unit }}", |
"{% elseif maxspeed %}", |
"<span style='color: {{ color }}'>{{ maxspeed }} {{ unit }}</span>", |
"{% elseif tags.maxspeed %}", |
"{{ tags.maxspeed }}", |
"{% else %}", |
"{{ trans('unknown') }}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"markerSymbol": null, |
"listMarkerSymbol": "line", |
"styles": "{% if maxspeedB or maxspeedF %}left,right,default{% else %}default{% endif %}", |
"style": { |
"width": "{% if maxspeedB or maxspeedF %}0{% else %}4{% endif %}", |
"color": "{{ color }}", |
"text": [ |
"{% if maxspeedB or maxspeedF %}", |
" {% if maxspeedB %}🡸 {{ maxspeedB }} {% endif %}|{% if maxspeedF %} {{ maxspeedF }} 🡺{% endif %} ", |
"{% else %}", |
" {{ maxspeed }} ", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"textRepeat": "1", |
"textOffset": "4", |
"textFontWeight": "bold" |
}, |
"style:left": { |
"width": "2", |
"color": "{{ colorB|default('#404040') }}", |
"offset": "-1" |
}, |
"style:right": { |
"width": "2", |
"color": "{{ colorF|default('#404040') }}", |
"offset": "1" |
} |
}, |
"const": { |
"colorMap": [ |
"#00af00", |
"#ff7f00", |
"#ff0000", |
"#af00af" |
], |
"highestColorSpeed": 300, |
"offsetColorSpeed": 20 |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<div style='display: inline-block'>", |
"<table>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({}))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td colspan>{{ trans('unknown') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% for i in range(25, 280, 25) %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"maxspeed\": i }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ i }}km/h</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endfor %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"maxspeed\": 300 }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>≥300km/h</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"</table>", |
"</div>", |
"", |
"<div style='display: inline-block'>", |
"<table>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({}))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td colspan>{{ trans('unknown') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% for i in range(15, 150, 15) %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"maxspeed\": (i * 1.60934)|round }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ i }}mph</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endfor %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"maxspeed\": (175 * 1.60934)|round }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>175mph</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"maxspeed\": (200 * 1.60934)|round }))|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>≥200mph</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"</table>", |
"</div>" |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ca: Velocitat màxima de la via fèrria |
cs: Maximální rychlost železnice |
de: Eisenbahn Höchstgeschwindigkeiten |
en: Railway Maxspeed |
es: Velocidad máxima del ferrocarril |
fr: Limites de vitesse |
gl: Velocidade máxima do ferrocarril |
hu: Sebességkorlátozás |
it: Velocità ferroviaria massima |
ja: 鉄道の最高速度 |
nb: Jernbane-fartsgrense |
nl: Spoorweg snelheidslimiet |
oc: Limits de velocitat |
pl: Prędkość maksymalna kolei |
pt: Velocidade máxima |
pt-br: Velocidade máxima |
ru: Максимальная скорость |
tr: Demiryolu Maksimum Hızı |
query: |
11: way[railway=rail][railway!~'^(platform|abandoned|disused|station|proposed|subway_entrance)$'][usage~'^(main|branch)$']; |
14: way[railway~'^(disused|construction|funicular|light_rail|miniature|monorail|narrow_gauge|preserved|rail|subway|tram)$']; |
feature: |
pre: |- |
{% set maxspeedKmh = null %} |
{% set maxspeed = null %} |
{% set unit = null %} |
{% if tags.maxspeed is defined %} |
{% if tags.maxspeed|matches("^[0-9]+$") %} |
{% set maxspeedKmh = tags.maxspeed %} |
{% set maxspeed = tags.maxspeed %} |
{% set unit = "km/h" %} |
{% elseif tags.maxspeed|matches( "(^[0-9]+) mph$") %} |
{% set m = tags.maxspeed|matches("(^[0-9]+) mph$") %} |
{% set maxspeedKmh = m[1] * 1.60934 %} |
{% set maxspeed = m[1] %} |
{% set unit = "mph" %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') is defined %} |
{% if attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward')|matches("^[0-9]+$") %} |
{% set maxspeedFKmh = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') %} |
{% set maxspeedF = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward') %} |
{% set unit = "km/h" %} |
{% elseif attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward')|matches("^[0-9]+ mph$") %} |
{% set m = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:forward')|matches("(^[0-9]+) mph$") %} |
{% set maxspeedFKmh = m[1] * 1.60934 %} |
{% set maxspeedF = m[1] %} |
{% set unit = "mph" %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') is defined %} |
{% if attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward')|matches("^[0-9]+$") %} |
{% set maxspeedBKmh = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') %} |
{% set maxspeedB = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward') %} |
{% set unit = "km/h" %} |
{% elseif attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward')|matches("^[0-9]+ mph$") %} |
{% set m = attribute(tags, 'maxspeed:backward')|matches("(^[0-9]+) mph$") %} |
{% set maxspeedBKmh = m[1] * 1.60934 %} |
{% set maxspeedB = m[1] %} |
{% set unit = "mph" %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if not maxspeedKmh %} |
{% set color = "#404040" %} |
{% else %} |
{% set color = colorInterpolate(const.colorMap, (maxspeedKmh - const.offsetColorSpeed) / const.highestColorSpeed) %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if maxspeedFKmh %} |
{% set colorF = colorInterpolate(const.colorMap, (maxspeedFKmh - const.offsetColorSpeed) / const.highestColorSpeed) %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if maxspeedBKmh %} |
{% set colorB = colorInterpolate(const.colorMap, (maxspeedBKmh - const.offsetColorSpeed) / const.highestColorSpeed) %} |
{% endif %} |
description: |- |
{% if maxspeedF or maxspeedB %} |
<span style='color: {{ colorB }}'>{{ maxspeedB|default(trans('unknown')) }}</span> / <span style='color: {{ colorF }}'>{{ maxspeedF|default(trans('unknown')) }}</span> {{ unit }} |
{% elseif maxspeed %} |
<span style='color: {{ color }}'>{{ maxspeed }} {{ unit }}</span> |
{% elseif tags.maxspeed %} |
{{ tags.maxspeed }} |
{% else %} |
{{ trans('unknown') }} |
{% endif %} |
markerSymbol: null |
listMarkerSymbol: line |
styles: '{% if maxspeedB or maxspeedF %}left,right,default{% else %}default{% endif %}' |
style: |
width: '{% if maxspeedB or maxspeedF %}0{% else %}4{% endif %}' |
color: '{{ color }}' |
text: |- |
{% if maxspeedB or maxspeedF %} |
{% if maxspeedB %}🡸 {{ maxspeedB }} {% endif %}|{% if maxspeedF %} {{ maxspeedF }} 🡺{% endif %} |
{% else %} |
{{ maxspeed }} |
{% endif %} |
textRepeat: '1' |
textOffset: '4' |
textFontWeight: bold |
style:left: |
width: '2' |
color: '{{ colorB|default(''#404040'') }}' |
offset: '-1' |
style:right: |
width: '2' |
color: '{{ colorF|default(''#404040'') }}' |
offset: '1' |
const: |
colorMap: |
- '#00af00' |
- '#ff7f00' |
- '#ff0000' |
- '#af00af' |
highestColorSpeed: 300 |
offsetColorSpeed: 20 |
info: |- |
<div style='display: inline-block'> |
<table> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({}))|raw }}</td> |
<td colspan>{{ trans('unknown') }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% for i in range(25, 280, 25) %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "maxspeed": i }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ i }}km/h</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "maxspeed": 300 }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>≥300km/h</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
</div> |
<div style='display: inline-block'> |
<table> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({}))|raw }}</td> |
<td colspan>{{ trans('unknown') }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% for i in range(15, 150, 15) %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "maxspeed": (i * 1.60934)|round }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>{{ i }}mph</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "maxspeed": (175 * 1.60934)|round }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>175mph</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "maxspeed": (200 * 1.60934)|round }))|raw }}</td> |
<td>≥200mph</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
</div> |
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"ca": "Rutes Fèrries", |
"cs": "Železniční trasy", |
"de": "Eisenbahnrouten", |
"en": "Railway Routes", |
"es": "Rutas de ferrocarril", |
"fr": "Lignes ferroviaires", |
"gl": "Liñas de ferrocarril", |
"hu": "Vasútvonalak", |
"it": "Percorsi ferroviari", |
"ja": "鉄道ルート", |
"nb": "Jernbaneruter", |
"nl": "Spoorwegroutes", |
"oc": "Linhas ferroviàrias", |
"pl": "Trasy kolejowe", |
"pt": "Rotas ferroviárias", |
"pt-br": "Rotas ferroviárias", |
"ru": "Железнодорожные маршруты", |
"sr": "Трасе железнице", |
"tr": "Demiryolu Güzergahları" |
}, |
"query": { |
"12": "relation[type=route][route=railway]" |
}, |
"members": true, |
"feature": { |
"pre": "{% set color = '#' ~ tags.operator|default('')|md5|slice(0, 6) %}", |
"listMarkerSymbol": "{{ markerLine({ 'width': 4, 'color': color })|raw }}", |
"description": "{{ tags.operator }}", |
"title": "{% if tags.ref and %}{{ tags.ref }} - {{ }}{% elseif tags.ref %}{{ tags.ref }}{% elseif %}{{ }}{% endif %}", |
"styles": "", |
"markerSymbol": "" |
}, |
"memberFeature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% set refs = [] %}", |
"{% set color = '#d41d8c' %}", |
"", |
"{% for master in masters %}", |
" {% if master.tags.operator %}", |
" {% set color = '#' ~ master.tags.operator|md5|slice(0, 6) %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
" {% if master.tags.ref %}", |
" {% set refs = refs|merge([ master.tags.ref ]) %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
"{% endfor %}" |
], |
"title": "", |
"body": [ |
"<h4>Routes</h4>", |
"<ul>", |
"{% for master in masters %}", |
" {% set _color = '#' ~ master.tags.operator|default('')|md5|slice(0, 6) %}", |
" <li data-object=\"{{ }}\" style='list-style: none;'>", |
" <span class='markerParent'><div class='marker'>{{ markerLine({ width: 4, color: _color })|raw }}</div></span>", |
" <span class='title'>{% if master.tags.ref and %}{{ master.tags.ref }} - {{|default(master.tags.ref) }}{% elseif master.tags.ref %}{{ master.tags.ref }}{% elseif %}{{ }}{% else %}{{ trans('unnamed') }}{% endif %}</span>", |
" <span class='description'>{{ master.tags.operator }}</span>", |
" </li>", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"</ul>" |
], |
"listExclude": "1", |
"style": { |
"color": "{{ color }}", |
"width": 4, |
"opacity": 1, |
"text": "{{ refs|join(' · ') }} ", |
"textRepeat": "1", |
"textOffset": "12", |
"textFontWeight": "bold" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ |
type: overpass |
name: |
ca: Rutes Fèrries |
cs: Železniční trasy |
de: Eisenbahnrouten |
en: Railway Routes |
es: Rutas de ferrocarril |
fr: Lignes ferroviaires |
gl: Liñas de ferrocarril |
hu: Vasútvonalak |
it: Percorsi ferroviari |
ja: 鉄道ルート |
nb: Jernbaneruter |
nl: Spoorwegroutes |
oc: Linhas ferroviàrias |
pl: Trasy kolejowe |
pt: Rotas ferroviárias |
pt-br: Rotas ferroviárias |
ru: Железнодорожные маршруты |
sr: Трасе железнице |
tr: Demiryolu Güzergahları |
query: |
12: relation[type=route][route=railway] |
members: true |
feature: |
pre: '{% set color = ''#'' ~ tags.operator|default('''')|md5|slice(0, 6) %}' |
listMarkerSymbol: '{{ markerLine({ ''width'': 4, ''color'': color })|raw }}' |
description: '{{ tags.operator }}' |
title: '{% if tags.ref and %}{{ tags.ref }} - {{ }}{% elseif tags.ref %}{{ tags.ref }}{% elseif %}{{ }}{% endif %}' |
styles: '' |
markerSymbol: '' |
memberFeature: |
pre: |- |
{% set refs = [] %} |
{% set color = '#d41d8c' %} |
{% for master in masters %} |
{% if master.tags.operator %} |
{% set color = '#' ~ master.tags.operator|md5|slice(0, 6) %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if master.tags.ref %} |
{% set refs = refs|merge([ master.tags.ref ]) %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
title: '' |
body: |- |
<h4>Routes</h4> |
<ul> |
{% for master in masters %} |
{% set _color = '#' ~ master.tags.operator|default('')|md5|slice(0, 6) %} |
<li data-object="{{ }}" style='list-style: none;'> |
<span class='markerParent'><div class='marker'>{{ markerLine({ width: 4, color: _color })|raw }}</div></span> |
<span class='title'>{% if master.tags.ref and %}{{ master.tags.ref }} - {{|default(master.tags.ref) }}{% elseif master.tags.ref %}{{ master.tags.ref }}{% elseif %}{{ }}{% else %}{{ trans('unnamed') }}{% endif %}</span> |
<span class='description'>{{ master.tags.operator }}</span> |
</li> |
{% endfor %} |
</ul> |
listExclude: '1' |
style: |
color: '{{ color }}' |
width: 4 |
opacity: 1 |
text: '{{ refs|join('' · '') }} ' |
textRepeat: '1' |
textOffset: '12' |
textFontWeight: bold |
Reference in new issue