I don't understand very well the difference between "Electric Power" and "Power Routes" I have electric lines in the two categories.
I don't find the "Christmas" category
Explanation for the requested changes :
Gastronomie :
I have a problem with "Gastronomie". ;-)
Its meaning in french is more "Kochkunst" and "Kunst des guten Essens"
You can speak too of some "fameux restaurants gastronomiques" (berühmte Gourmetrestaurants) but if you want to speak of all ways to eat (restaurant, fast-food, etc) you'll use "catering" in english and "restauration" in french.
As far I know it could be "Gastgewerbe" in german.
"Magasinage" is used as "Shopping" by french speakers only in Canada.
See >>> https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/magasinage
In french it has other meanings (stocking some goods)
"Shopping" describes an action but not the shops so it's why I think "Magasins / Boutiques" would be better in french.
Instead of "Spécial" wich is an adjective I propose "Catégories spéciales" which is more meaningful.
Other sports:
Why "other" ? I've seen that in english it's just "sport". It seems that the requests are searching only for "sport=*".
So "Sports" is OK.