Main categories of OpenStreetBrowser with public transport zoom level
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
1.1 KiB

"type": "overpass",
"name": {
"ast": "Zones residenciales",
"cs": "Obytné oblasti",
"de": "Wohngebiete",
"el": "Περιοχές Κατοικίας",
"en": "Residential Areas",
"et": "Elamupiirkonnad",
"fr": "Zones résidentielles",
"hu": "Lakóövezetek",
"it": "Aree residenziali",
"ja": "住居エリア",
"nl": "Woongebieden",
"ro": "Zona rezidentiala",
"ru": "Жилые районы",
"uk": "Житлова зона"
"query": {
"13": [
"15": [
"feature": {
"description": "{{ tagTrans('landuse', tags.landuse) }}"