Main categories of OpenStreetBrowser with public transport zoom level
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

64 lines
4.1 KiB

"type": "overpass",
"name": {
"de": "Erdöl und Erdgas",
"en": "Petroleum and natural gas"
"query": {
"11": [
"13": [
"feature": {
"description": [
"{% if tags.man_made == 'pipeline' %}",
"{{ tagTrans('man_made', 'pipeline') }} ({{ tagTrans('substance', tags.substance) }})",
"{% elseif tags.man_made %}",
"{{ tagTrans('man_made', tags.man_made) }}",
"{% elseif tags.power == 'plant' %}",
"{{ tagTrans('power', 'plant') }} {% if attribute(tags, 'generator:source') %}({{ tagTransList('generator:source', attribute(tags, 'generator:source')) }}){% endif %}",
"{% elseif tags.power == 'generator' %}",
"{{ tagTrans('power', 'generator') }} {% if attribute(tags, 'generator:source') %}({{ tagTransList('generator:source', attribute(tags, 'generator:source')) }}){% endif %}",
"{% elseif tags.waterway == 'offshore_field' %}",
"{{ tagTrans('waterway', tags.waterway) }}",
"{% elseif tags.landuse == 'industrial' %}",
"{{ tagTrans('landuse', tags.landuse) }} ({{ tagTrans('industrial', tags.industrial) }})",
"{% endif %}"
"markerSymbol": null