{ "type": "overpass", "name": { "de": "Radwegrichtungen", "en": "Cycleway Directions" }, "query": { "14": [ "(", "way[highway=cycleway];", "way[cycleway];", "way[\"cycleway:left\"];", "way[\"cycleway:right\"];", "way[oneway];", ")" ] }, "feature": { "pre": [ "{% set oneway = 0 %}", "{% if tags.oneway in [ 'yes', '1' ] %}{% set oneway = 1 %}", "{% elseif tags.oneway in [ '-1' ] %}{% set oneway = -1 %}", "{% endif %}", "", "{% set driving_side = 'right' %}" ], "markerSymbol": null, "listMarkerSymbol": "line", "styles": "default,left,right", "style": { "width": [ "{% if tags.highway == 'cycleway' %}", "3", "{% else %}", "7", "{% endif %}" ], "color": [ "{% if tags.highway == 'cycleway' %}", "#007f00", "{% else %}", "#ffffff7f", "{% endif %}" ], "text": [ "{% if tags.highway == 'cycleway' and oneway == 1 %}", "🡪 ", "{% elseif tags.highway == 'cycleway' and oneway == -1 %}", "🡨 ", "{% elseif oneway == 1 and tags.cycleway in [ 'opposite' ] %}", "🡨🡺 ", "{% elseif oneway == 1 and not tags.cycleway and not attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') and not attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') and attribute(tags, 'oneway:bicycle') == 'no' %}", "🡨🡺 ", "{% elseif oneway == -1 and tags.cycleway in [ 'opposite' ] %}", "🡸🡪 ", "{% elseif oneway == 1 and not tags.cycleway and not attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') and not attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') and attribute(tags, 'oneway:bicycle') == 'no' %}", "🡸🡪 ", "{% elseif oneway == 1 %}", "🡺 ", "{% elseif oneway == -1 %}", "🡸 ", "{% endif %}", "" ], "textRepeat": "1" }, "style:highlight": null, "style:left": { "color": [ "{% if tags.oneway in [ 'yes', '1' ] and tags.cycleway in [ 'opposite_lane' ] %}", "#00ff00", "{% elseif tags.oneway in [ 'yes', '1' ] and tags.cycleway in [ 'opposite_track' ] %}", "#00af00", "{% endif %}" ], "offset": "-3", "text": [ "{% if attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') in [ 'lane', 'shared_lane', 'track' ] %}", "🡪 ", "{% elseif attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') in [ 'opposite_lane', 'opposite_track' ] %}", "🡨 ", "{% elseif driving_side == 'right' and oneway <= 0 and tags.cycleway in [ 'lane', 'shared_lane', 'track' ] %}", "🡪 ", "{% elseif driving_side == 'left' and oneway >= 0 and tags.cycleway in [ 'lane', 'shared_lane', 'track' ] %}", "🡨 ", "{% elseif driving_side == 'right' and oneway <= 0 and tags.cycleway in [ 'opposite_lane', 'opposite_track' ] %}", "🡨 ", "{% elseif driving_side == 'left' and oneway >= 0 and tags.cycleway in [ 'opposite_lane', 'opposite_track' ] %}", "🡪 ", "{% endif %}" ], "textRepeat": "1", "textOffset": "0" }, "style:right": { "color": [ "{% if tags.cycleway in [ 'lane' ] or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') in [ 'lane', 'opposite_lane' ] %}", "#00ff00", "{% elseif tags.cycleway in [ 'track' ] or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') in [ 'track', 'opposite_track' ] %}", "#00af00", "{% endif %}" ], "offset": "3", "text": [ "{% if attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') in [ 'lane', 'shared_lane', 'track' ] %}", "🡪 ", "{% elseif attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') in [ 'opposite_lane', 'opposite_track' ] %}", "🡨 ", "{% elseif driving_side == 'right' and oneway >= 0 and tags.cycleway in [ 'lane', 'shared_lane', 'track' ] %}", "🡪 ", "{% elseif driving_side == 'left' and oneway <= 0 and tags.cycleway in [ 'lane', 'shared_lane', 'track' ] %}", "🡨 ", "{% elseif driving_side == 'right' and oneway >= 0 and tags.cycleway in [ 'opposite_lane', 'opposite_track' ] %}", "🡨 ", "{% elseif driving_side == 'left' and oneway <= 0 and tags.cycleway in [ 'opposite_lane', 'opposite_track' ] %}", "🡪 ", "{% endif %}" ], "textRepeat": "1", "textOffset": "0" } }, "info": [ "
{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"highway\": \"cycleway\" }))|raw }} | ", "{{ tagTrans('highway', 'cycleway') }} | ", "
{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"cycleway\": \"track\" }))|raw }} | ", "{{ tagTrans('cycleway', 'track') }} | ", "
{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"cycleway\": \"lane\" }))|raw }} | ", "{{ tagTrans('cycleway', 'lane') }} | ", "