Stephan Bösch-Plepelits
2 years ago
1 changed files with 205 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ |
query: |
10: relation[route=bicycle] |
members: true |
feature: |
markerSymbol: '' |
styles: '' |
memberFeature: |
exclude: | |
{% if type == 'relation' %}true{% endif %} |
pre: | |
{% set type = 'other' %} |
{% set lane_left = null %} |
{% set lane_right = null %} |
{% set segregated = 'xxx' %} |
{% if attribute(tags, 'bicycle_road') == 'yes' or attribute(tags, 'cyclestreet') == 'yes' %} |
{% set type = 'bicycle_road' %} |
{% elseif tags.highway == 'cycleway' or (tags.highway == 'path' and tags.bicycle == 'designated') %} |
{% set type = tags.oneway in ['yes', '1'] ? 'cycleway_oneway' : 'cycleway' %} |
{% set segregated = tags.segregated != 'no' %} |
{% elseif tags.highway in ['living_street', 'pedestrian'] %} |
{% set type = tags.highway %} |
{% elseif tags.highway in ['residential', 'service'] %} |
{% set type = 'mixed_low' %} |
{% if tags.oneway in ['yes', '1'] %} |
{% set type = type ~ '_oneway' %} |
{% set lane_left = attribute(tags, 'oneway:bicycle') in ['no'] ? 'opposite_lane' : null %} |
{% endif %} |
{% elseif tags.highway in ['primary_link', 'primary', 'secondary_link', 'secondary', 'tertiary_link', 'tertiary'] %} |
{% set type = 'mixed_high' %} |
{% if tags.oneway in ['yes', '1'] %} |
{% set type = type ~ '_oneway' %} |
{% set lane_left = attribute(tags, 'oneway:bicycle') in ['no'] ? 'opposite_lane' : null %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') in ['lane', 'track'] %} |
{% set lane_right = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') %} |
{% set type = null %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if attribute(tags, 'cycleway') in ['opposite_lane', 'opposite_track'] %} |
{% set lane_left = attribute(tags, 'cycleway') %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') in ['lane', 'track'] %} |
{% set lane_left = 'opposite_' ~ attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') %} |
{% elseif attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') in ['opposite_lane', 'opposite_track'] %} |
{% set lane_left = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') %} |
{% endif %} |
{% set main_style_segregated = {} %} |
{% if not segregated %} |
{% if const.type[type].dashArray %} |
{% set main_style_segregated = { dashArray: '5,5,5,5,5,10', lineCap: 'butt' } %} |
{% else %} |
{% set main_style_segregated = { dashArray: '5,5', lineCap: 'butt' } %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endif %} |
styles: | |
{% set list = type ? ['default'] : [] %} |
{% if lane_left %}{% set list = list|merge(['lane_left']) %}{% endif %} |
{% if lane_right %}{% set list = list|merge(['lane_right']) %}{% endif %} |
{% if not segregated %}{% set list = ['segregated']|merge(list) %}{% endif %} |
{{ list|join(',')|debug }} |
style: | |
{{ const.type[type]|default({})|merge(main_style_segregated)|json_encode|raw }} |
style:segregated: |
width: 4 |
color: '#00000000' |
style:lane_right: | |
{{ const.lane[lane_right]|default({})|json_encode|raw }} |
style:lane_left: | |
{{ const.lane[lane_left]|default({})|merge({ offset: const.lane[lane_left].offset * -1, 'pattern-lineOffset': const.lane[lane_left]['pattern-lineOffset'] * -1 })|json_encode|raw }} |
body: | |
{{ type }}, right: {{ lane_right }}, left: {{ lane_left }}<br> |
default{{ lane_left ? ',lane_left' : '' }}{{ lane_right ? ',lane_right' : '' }}<br> |
{{ segregated }}{{ segregated ? 'segregated' : 'not segregated' }}: {{ main_style_segregated|json_encode }} |
const: |
type: |
cycleway: |
width: 4 |
color: '#007f00' |
cycleway_oneway: |
width: 2.5 |
color: '#007f00' |
noClip: true |
dashArray: '25,10' |
pattern: arrowHead |
pattern-repeat: 35 |
pattern-offset: 30.5 |
pattern-polygon: true |
pattern-pixelSize: 9 |
pattern-path-width: 0 |
pattern-path-color: '#007f00' |
pattern-path-fillOpacity: 1 |
pedestrian: |
width: 4 |
color: '#00ffaf' |
living_street: |
width: 4 |
color: '#00afaf' |
bicycle_road: |
width: 4 |
color: '#00afff' |
mixed_low: |
width: 4 |
color: '#efaf00' |
mixed_high: |
width: 4 |
color: '#ff7f00' |
mixed_low_oneway: |
width: 4 |
color: '#efaf00' |
noClip: true |
dashArray: '25,10' |
pattern: arrowHead |
pattern-repeat: 35 |
pattern-offset: 30.5 |
pattern-polygon: true |
pattern-pixelSize: 12 |
pattern-path-width: 0 |
pattern-path-color: '#efaf00' |
pattern-path-fillOpacity: 1 |
mixed_high_oneway: |
width: 4 |
color: '#ff7f00' |
noClip: true |
dashArray: '25,10' |
pattern: arrowHead |
pattern-repeat: 35 |
pattern-offset: 30.5 |
pattern-polygon: true |
pattern-pixelSize: 12 |
pattern-path-width: 0 |
pattern-path-color: '#ff7f00' |
pattern-path-fillOpacity: 1 |
other: |
width: 4 |
color: '#ff0000' |
lane: |
opposite_lane: |
width: 2 |
color: '#00af00' |
offset: 4 |
noClip: true |
dashArray: '25,10' |
pattern: arrowHead |
pattern-repeat: 35 |
pattern-angleCorrection: 180 |
pattern-offset: 0 |
pattern-lineOffset: 4 |
pattern-polygon: true |
pattern-pixelSize: 9 |
pattern-path-width: 0 |
pattern-path-color: '#00af00' |
pattern-path-fillOpacity: 1 |
lane: |
width: 2 |
color: '#00af00' |
offset: 4 |
noClip: true |
dashArray: '25,10' |
pattern: arrowHead |
pattern-repeat: 35 |
pattern-offset: 30.5 |
pattern-lineOffset: 4 |
pattern-polygon: true |
pattern-pixelSize: 9 |
pattern-path-width: 0 |
pattern-path-color: '#00af00' |
pattern-path-fillOpacity: 1 |
opposite_track: |
width: 2.5 |
color: '#007f00' |
offset: 4 |
noClip: true |
dashArray: '25,10' |
pattern: arrowHead |
pattern-repeat: 35 |
pattern-angleCorrection: 180 |
pattern-offset: 0 |
pattern-lineOffset: 4 |
pattern-polygon: true |
pattern-pixelSize: 9 |
pattern-path-width: 0 |
pattern-path-color: '#007f00' |
pattern-path-fillOpacity: 1 |
track: |
width: 2.5 |
color: '#007f00' |
offset: 4 |
noClip: true |
dashArray: '25,10' |
pattern: arrowHead |
pattern-repeat: 35 |
pattern-offset: 30.5 |
pattern-lineOffset: 4 |
pattern-polygon: true |
pattern-pixelSize: 9 |
pattern-path-width: 0 |
pattern-path-color: '#007f00' |
pattern-path-fillOpacity: 1 |
Reference in new issue