Stephan Bösch-Plepelits
5 years ago
4 changed files with 846 additions and 157 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
<?php |
$template = file_get_contents('lanes.template'); |
$sign = rtrim(file_get_contents('lanes-sign.template')); |
$sign_template = array(); |
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { |
$sign_template[] = strtr($sign, array('@' => $i)); |
} |
$sign_template = implode(",\n", $sign_template); |
$template = strtr($template, array('SIGN' => $sign_template)); |
file_put_contents('lanes.json', $template); |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
"style:sign@": { |
"_": "{% set lane_forward = backward_lanes < @ %}{% set lane_turn = turn_lanes[@ - 1]|split(';') %}", |
"width": "0", |
"pattern0": "dash", |
"pattern0-repeat": "30m", |
"pattern0-pixelSize": "3m", |
"pattern0-offset": "15.0m", |
"pattern0-path-color": "white", |
"pattern0-path-width": "0.3m", |
"pattern0-lineOffset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + @ * 3 - 1.5 }}m", |
"patternThrough": "{% if 'through' in lane_turn %}arrowHead{% endif %}", |
"patternThrough-repeat": "30m", |
"patternThrough-offset": "{{ lane_forward ? '17m' : '12m' }}", |
"patternThrough-polygon": "true", |
"patternThrough-angleCorrection": "{{ lane_forward ? 0 : 180 }}", |
"patternThrough-pixelSize": "1.2m", |
"patternThrough-path-color": "white", |
"patternThrough-path-width": "0", |
"patternThrough-path-fillOpacity": "1", |
"patternThrough-lineOffset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + @ * 3 - 1.5 }}m", |
"patternLeft": "{% if 'left' in lane_turn %}arrowHead{% endif %}", |
"patternLeft-repeat": "30m", |
"patternLeft-offset": "{{ 15 + (lane_forward ? 1 : -1) * (2 - ('through' in lane_turn ? 2 : 0)) }}m", |
"patternLeft-polygon": "true", |
"patternLeft-angleCorrection": "{{ lane_forward ? -90 : 90 }}", |
"patternLeft-pixelSize": "1.2m", |
"patternLeft-path-color": "white", |
"patternLeft-path-width": "0", |
"patternLeft-path-fillOpacity": "1", |
"patternLeft-lineOffset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + @ * 3 - 1.5 + (lane_forward ? -1.25 : 1.25) }}m", |
"patternRight": "{% if 'right' in lane_turn %}arrowHead{% endif %}", |
"patternRight-repeat": "30m", |
"patternRight-offset": "{{ 15 + (lane_forward ? 1 : -1) * (2 - ('through' in lane_turn ? 2 : 0)) }}m", |
"patternRight-polygon": "true", |
"patternRight-angleCorrection": "{{ lane_forward ? 90 : -90 }}", |
"patternRight-pixelSize": "1.2m", |
"patternRight-path-color": "white", |
"patternRight-path-width": "0", |
"patternRight-path-fillOpacity": "1", |
"patternRight-lineOffset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + @ * 3 - 1.5 + (lane_forward ? 1.25 : -1.25) }}m" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,384 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"en": "Lanes" |
}, |
"query": { |
"17": [ |
"(", |
"way[lanes];", |
"way['lanes:forward'];", |
"way['lanes:backward'];", |
"way['parking:lane:left'];", |
"way['parking:lane:right'];", |
"way['parking:lane:both'];", |
")" |
] |
}, |
"feature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% set oneway = tags.oneway in ['yes','1'] %}", |
"{% set parking_left_type = attribute(tags, 'parking:lane:left')|default(attribute(tags, 'parking:lane:both')) %}", |
"{% set parking_left = parking_left_type ? const.parking[parking_left_type]|default(const.parking.other) : %}", |
"{% set parking_right_type = attribute(tags, 'parking:lane:right')|default(attribute(tags, 'parking:lane:both')) %}", |
"{% set parking_right = parking_right_type ? const.parking[parking_right_type]|default(const.parking.other) : %}", |
"{% set cyclelane_left = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') == 'lane' ? 2 : ('opposite_lane' in tags.cycleway|split(';') ? 2 : (('lane' in tags.cycleway|split(';')) and not oneway ? 2 : 0)) %}", |
"{% set cyclelane_right = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') == 'lane' ? 2 : ('lane' in tags.cycleway|split(';') ? 2 : 0) %}", |
"{% set cycletrack_left = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') == 'track' ? 2 : ('opposite_track' in tags.cycleway|split(';') ? 2 : (('track' in tags.cycleway|split(';')) and not oneway ? 2 : 0)) %}", |
"{% set cycletrack_right = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') == 'track' ? 2 : ('track' in tags.cycleway|split(';') ? 2 : 0) %}", |
"{% set sidewalk_left = tags.sidewalk in ['both', 'left'] ? 2 : 0 %}", |
"{% set sidewalk_right = tags.sidewalk in ['both', 'right'] ? 2 : 0 %}", |
"{% set lanes = tags.lanes|default(attribute(tags, 'lanes:forward')|default(0) + attribute(tags, 'lanes:backward')|default(0))|default(tags.oneway ? 1 : 2) %}", |
"{% set lanes_width = lanes * 3 %}", |
"{% set forward_lanes = attribute(tags, 'lanes:forward')|default(oneway ? lanes : lanes // 2) %}", |
"{% set backward_lanes = attribute(tags, 'lanes:backward')|default(oneway ? 0 : lanes // 2) %}", |
"{% if attribute(tags, 'turn:lanes:backward') %}", |
" {% set turn_lanes_backward = attribute(tags, 'turn:lanes:backward')|split('|') %}", |
"{% else %}", |
" {% set turn_lanes_backward = ['through','through','through','through','through','through','through','through','through','through','through','through']|slice(0, backward_lanes) %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"{% if attribute(tags, 'turn:lanes:forward') or attribute(tags, 'turn:lanes') %}", |
" {% set turn_lanes_forward = attribute(tags, 'turn:lanes:forward')|default(attribute(tags, 'turn:lanes'))|split('|') %}", |
"{% else %}", |
" {% set turn_lanes_forward = ['through','through','through','through','through','through','through','through','through','through','through','through']|slice(0, forward_lanes) %}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"{% set turn_lanes = turn_lanes_backward|merge(turn_lanes_forward) %}" |
], |
"description": "{{ keyTrans('lanes') }}: {% if tags.lanes %}{{ tags.lanes }}{% else %}{{ lanes }}?{% endif %} {% if attribute(tags, 'lanes:forward') or attribute(tags, 'lanes:backward') %}(↑{{ forward_lanes }} ↓{{ backward_lanes }}){% endif %}", |
"body": [ |
"{{ tagTrans('railway', tags.railway) }}<br/>", |
"{% if tags.operator %}{{ keyTrans('operator') }}: {{ localizedTag(tags, 'operator') }}<br>{% endif %}", |
"{% if tags.usage %}{{ keyTrans('usage') }}: {{ tagTrans('usage', tags.usage)|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %}", |
"{% if tags.service %}{{ keyTrans('service') }}: {{ tagTrans('service', tags.service ) }}<br/>{% endif %}", |
"{{ keyTrans('gauge') }}: {{ tags.gauge|default(trans('unknown'))|enumerate }}<br/>", |
"{% if tags.electrified == 'no' %}{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', 'no') }}{% elseif tags.electrified %}{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', tags.electrified) }}, {{ keyTrans('voltage') }}: {{ tags.voltage|default(trans('unknown')) }}, {{ keyTrans('frequency') }}: {{ tags.frequency|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %}" |
], |
"markerSymbol": null, |
"listMarkerSymbol": "line", |
"styles": [ |
"{% if sidewalk_left %}sidewalk_left,{% endif %}", |
"{% if cycletrack_left %}cycletrack_left,{% endif %}", |
"{% if parking_left.width %}parking_left,", |
" {% if parking_left.dashDistance %}parking_left_dash,", |
" {% if parking_left_type == 'diagonal' %}parking_left_dash_diag,", |
"{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %}", |
"{% if cyclelane_left %}cyclelane_left,{% endif %}", |
"{% if lanes == 1 %}lane1,sign1,{% else %}", |
" {% for i in 1..lanes - 1 %}lane{{ i }},mark{{ i }},sign{{ i }},{% endfor %}", |
" lane{{ lanes }},sign{{ lanes }}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"{% if cyclelane_right %},cyclelane_right{% endif %}", |
"{% if parking_right.width %},parking_right", |
" {% if parking_right.dashDistance %},parking_right_dash", |
" {% if parking_right_type == 'diagonal' %},parking_right_dash_diag", |
"{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %}", |
"{% if cycletrack_right %},cycletrack_right{% endif %}", |
"{% if sidewalk_right %},sidewalk_right{% endif %}" |
], |
"style": { |
"width": "{{ width }}", |
"pane": "casing", |
"color": "{% if tags.gauge %}{% if not tags.gauge|matches('^\\d+$') %}#ff0000{% else %}{{ colorInterpolate([ '#00ff00', '#0000ff' ], tags.gauge / 2000) }}{% endif %}{% else %}#404040{% endif %}" |
}, |
"style:sidewalk_left": { |
"width": "2m", |
"color": "#4f4fbf", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 - cyclelane_left - parking_left.width - cycletrack_left - 1 }}m", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:parking_left": { |
"width": "{{ parking_left.width }}m", |
"color": "{{ parking_left.color }}", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 - cyclelane_left - parking_left.width / 2 }}m", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:parking_left_dash": { |
"width": "{{ parking_left.width / (parking_left_type == 'diagonal' ? 2 : 1) }}m", |
"color": "{{ parking_left.dashColor }}", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 - cyclelane_left - parking_left.width / 2 - (parking_left_type == 'diagonal' ? parking_left.width / 4 : 0) }}m", |
"lineCap": "butt", |
"dashArray": "1,{{ parking_left.dashDistance / map.metersPerPixel }}" |
}, |
"style:parking_left_dash_diag": { |
"width": "{{ parking_left.width / 2 }}m", |
"color": "{{ parking_left.dashColor }}", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 - cyclelane_left - parking_left.width / 4 }}m", |
"lineCap": "butt", |
"dashArray": "1,{{ parking_left.dashDistance / map.metersPerPixel }}", |
"dashOffset": "{{ 0.5 / map.metersPerPixel }}" |
}, |
"style:cyclelane_left": { |
"width": "2m", |
"color": "#af3f3f", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 - 1 }}m", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:cyclelane_right": { |
"width": "2m", |
"color": "#af3f3f", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / 2 + 1 }}m", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:cycletrack_left": { |
"width": "2m", |
"color": "#bf5f3f", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 - cyclelane_left - parking_left.width - 1 }}m", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:cycletrack_right": { |
"width": "2m", |
"color": "#bf5f3f", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / 2 + cyclelane_right + parking_right.width + 1 }}m", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:parking_right": { |
"width": "{{ parking_left.width }}m", |
"color": "{{ parking_left.color }}", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / 2 + cyclelane_right + parking_right.width / 2 }}m", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:parking_right_dash": { |
"width": "{{ parking_right.width / (parking_right_type == 'diagonal' ? 2 : 1) }}m", |
"color": "{{ parking_right.dashColor }}", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / 2 + cyclelane_right + parking_right.width / 2 + (parking_right_type == 'diagonal' ? parking_right.width / 4 : 0) }}m", |
"lineCap": "butt", |
"dashArray": "1,{{ parking_right.dashDistance / map.metersPerPixel }}" |
}, |
"style:parking_right_dash_diag": { |
"width": "{{ parking_right.width / 2 }}m", |
"color": "{{ parking_right.dashColor }}", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / 2 + cyclelane_right + parking_right.width / 4 }}m", |
"lineCap": "butt", |
"dashArray": "1,{{ parking_right.dashDistance / map.metersPerPixel }}", |
"dashOffset": "{{ 0.5 / map.metersPerPixel }}" |
}, |
"style:sidewalk_right": { |
"width": "2m", |
"color": "#4f4fbf", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / 2 + cyclelane_right + parking_right.width + cycletrack_right + 1 }}m", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:lane1": { |
"width": "3.1m", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 1.5 }}m", |
"color": "grey", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:lane2": { |
"width": "3.1m", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 4.5 }}m", |
"color": "grey", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:lane3": { |
"width": "3.1m", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 7.5 }}m", |
"color": "grey", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:lane4": { |
"width": "3.1m", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 10.5 }}m", |
"color": "grey", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:lane5": { |
"width": "3.1m", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 13.5 }}m", |
"color": "grey", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:lane6": { |
"width": "3.1m", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 16.5 }}m", |
"color": "grey", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:lane7": { |
"width": "3.1m", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 19.5 }}m", |
"color": "grey", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:lane8": { |
"width": "3.1m", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 22.5 }}m", |
"color": "grey", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:lane9": { |
"width": "3.1m", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 25.5 }}m", |
"color": "grey", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:lane10": { |
"width": "3.1m", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 28.5 }}m", |
"color": "grey", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:lane11": { |
"width": "3.1m", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 31.5 }}m", |
"color": "grey", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:lane12": { |
"width": "3.1m", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 34.5 }}m", |
"color": "grey", |
"pane": "casing" |
}, |
"style:mark1": { |
"width": "1", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 3 }}m", |
"dashArray": "{% if lanes - forward_lanes != 1 and backward_lanes != 1 %}2,8{% else %}5,5{% endif %}", |
"color": "white" |
}, |
"style:mark2": { |
"width": "1", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 6 }}m", |
"dashArray": "{% if lanes - forward_lanes != 2 and backward_lanes != 2 %}2,8{% else %}5,5{% endif %}", |
"color": "white" |
}, |
"style:mark3": { |
"width": "1", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 9 }}m", |
"dashArray": "{% if lanes - forward_lanes != 3 and backward_lanes != 3 %}2,8{% else %}5,5{% endif %}", |
"color": "white" |
}, |
"style:mark4": { |
"width": "1", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 12 }}m", |
"dashArray": "{% if lanes - forward_lanes != 4 and backward_lanes != 4 %}2,8{% else %}5,5{% endif %}", |
"color": "white" |
}, |
"style:mark5": { |
"width": "1", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 15 }}m", |
"dashArray": "{% if lanes - forward_lanes != 5 and backward_lanes != 5 %}2,8{% else %}5,5{% endif %}", |
"color": "white" |
}, |
"style:mark6": { |
"width": "1", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 18 }}m", |
"dashArray": "{% if lanes - forward_lanes != 6 and backward_lanes != 6 %}2,8{% else %}5,5{% endif %}", |
"color": "white" |
}, |
"style:mark7": { |
"width": "1", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 18 }}m", |
"dashArray": "{% if lanes - forward_lanes != 7 and backward_lanes != 7 %}2,8{% else %}5,5{% endif %}", |
"color": "white" |
}, |
"style:mark8": { |
"width": "1", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 18 }}m", |
"dashArray": "{% if lanes - forward_lanes != 8 and backward_lanes != 8 %}2,8{% else %}5,5{% endif %}", |
"color": "white" |
}, |
"style:mark9": { |
"width": "1", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 18 }}m", |
"dashArray": "{% if lanes - forward_lanes != 9 and backward_lanes != 9 %}2,8{% else %}5,5{% endif %}", |
"color": "white" |
}, |
"style:mark10": { |
"width": "1", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 18 }}m", |
"dashArray": "{% if lanes - forward_lanes != 10 and backward_lanes != 10 %}2,8{% else %}5,5{% endif %}", |
"color": "white" |
}, |
"style:mark11": { |
"width": "1", |
"offset": "{{ lanes_width / -2 + 18 }}m", |
"dashArray": "{% if lanes - forward_lanes != 11 and backward_lanes != 11 %}2,8{% else %}5,5{% endif %}", |
"color": "white" |
}, |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<table>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({'styles':'left,right,mark', 'style:left': { 'width': 3, 'color': 'grey', 'offset': -1.5 },'style:right': { 'width': 3, 'color': 'grey', 'offset': 1.5 },'style:mark': { 'width': 1, 'color': 'white'} })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ keyTrans('lanes') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({'styles':'left,right,mark', 'style:left': { 'width': 3, 'color': 'grey', 'offset': -1.5 },'style:right': { 'width': 3, 'color': 'grey', 'offset': 1.5 },'style:mark': { 'width': 1, 'color': 'white', 'dashArray': '5,5'} })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ keyTrans('lanes') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 5, 'color': 'orange' })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ keyTrans('parking:lane') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'styles':'lane,mark', 'style:lane': { 'width': 5, 'color': 'orange' }, 'style:mark': { 'width': 5, 'color': const.parking.parallel.dashColor, 'dashArray': '1,10' } })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ keyTrans('parking:lane') }}: {{ tagTrans('parking:lane', 'parallel') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'styles':'lane,mark1,mark2', 'style:lane': { 'width': 5, 'color': 'orange' }, 'style:mark1': { 'width': 2.5, 'color': const.parking.diagonal.dashColor, 'dashArray': '1,7', 'offset': 1.25 }, 'style:mark2': { 'width': 2.5, 'color': const.parking.diagonal.dashColor, 'dashArray': '1,7', 'dashOffset': '2', 'offset': -1.25 } })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ keyTrans('parking:lane') }}: {{ tagTrans('parking:lane', 'diagonal') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'styles':'lane,mark', 'style:lane': { 'width': 5, 'color': 'orange' }, 'style:mark': { 'width': 5, 'color': const.parking.perpendicular.dashColor, 'dashArray': '1,6' } })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ keyTrans('parking:lane') }}: {{ tagTrans('parking:lane', 'perpendicular') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 5, 'color': '#af3f3f' })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans('cycleway', 'lane') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 5, 'color': '#bf5f3f' })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans('cycleway', 'track') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerLine({ 'width': 5, 'color': '#4f4fbf' })|raw }}</td>", |
" <td>{{ keyTrans('sidewalk') }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"</table>" |
], |
"const": { |
"parking": { |
"parallel": { |
"width": "2", |
"color": "orange", |
"dashColor": "blue", |
"dashDistance": "4" |
}, |
"diagonal": { |
"width": "2.5", |
"color": "orange", |
"dashColor": "magenta", |
"dashDistance": "3", |
"dashType": "diagonal" |
}, |
"perpendicular": { |
"width": "3", |
"color": "orange", |
"dashColor": "red", |
"dashDistance": "2.5" |
}, |
"no_parking": { |
"width": "0.5", |
"color": "#7f0000" |
}, |
"no_stopping": { |
"width": "0.5", |
"color": "#7f0000" |
}, |
"fire_lane": { |
"width": "2", |
"color": "#ff0000" |
}, |
"other": { |
"width": "2", |
"color": "#ff0000" |
}, |
"no": { |
"width": "0", |
"color": "#000000" |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue