8 Commits

  1. 81
  2. 72
  3. 247


@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
"type": "overpass",
"name": {
"de": "Radwegrichtungen (patterns)",
"en": "Cycleway Directions (patterns)"
"query": {
"14": [
"feature": {
"pre": [
"{% set oneway = 0 %}",
"{% if tags.oneway in [ 'yes', '1' ] %}{% set oneway = 1 %}",
"{% elseif tags.oneway in [ '-1' ] %}{% set oneway = -1 %}",
"{% endif %}",
"{% set driving_side = 'right' %}"
"markerSymbol": null,
"listMarkerSymbol": "line",
"styles": "{% if oneway != 0 %}default,{% endif %}left,right",
"style": {
"width": "0",
"pattern": "arrowHead",
"pattern-offset": "17",
"pattern-repeat": "25",
"pattern-polygon": "true",
"pattern-pixelSize": "{% if tags.highway == 'cycleway' %}7{% else %}9{% endif %}",
"pattern-path-color": "{% if tags.highway == 'cycleway' %}#007f00{% else %}#000000{% endif %}",
"pattern-path-width": "1",
"pattern-path-fillOpacity": "1",
"pattern-angleCorrection": "{% if oneway == -1 %}180{% else %}0{% endif %}"
"style:highlight": null,
"style:left": {
"width": "0",
"pattern": "{% if tags.cycleway in [ 'opposite', 'opposite_lane', 'opposite_track' ] or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') in [ 'opposite', 'opposite_lane', 'opposite_track' ] or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') in [ 'opposite', 'opposite_lane', 'opposite_track' ] or attribute(tags, 'oneway:bicycle') == 'no' %}arrowHead{% endif %}",
"pattern-offset": "0",
"pattern-repeat": "25",
"pattern-polygon": "true",
"pattern-pixelSize": "7",
"pattern-path-width": "1",
"pattern-path-color": [
"{% if tags.oneway in [ 'yes', '1' ] and (tags.cycleway in [ 'opposite_track' ] or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') in [ 'opposite_track' ] or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') in [ 'opposite_track' ]) %}",
"{% elseif tags.oneway in [ 'yes', '1' ] and (tags.cycleway in [ 'opposite_lane', 'opposite' ] or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') in [ 'opposite', 'opposite_lane' ] or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') in [ 'opposite', 'opposite_lane' ] or attribute(tags, 'oneway:bicycle') == 'no') %}",
"{% endif %}"
"pattern-path-fillOpacity": "1",
"pattern-angleCorrection": [
"{% if oneway == -1 %}0{% else %}180{% endif %}"
"info": [
" <tr>",
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"oneway\": \"yes\", \"highway\": \"cycleway\" }))|raw }}</td>",
" <td>{{ tagTrans('highway', 'cycleway') }}</td>",
" </tr>",
" <tr>",
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"oneway\": \"yes\", \"cycleway\": \"track\" }))|raw }}</td>",
" <td>{{ tagTrans('cycleway', 'track') }}</td>",
" </tr>",
" <tr>",
" <td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ \"oneway\": \"yes\", \"cycleway\": \"lane\" }))|raw }}</td>",
" <td>{{ tagTrans('cycleway', 'lane') }}</td>",
" </tr>",


@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
de: Radwegrichtungen (patterns)
en: Cycleway Directions (patterns)
14: |-
pre: |-
{% set oneway = 0 %}
{% if tags.oneway in [ 'yes', '1' ] %}{% set oneway = 1 %}
{% elseif tags.oneway in [ '-1' ] %}{% set oneway = -1 %}
{% endif %}
{% set driving_side = 'right' %}
markerSymbol: null
listMarkerSymbol: line
styles: '{% if oneway != 0 %}default,{% endif %}left,right'
width: 0
pattern: arrowHead
pattern-offset: 17
pattern-repeat: 25
pattern-polygon: true
pattern-pixelSize: |-
{% if tags.highway == "cycleway" %}7{% else %}9{% endif %}
pattern-path-color: |-
{% if tags.highway == "cycleway" %}#007f00{% else %}#000000{% endif %}
pattern-path-width: 1
pattern-path-fillOpacity: 1
pattern-angleCorrection: |-
{% if oneway == -1 %}180{% else %}0{% endif %}
style:highlight: null
width: 0
pattern: |-
{% if tags.cycleway in [ "opposite", "opposite_lane", "opposite_track" ] or attribute(tags, "cycleway:left") in [ "opposite", "opposite_lane", "opposite_track" ] or attribute(tags, "cycleway:right") in [ "opposite", "opposite_lane", "opposite_track" ] or attribute(tags, "oneway:bicycle") == "no" %}arrowHead{% endif %}
pattern-offset: 0
pattern-repeat: 25
pattern-polygon: true
pattern-pixelSize: 7
pattern-path-width: 1
pattern-path-color: |-
{% if tags.oneway in [ 'yes', '1' ] and (tags.cycleway in [ 'opposite_track' ] or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') in [ 'opposite_track' ] or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') in [ 'opposite_track' ]) %}
{% elseif tags.oneway in [ 'yes', '1' ] and (tags.cycleway in [ 'opposite_lane', 'opposite' ] or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') in [ 'opposite', 'opposite_lane' ] or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') in [ 'opposite', 'opposite_lane' ] or attribute(tags, 'oneway:bicycle') == 'no') %}
{% endif %}
pattern-path-fillOpacity: 1
pattern-angleCorrection: |-
{% if oneway == -1 %}0{% else %}180{% endif %}
info: |-
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "oneway": "yes", "highway": "cycleway" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ tagTrans('highway', 'cycleway') }}</td>
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "oneway": "yes", "cycleway": "track" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ tagTrans('cycleway', 'track') }}</td>
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "oneway": "yes", "cycleway": "lane" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ tagTrans('cycleway', 'lane') }}</td>


@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
query: |
pre: |
{% set driving_side = 'right' %}
{% set width = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:width') %}
{% if width matches "/'$/" %}
{% set width = (width|slice(0, -1)) * 0.3048 %}
{% endif %}
{% set leftCycle = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left')|default(attribute(tags, 'cycleway:both')) %}
{% if leftCycle in ['no', 'separate'] %}
{% set leftCycle = '' %}
{% endif %}
{% set leftOneway = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left:oneway')|default(attribute(tags, 'cycleway:both:oneway')) %}
{% if not leftOneway or leftOneway in ['yes'] %}
{% set leftOneway = driving_side ? -1 : 1 %}
{% elseif leftOneway in ['no'] %}
{% set leftOneway = 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% set leftWidth = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left:width')|default(attribute(tags, 'cycleway:both:width')) %}
{% if leftWidth matches "/'$/" %}
{% set leftWidth = (leftWidth|slice(0, -1)) * 0.3048 %}
{% endif %}
{% set rightCycle = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right')|default(attribute(tags, 'cycleway:both')) %}
{% if rightCycle in ['no', 'separate'] %}
{% set rightCycle = '' %}
{% endif %}
{% set rightOneway = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right:oneway')|default(attribute(tags, 'cycleway:both:oneway')) %}
{% if not rightOneway or rightOneway in ['yes'] %}
{% set rightOneway = driving_side ? 1 : -1 %}
{% elseif rightOneway in ['no'] %}
{% set rightOneway = 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% set rightWidth = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right:width')|default(attribute(tags, 'cycleway:both:width')) %}
{% if rightWidth matches "/'$/" %}
{% set rightWidth = (rightWidth|slice(0, -1)) * 0.3048 %}
{% endif %}
styles: default{% if leftCycle %},left{% endif %}{% if rightCycle %},right{% endif %}
width: 4
opacity: |
{{ tags.highway == 'cycleway' or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:width') ? 1 : 0 }}
color: |
{% set minWidth = tags.oneway in ['yes', 1, -1] ? const.minWidthOneway : const.minWidthBoth %}
{% set optWidth = tags.oneway in ['yes', 1, -1] ? const.optWidthOneway : const.optWidthBoth %}
{% if width %}
{{ colorInterpolate(const.colorScheme, (width - minWidth) / (optWidth - minWidth)) }}
{% else %}black
{% endif %}
lineCap: |
{{ tags.oneway in ['yes', 1, -1] ? 'butt' : 'round' }}
dashArray: |
{{ tags.oneway in ['yes', 1, -1] ? '27,8' : '' }}
dashOffset: |
{{ tags.oneway in [-1] ? 28 : 0 }}
noClip: |
{{ tags.oneway in ['yes', 1, -1] }}
pattern: |
{% if tags.highway == 'cycleway' or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:width') %}
{% if tags.oneway in ['yes', 1, -1] %}arrowHead{% endif %}
{% endif %}
pattern-offset: |
{{ tags.oneway in [-1] ? 4 : 30.5 }}
pattern-repeat: 35
pattern-polygon: true
pattern-pixelSize: 9
pattern-angleCorrection: |
{{ tags.oneway in [-1] ? 180 : 0 }}
pattern-path-width: 0
pattern-path-color: |
{% if width %}
{{ colorInterpolate(const.colorScheme, (width - minWidth) / (optWidth - minWidth)) }}
{% else %}black
{% endif %}
pattern-path-fillOpacity: 1
offset: -5
width: |
{{ leftCycle in ['no', 'separate'] ? 0 : 3 }}
color: |
{% set minWidth = const.minWidthOneway %}
{% set optWidth = const.optWidthOneway %}
{% if leftWidth %}
{{ colorInterpolate(const.colorScheme, (leftWidth - minWidth) / (optWidth - minWidth)) }}
{% else %}black
{% endif %}
lineCap: |
{{ leftOneway ? 'butt' : 'round' }}
dashArray: |
{{ leftOneway ? '27,8' : '' }}
dashOffset: |
{{ leftOneway in [-1] ? 28 : 0 }}
noClip: |
{{ leftOneway }}
pattern: |
{% if leftOneway %}arrowHead{% endif %}
pattern-offset: |
{{ leftOneway == -1 ? 4 : 30.5 }}
pattern-lineOffset: -5
pattern-repeat: 35
pattern-polygon: true
pattern-pixelSize: 9
pattern-angleCorrection: |
{{ leftOneway == -1 ? 180 : 0 }}
pattern-path-width: 0
pattern-path-color: |
{% if leftWidth %}
{{ colorInterpolate(const.colorScheme, (leftWidth - minWidth) / (optWidth - minWidth)) }}
{% else %}black
{% endif %}
pattern-path-fillOpacity: 1
offset: 5
width: |
{{ rightCycle in ['no', 'separate'] ? 0 : 3 }}
color: |
{% set minWidth = const.minWidthOneway %}
{% set optWidth = const.optWidthOneway %}
{% if rightWidth %}
{{ colorInterpolate(const.colorScheme, (rightWidth - minWidth) / (optWidth - minWidth)) }}
{% else %}black
{% endif %}
lineCap: |
{{ rightOneway ? 'butt' : 'round' }}
dashArray: |
{{ rightOneway ? '27,8' : '' }}
dashOffset: |
{{ rightOneway in [-1] ? 28 : 0 }}
noClip: |
{{ rightOneway }}
pattern: |
{% if rightOneway %}arrowHead{% endif %}
pattern-offset: |
{{ rightOneway == -1 ? 4 : 30.5 }}
pattern-lineOffset: 5
pattern-repeat: 35
pattern-polygon: true
pattern-pixelSize: 9
pattern-angleCorrection: |
{{ rightOneway == -1 ? 180 : 0 }}
pattern-path-width: 0
pattern-path-color: |
{% if rightWidth %}
{{ colorInterpolate(const.colorScheme, (rightWidth - minWidth) / (optWidth - minWidth)) }}
{% else %}black
{% endif %}
pattern-path-fillOpacity: 1
markerSymbol: false
listMarkerSymbol: line
description: |
{{ tagTrans('highway', tags.highway) }}
details: |
{% if not attribute(tags, 'cycleway:width') %}
{% elseif attribute(tags, 'cycleway:width') matches "/'$/" %}
{{ attribute(tags, 'cycleway:width') }}
{% else %}
{{ attribute(tags, 'cycleway:width') }}m
{% endif %}
body: |
{% if tags.highway in ['cycleway'] or attribute(tags, 'cycleway:width') %}
{{ keyTrans('cycleway:width') }}:
{% if not attribute(tags, 'cycleway:width') %}
{{ trans('unknown') }}
{% elseif attribute(tags, 'cycleway:width') matches "/(m|')$/" %}
{{ attribute(tags, 'cycleway:width') }}
{% else %}
{{ attribute(tags, 'cycleway:width') }}m
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if leftCycle %}
<li>{{ keyTrans('cycleway:left') }}:<ul>
<li>{{ keyTrans('cycleway') }}: {{ tagTrans('cycleway', attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left')|default(attribute(tags, 'cycleway:both'))) }}</li>
{{ keyTrans('cycleway:width') }}:
{% if not leftWidth %}
{{ trans('unknown') }}
{% elseif attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left:width')|default(attribute(tags, 'cycleway:both:width')) matches "/(m|')$/" %}
{{ attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left:width')|default(attribute(tags, 'cycleway:both:width')) }}
{% else %}
{{ leftWidth }}m
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if rightCycle %}
<li>{{ keyTrans('cycleway:right') }}:<ul>
<li>{{ keyTrans('cycleway') }}: {{ tagTrans('cycleway', attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right')|default(attribute(tags, 'cycleway:both'))) }}</li>
{{ keyTrans('cycleway:width') }}:
{% if not rightWidth %}
{{ trans('unknown') }}
{% elseif attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right:width')|default(attribute(tags, 'cycleway:both:width')) matches "/(m|')$/" %}
{{ attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right:width')|default(attribute(tags, 'cycleway:both:width')) }}
{% else %}
{{ rightWidth }}m
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
info: |
<th>{{ keyTrans('oneway') }}={{ tagTrans('oneway', 'yes') }}</th>
<th>{{ keyTrans('oneway') }}={{ tagTrans('oneway', 'no') }}</th>
{% for v in range(0, 1, 0.25) %}
{{ markerLine({ width: 4, color: colorInterpolate(const.colorScheme, v) }) }}
{% if v == 0 %}<={% elseif v == 1 %}>={% endif %}
{{ (const.minWidthOneway + (v * (const.optWidthOneway - const.minWidthOneway)))|number_format(2) }}m
{% if v == 0 %}<={% elseif v == 1 %}>={% endif %}
{{ (const.minWidthBoth + (v * (const.optWidthBoth - const.minWidthBoth)))|number_format(2) }}m
{% endfor %}
minWidthBoth: 1.5
optWidthBoth: 5
minWidthOneway: 0.75
optWidthOneway: 3
colorScheme: ['#ff0000', '#ff00ff', '#0000ff']