{ "type": "overpass", "name": { "ast": "Hestoria", "cs": "Historické", "de": "Geschichte", "el": "Ιστορικά", "en": "Historic", "et": "Ajalooline", "fr": "Histoire", "hu": "Történelmi objektumok", "it": "Storia", "ja": "記念", "nl": "Historisch", "pl": "Miejsca Historyczne", "pt": "Histórico", "pt-br": "Histórico", "ro": "Istoric", "ru": "Историческое", "uk": "Історія" }, "query": { "11": [ "(", "node[historic~\"^(castle|archaeological_site|battlefield)$\"];", "way[historic~\"^(castle|archaeological_site|battlefield)$\"];", "relation[historic~\"^(castle|archaeological_site|battlefield)$\"];", ")" ], "14": [ "(", "node[historic][historic!~\"^(memorial|monument|wayside_cross|wayside_shrine|wayside_chapel)$\"];", "way[historic][historic!~\"^(memorial|monument|wayside_cross|wayside_shrine|wayside_chapel)$\"];", "relation[historic][historic!~\"^(memorial|monument|wayside_cross|wayside_shrine|wayside_chapel)$\"];", "node[memorial~\"^(flood_mark|high_water_mark)$\"];", "node[\"memorial:type\"~\"^(flood_mark|high_water_mark)$\"];", "node[flood_mark];", ")" ] }, "feature": { "description": [ "{% set historic = tags.historic %}", "{% if attribute(tags, 'memorial') == 'high_water_mark' or attribute(tags, 'memorial:type') == 'high_water_mark' or attribute(tags, 'memorial') == 'flood_mark' or attribute(tags, 'memorial:type') == 'flood_mark' or tags.historic == 'highwater_mark' or (tags.historic != 'flood_mark' and tags.flood_mark) %}", "{{ tagTrans('historic', 'flood_mark') }}", "{{ debug(id ~ ': Deprecated tagging. Please use historic=flood_mark.') }}", "{% set historic = 'flood_mark' %}", "{% else %}", "{{ tagTransList('historic', tags.historic) }}", "{% endif %}", "", "{% if tags.flood_mark and tags.flood_mark != 'yes' %}({{ tagTrans('flood_mark', tags.flood_mark) }}){% endif %}" ], "body": [ "<ul>", "{% if tags.inscription %}", " <li class='hasSymbol'>", " <i class=\"fa fa-pencil-alt\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>", " <span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('inscription') }}:</span>", " <span class='value'>{{ localizedTag(tags, 'inscription') }}</span>", " </li>", "{% elseif attribute(tags, 'inscription:url') %}", " <li class='hasSymbol'>", " <i class=\"fa fa-pencil-alt\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>", " <span class='key'><a href=\"{{ attribute(tags, 'inscription:url') }}\">{{ keyTrans('inscription') }}</a></span>", " </li>", "{% endif %}", "", "{% if attribute(tags, 'historic:civilization') %}", " <li class='hasSymbol'>", " <i class=\"fa fa-users\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>", " <span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('historic:civilization') }}:</span>", " <span class='value'>{{ tagTrans('historic:civilization', attribute(tags, 'historic:civilization')) }}</span>", " </li>", "{% endif %}", "", "{% if attribute(tags, 'memorial:conflict') %}", " <li class='hasSymbol'>", " <i class=\"fa fa-bolt\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>", " <span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('memorial:conflict') }}:</span>", " <span class='value'>{{ tagTransList('memorial:conflict', attribute(tags, 'memorial:conflict')) }}</span>", " </li>", "{% endif %}", "", "{% if tags.flood_date %}", " <li class='hasSymbol'>", " <i class=\"fas fa-calendar-alt\"></i>", " <span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('flood_date') }}:</span>", " <span class='value'>", " {% set flood_dates = [] %}", " {% for d in tags.flood_date|split(';') %}", " {% set flood_dates = flood_dates|merge([ d|trim|osmFormatDate ]) %}", " {% endfor %}", " {{ flood_dates|enumerate }}", " </span>", " </li>", "{% endif %}" ], "markerSign": "{{ const[historic].sign|raw }}" }, "info": [ "<table>", "{% for value, data in const %}", "{% if data.zoom <= map.zoom %}", " <tr>", " <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td>", " <td>{{ tagTrans('historic', value) }}</td>", " </tr>", "{% endif %}", "{% endfor %}", "{% if 14 <= map.zoom %}", " <tr>", " <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'></div></td>", " <td>{{ trans('other') }}</td>", " </tr>", "{% endif %}", "</table>" ], "const": { "archaeological_site": { "sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-archway\"></i>", "zoom": 11 }, "battlefield": { "sign": "⚔️", "zoom": 11 }, "castle": { "sign": "<img data-src='maki:castle'>", "zoom": 11 }, "building": { "sign": "<img data-src='maki:building'>", "zoom": 14 }, "aircraft": { "sign": "<img data-src='maki:airport'>", "zoom": 14 }, "ruins": { "sign": "<img data-src='temaki:ruins'>", "zoom": 14 }, "flood_mark": { "sign": "<i class=\"fas fa-water\"></i>", "zoom": 14, "query": "(node[historic][memorial~\"^(flood_mark|high_water_mark)$\"];node[historic][\"memorial:type\"~\"^(flood_mark|high_water_mark)$\"];node[historic~\"^(highwater_mark|flood_mark)$\"];)" } }, "filter": { "type": { "key": "historic", "show_default": "true", "name": "{{ trans('filter:type') }}", "type": "select", "values": "{% set list = [] %}{% for t, v in const %}<option value=\"{{ t }}\" {% if const[t].query %}query='{{ const[t].query }}'{% endif %}>{% set list = list|merge([ t ]) %}{{ tagTrans('historic', t) }}</option>{% endfor %}<option value='other' query='nwr[historic][historic!~\"^({{ list|join('|') }})$\"]'>{{ trans('other') }}</option>", "valueName": "{{ tagTrans('historic', value) }}" }, "conflict": { "key": "memorial:conflict", "op": "has", "name": "{{ keyTrans('memorial:conflict') }}", "type": "select", "values": [ "WW1", "WW2" ], "valueName": "{{ tagTrans('memorial:conflict', value) }}" }, "civilization": { "key": "historic:civilization", "op": "has", "name": "{{ keyTrans('historic:civilization') }}", "type": "select", "values": [ "ancient_egyptian", "ancient_greek", "ancient_roman", "byzantine", "celtic", "etruscan", "imperial_chinese", "korean", "medieval", "modern", "neolithic", "nuragic", "ottoman", "prehistoric", "roman", "western_roman" ], "valueName": "{{ tagTrans('historic:civilization', value) }}" } } }