Main categories of OpenStreetBrowser with support for whitewater
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

78 lines
2.8 KiB

  1. {
  2. "category:administrative": "",
  3. "category:agriculture": "農業",
  4. "category:alternative_amenities": "生活環境",
  5. "category:alternative_routes": "ルート",
  6. "category:buildings": "",
  7. "category:car_amenities": "生活環境",
  8. "category:car_furniture": "街路設置公共物",
  9. "category:car_maxspeed": "",
  10. "category:car_routes": "",
  11. "category:children": "",
  12. "category:coal": "",
  13. "category:communication": "交流",
  14. "category:construction": "工事中",
  15. "category:craft": "",
  16. "category:culture": "文化",
  17. "category:culture_religion": "文化",
  18. "category:cycle_amenities": "",
  19. "category:cycle_routes": "",
  20. "category:education": "教育サービス",
  21. "category:electric_power": "電力",
  22. "category:emergency": "緊急サービス",
  23. "category:energy": "",
  24. "category:financial": "金融",
  25. "category:gastro": "食べ物",
  26. "category:gastro-smoking": "",
  27. "category:health": "健康",
  28. "category:hiking_routes": "",
  29. "category:historic": "記念",
  30. "category:index": "",
  31. "category:infrastructure": "",
  32. "category:internet": "インターネット接続",
  33. "category:leisure": "レジャー",
  34. "category:leisure_sport_shopping": "レジャー",
  35. "category:memorial": "",
  36. "category:military": "軍事",
  37. "category:mtb-routes": "",
  38. "category:natural": "自然地層",
  39. "category:network": "",
  40. "category:oil_gas": "",
  41. "category:other": "その他",
  42. "category:outdoor": "",
  43. "category:phone": "電話",
  44. "category:places": "場所",
  45. "category:places_geo": "場所",
  46. "category:playgrounds": "",
  47. "category:post": "郵便",
  48. "category:pt": "",
  49. "category:pt:routes": "",
  50. "category:pt:stops": "停留所と駅",
  51. "category:pt_amenities": "生活環境",
  52. "category:public": "公共サービス",
  53. "category:railway": "鉄道",
  54. "category:railway-electrification": "",
  55. "category:railway-infrastructure": "",
  56. "category:railway-maxspeed": "",
  57. "category:railway-routes": "",
  58. "category:religion": "宗教",
  59. "category:residential": "住居エリア",
  60. "category:resources": "",
  61. "category:services": "サービス",
  62. "category:shop": "ショッピング",
  63. "category:special": "",
  64. "category:sport": "スポーツ",
  65. "category:tourism_attractions": "観光",
  66. "category:tourism_services": "観光",
  67. "category:transport": "輸送",
  68. "category:transport_alternative": "その他交通 (サイクリング、ハイキング、...)",
  69. "category:transport_car": "個人輸送機関",
  70. "category:transport_cycle": "",
  71. "category:transport_pt": "公共輸送",
  72. "category:transport_walk": "",
  73. "category:walk_amenities": "",
  74. "category:waste": "処理場",
  75. "category:water": "",
  76. "category:wikipedia": "",
  77. "category:works": "工場"
  78. }