Main categories of OpenStreetBrowser with support for whitewater

170 lines
6.5 KiB

"type": "overpass",
"name": {
"ast": "Relixón",
"cs": "Religion",
"de": "Religion",
"el": "Θρησκεία",
"en": "Religion",
"et": "Religioon",
"fr": "Religion",
"hu": "Vallás",
"it": "Religione",
"ja": "宗教",
"nl": "Religie",
"pt": "Religião",
"pt-br": "Religião",
"ro": "Religie",
"ru": "Религия",
"uk": "Релігія"
"query": {
"13": [
"14": [
"feature": {
"pre": [
"{% if tags.landuse == 'cemetery' %}",
"{% set key = 'landuse' %}",
"{% set value = tags.landuse %}",
"{% elseif tags.historic in [ 'wayside_cross', 'wayside_shrine', 'wayside_chapel' ] %}",
"{% set key = 'historic' %}",
"{% set value = tags.historic %}",
"{% elseif %}",
"{% set key = 'office' %}",
"{% set value = %}",
"{% else %}",
"{% set key = 'amenity' %}",
"{% set value = tags.amenity %}",
"{% endif %}"
"description": [
"{% if tags.building and tags.religion %}",
" {% if isTranslated('tag:building=' ~ tags.building ~ ' religion=' ~ tags.religion) %}",
" {{ trans('tag:building=' ~ tags.building ~ ' religion=' ~ tags.religion) }}",
" {% elseif tags.building != 'yes' %}",
" {{ trans('tag:building=' ~ tags.building) }}{% if tags.religion %}: {{ tagTransList('religion', tags.religion) }}{% endif %}",
" {% else %}",
" {{ tagTrans(key, value) }}: {{ tagTransList('religion', tags.religion) }}",
" {% endif %}",
"{% else %}",
" {{ tagTrans(key, value) }}{% if tags.religion %}: {{ tagTransList('religion', tags.religion) }}{% endif %}",
"{% endif %}"
"popupDescription": "{{ tagTrans(key, value) }}",
"body": [
"{% if tags.building %}",
" {{ keyTrans('building') }}: {{ tagTrans('building', tags.building) }}<br/>",
"{% endif %}",
"{% if tags.religion %}",
" {{ keyTrans('religion') }}: {{ tagTransList('religion', tags.religion) }}<br/>",
"{% endif %}",
"{% if tags.denomination %}",
" {{ keyTrans('denomination') }}: {{ tagTransList('denomination', tags.denomination) }}<br/>",
"{% endif %}"
"markerSign": "{{ const.religion[tags.religion] }}"
"const": {
"religion": {
"christian": "✝",
"muslim": "☪",
"buddhist": "☸",
"shinto": "",
"hindu": "ॐ",
"jewish": "✡",
"taoist": "",
"sikh": "",
"none": "",
"multifaith": "",
"unitarian_universialist": "",
"spiritualist": "",
"jain": "",
"voodoo": "",
"confucian": "",
"bahai": "",
"caodaism": "",
"tenrikyo": "",
"vietnamese_folk": "",
"pagan": "☆",
"scientologist": "",
"zoroastrian": "",
"pentecostal": "",
"shamanic": ""
"filter": {
"type": {
"name": "{{ trans('filter:type') }}",
"show_default": "true",
"query": "nwr[{{ value }}]",
"type": "select",
"values": {
"place_of_worship": {
"name": "{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'place_of_worship') }}",
"query": "nwr[amenity=place_of_worship]"
"grave_yard": {
"name": "{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'grave_yard') }}",
"query": "nwr[amenity=grave_yard]"
"crematorium": {
"name": "{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'crematorium') }}",
"query": "nwr[amenity=crematorium]"
"cemetery": {
"name": "{{ tagTrans('landuse', 'cemetery') }}",
"query": "nwr[landuse=cemetery]"
"wayside_cross": {
"name": "{{ tagTrans('historic', 'wayside_cross') }}",
"query": "nwr[historic=wayside_cross]"
"wayside_shrine": {
"name": "{{ tagTrans('historic', 'wayside_shrine') }}",
"query": "nwr[historic=wayside_shrine]"
"wayside_chapel": {
"name": "{{ tagTrans('historic', 'wayside_chapel') }}",
"query": "nwr[historic=wayside_chapel]"
"parish": {
"name": "{{ tagTrans('office', 'parish') }}",
"query": "nwr[office=parish]"
"office": {
"name": "{{ tagTrans('office', 'religion') }}",
"query": "nwr[office=religion]"
"religion": {
"name": "{{ keyTrans('religion') }}",
"show_default": "true",
"type": "select",
"valueName": "{{ tagTrans('religion', value) }}",
"values": "{% set list = [] %}{% for t, v in const.religion %}<option value=\"{{ t }}\">{% set list = list|merge([ t ]) %}{{ tagTrans('religion', t) }}</option>{% endfor %}<option value='other' query='nwr[religion][religion!~\"^({{ list|join('|') }})$\"]'>{{ trans('other') }}</option>",
"op": "has"