{ "type": "overpass", "name": { "de": "Denkmäler", "en": "Memorials" }, "query": { "11": [ "(", "node[historic~\"^(monument)$\"];", "way[historic~\"^(monument)$\"];", "relation[historic~\"^(monument)$\"];", ")" ], "14": [ "(", "node[historic~\"^(memorial|monument)$\"];", "way[historic~\"^(memorial|monument)$\"];", "relation[historic~\"^(memorial|monument)$\"];", ")" ] }, "feature": { "pre": [ "{% set value = tags.historic %}", "{% if tags.historic == 'memorial' and tags.memorial %}", " {% set value = tags.historic ~ ' memorial=' ~ tags.memorial %}", "{% elseif tags.historic == 'memorial' and attribute(tags, 'memorial:type') %}", " {% set value = tags.historic ~ ' memorial=' ~ attribute(tags, 'memorial:type') %}", "{% endif %}" ], "description": "{{ tagTransList('historic', value) }}", "markerSign": "{{ const[value].sign|raw }}" }, "info": [ "<table>", "{% for value, data in const %}", "{% if data.zoom <= map.zoom %}", " <tr>", " <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td>", " <td>{{ tagTrans('historic', value) }}</td>", " </tr>", "{% endif %}", "{% endfor %}", "{% if 14 <= map.zoom %}", " <tr>", " <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'></div></td>", " <td>{{ trans('other') }}</td>", " </tr>", "{% endif %}", "</table>" ], "const": { "memorial": { "sign": "<span style='position: relative; top: -2px;'><img src='maki:monument?size=11'></span>", "zoom": 14 }, "memorial memorial=plaque": { "sign": "", "zoom": 14 }, "monument": { "sign": "<img src='maki:monument?size=15'>", "zoom": 11 } } }