    "type": "overpass",
    "name": {
        "de": "Denkmäler",
        "en": "Memorials",
        "fr": "Mémoriaux",
        "hu": "Emlékművek",
        "pt-br": "Memoriais"
    "query": {
        "11": [
        "14": [
    "feature": {
        "pre": [
            "{% set value = tags.historic %}",
            "{% if tags.historic == 'memorial' and tags.memorial %}",
            "  {% set value = tags.historic ~ ' memorial=' ~ tags.memorial %}",
            "{% elseif tags.historic == 'memorial' and attribute(tags, 'memorial:type') %}",
            "  {% set value = tags.historic ~ ' memorial=' ~ attribute(tags, 'memorial:type') %}",
            "{% endif %}"
        "description": "{{ tagTransList('historic', value) }}",
        "body": [
            "{% if tags.inscription %}",
            "  <li class='hasSymbol'>",
            "   <i class=\"fa fa-pencil-alt\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>",
            "   <span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('inscription') }}:</span>",
            "   <span class='value'>{{ localizedTag(tags, 'inscription') }}</span>",
            "  </li>",
            "{% elseif attribute(tags, 'inscription:url') %}",
            "  <li class='hasSymbol'>",
            "   <i class=\"fa fa-pencil-alt\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>",
            "   <span class='key'><a href=\"{{ attribute(tags, 'inscription:url') }}\">{{ keyTrans('inscription') }}</a></span>",
            "  </li>",
            "{% endif %}",
            "{% if attribute(tags, 'historic:civilization') %}",
            "  <li class='hasSymbol'>",
            "   <i class=\"fa fa-users\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>",
            "   <span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('historic:civilization') }}:</span>",
            "   <span class='value'>{{ tagTrans('historic:civilization', attribute(tags, 'historic:civilization')) }}</span>",
            "  </li>",
            "{% endif %}",
            "{% if attribute(tags, 'memorial:conflict') %}",
            "  <li class='hasSymbol'>",
            "   <i class=\"fa fa-bolt\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>",
            "   <span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('memorial:conflict') }}:</span>",
            "   <span class='value'>{{ tagTransList('memorial:conflict', attribute(tags, 'memorial:conflict')) }}</span>",
            "  </li>",
            "{% endif %}",
            "{% if tags.artist_name %}",
            "  <li class='hasSymbol'>",
            "   <i class=\"fa fa-palette\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>",
            "   <span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('artist_name') }}:</span>",
            "   <span class='value'>{{ enumerate(tags.artist_name) }}</span>",
            "  </li>",
            "{% endif %}",
        "markerSign": "{{ const[value].sign|raw }}"
    "info": [
        "{% for value, data in const %}",
        "{% if data.zoom <= map.zoom %}",
        "  <tr>",
        "    <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.sign|raw }}</div></td>",
        "    <td>{{ tagTrans('historic', value) }}</td>",
        "  </tr>",
        "{% endif %}",
        "{% endfor %}",
        "{% if 14 <= map.zoom %}",
        "  <tr>",
        "    <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'></div></td>",
        "    <td>{{ trans('other') }}</td>",
        "  </tr>",
        "{% endif %}",
    "const": {
        "memorial": {
            "sign": "<span  style='position: relative; top: -2px;'><img src='maki:monument?size=11'></span>",
            "zoom": 14
        "memorial memorial=plaque": {
            "sign": "",
            "zoom": 14
        "monument": {
            "sign": "<img data-src='maki:monument?size=15'>",
            "zoom": 11
    "filter": {
        "type": {
            "name": "{{ trans('filter:type') }}",
            "type": "select",
            "values": {
                "monument": {
                    "name": "{{ tagTrans('historic', 'monument') }}",
                    "query": "nwr[historic=monument]"
                "memorial": {
                    "name": "{{ tagTrans('historic', 'memorial') }}",
                    "query": "nwr[historic=memorial]"
                "stolperstein": {
                    "name": "{{ tagTrans('historic', 'memorial memorial=stolperstein') }}",
                    "query": "(nwr[memorial=stolperstein];nwr[\"memorial:type\"=stolperstein];)"
        "conflict": {
            "key": "memorial:conflict",
            "op": "has",
            "name": "{{ keyTrans('memorial:conflict') }}",
            "type": "select",
            "values": [
            "valueName": "{{ tagTrans('memorial:conflict', value) }}"
        "civilization": {
            "key": "historic:civilization",
            "op": "has",
            "name": "{{ keyTrans('historic:civilization') }}",
            "type": "select",
            "values": [
            "valueName": "{{ tagTrans('historic:civilization', value) }}"