{ "type": "overpass", "name": { "en": "Edible Plants", "de": "Essbare Gewรคchse" }, "query": { "14": [ "(", "node[species~\"(Malus domestica|Pyrus domestica|Morus|Prunus persica|Prunus cerasus)\"];", "node[taxon~\"(Malus domestica|Pyrus domestica|Morus|Prunus persica|Prunus cerasus)\"];", ");" ] }, "feature": { "pre": [ "{% set species = null %}", "{% if tags.taxon %}", "{% set species = tags.taxon %}", "{% else %}", "{% set species = tags.species %}", "{% endif %}", "", "{% set data = null %}", "{% for d in const %}", "{% if species|matches(d.match) %}", "{% set data = d %}", "{% endif %}", "{% endfor %}" ], "description": [ "{{ attribute(data, \"name:en\") }} -", "{% if tags.taxon %}", "{{ localizedTag(tags, 'taxon') }}", "{% else %}", "{{ localizedTag(tags, 'species') }}", "{% endif %}" ], "markerSign": "{{ data.icon }}" }, "info": [ "Map features that have a species or taxon tag with the latin plant name of an edible fruit.", "
{{ markerCircle({})|raw }} {{ data.icon }} | ",
" {{ attribute(data, \"name:en\") }} - {{ data.name }} | ", "