@ -76,9 +76,13 @@ |
" {% if n|matches('cn$') %}{% set masterNetwork = n %}{% endif %}", |
" {% endfor %}", |
" <li data-object=\"{{ master.id }}\">", |
" <span class='markerParent'><div class='marker'>{{ markerLine({ width: 4, color: const[masterNetwork].color|default(const[''].color) })|raw }}</div></span>", |
" <span class='title'>{% if master.tags.ref and master.tags.name %}{{ master.tags.ref }} - {{ master.tags.name|default(master.tags.ref) }}{% elseif master.tags.ref %}{{ master.tags.ref }}{% elseif master.tags.name %}{{ master.tags.name }}{% else %}{{ trans('unnamed') }}{% endif %}</span>", |
" <span class='description'>{{ tagTrans('network', masterNetwork) }}</span>", |
" <div class='marker'>", |
" <div class='symbol'>{{ markerLine({ width: 4, color: const[masterNetwork].color|default(const[''].color) })|raw }}</div>", |
" </div>", |
" <div class='content'>", |
" <div class='description'>{{ tagTrans('network', masterNetwork) }}</div>", |
" <div class='title'>{% if master.tags.ref and master.tags.name %}{{ master.tags.ref }} - {{ master.tags.name|default(master.tags.ref) }}{% elseif master.tags.ref %}{{ master.tags.ref }}{% elseif master.tags.name %}{{ master.tags.name }}{% else %}{{ trans('unnamed') }}{% endif %}</div>", |
" </div>", |
" </li>", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"</ul>" |