"{% if attribute(tags, 'memorial') == 'high_water_mark' or attribute(tags, 'memorial:type') == 'high_water_mark' or attribute(tags, 'memorial') == 'flood_mark' or attribute(tags, 'memorial:type') == 'flood_mark' or tags.historic == 'highwater_mark' or (tags.historic != 'flood_mark' and tags.flood_mark) %}",
"{{ tagTrans('historic', 'flood_mark') }}",
"{{ debug(id ~ ': Deprecated tagging. Please use historic=flood_mark.') }}",
"{% set historic = 'flood_mark' %}",
"{% else %}",
"{{ tagTransList('historic', tags.historic) }}",
"{% endif %}",
"{% if tags.flood_mark and tags.flood_mark != 'yes' %}({{ tagTrans('flood_mark', tags.flood_mark) }}){% endif %}"
"values":"{% set list = [] %}{% for t, v in const %}<option value=\"{{ t }}\">{% set list = list|merge([ t ]) %}{{ tagTrans('historic', t) }}</option>{% endfor %}<option value='other' query='nwr[historic][historic!~\"^({{ list|join('|') }})$\"]'>{{ trans('other') }}</option>",
"values":"{% set list = [] %}{% for t, v in const %}<option value=\"{{ t }}\" {% if const[t].query %}query='{{ const[t].query }}'{% endif %}>{% set list = list|merge([ t ]) %}{{ tagTrans('historic', t) }}</option>{% endfor %}<option value='other' query='nwr[historic][historic!~\"^({{ list|join('|') }})$\"]'>{{ trans('other') }}</option>",