{ "type": "overpass", "name": { "de": "Wikipedia", "en": "Wikipedia" }, "query": { "14": [ "(", "node[~\"wikipedia\"~\".\"];", "way[~\"wikipedia\"~\".\"];", "relation[~\"wikipedia\"~\".\"];", "", "node[~\"wikidata$\"~\".\"];", "way[~\"wikidata$\"~\".\"];", "relation[~\"wikidata$\"~\".\"];", "", "node[wikimedia_commons];", "way[wikimedia_commons];", "relation[wikimedia_commons];", ")" ] }, "feature": { "pre": [ "{% set errors = [] %}", "{% for k, v in tags %}", "", "{% if k|matches(\"^wikipedia:\") %}", " {% set errors = errors|merge([\"Uses <tt>wikipedia</tt> and old-style <tt>\" ~ k ~ \"</tt> tag\"]) %}", "{% elseif k|matches(\"^wikipedia:\") %}", " {% set errors = errors|merge([\"Uses old-style <tt>\" ~ k ~ \"</tt> tag\"]) %}", "{% endif %}", "", "{% if k|matches(\":?wikipedia$\") and not v|matches(\"^[a-z-]+:\") %}", " {% set errors = errors|merge([\"Tag <tt>\" ~ k ~ \"</tt> does not contain language information: \" ~ v ]) %}", "{% endif %}", "", "{% endfor %}" ], "description": [ "{% if errors|length %}", "{{ errors|length }} {{ trans('error', errors|length) }}", "{% endif %}" ], "body": [ "{% if errors|length %}", "{{ trans('error', errors|length) }}:<ul>", "{% for e in errors %}", " <li>{{ e|raw }}</li>", "{% endfor %}", "</ul>", "{% endif %}" ] } }