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224 lines
8.3 KiB
224 lines
8.3 KiB
type: overpass
ca: Infraestructura fèrria
cs: Železniční infrastruktura
de: Eisenbahn Infrastruktur
en: Railway infrastructure
es: Infraestructura ferroviaria
fr: Infrastructure ferroviaire
gl: Infraestrutura do ferrocarril
hu: Vasúti infrastruktúra
it: Infrastruttura ferroviaria
ja: 鉄道インフラ
nb: Jernbane-infrastruktur
nl: Spoorweginfrastructuur
oc: Infrastructura ferroviària
pl: Infrastruktura kolejowa
pt: Infraestrutura ferroviária
pt-br: Infraestrutura ferroviária
ru: Железнодорожная инфраструктура
sr: Железничка инфраструктура
tr: Demiryolu altyapısı
11: (way[railway=rail][usage~'^(main|branch)$'];node[railway~'^(station)$'];)
14: (way[railway];node[railway~'^(station|halt|tram_stop)$'];)
17: (node[railway];way[railway];)
pre: |-
{% set width = 2 %}
{% if tags.service == 'yard' or tags.service == 'siding' or tags.service == 'spur' or tags.service == 'crossover' %}
{% set width = 1 %}
{% elseif tags.railway in ['rail', 'narrow_gauge', 'abandoned', 'disused'] %}
{% if tags.usage in ['main', 'branch'] %}
{% set width = 3 %}
{% else %}
{% set width = 2 %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif tags.railway in ['signal', 'switch', 'railway_crossing'] %}
{% set width = 0 %}
{% endif %}
title: |-
{% if tags.ref %}{{ localizedTag(tags, 'ref') }} - {% endif %}
{{ localizedTag(tags, 'name')|default(localizedTag(tags, 'operator')) }}
{% if attribute(tags, 'tunnel:name') %}- {{ localizedTag(tags, 'tunnel:name') }}{% endif %}
{% if attribute(tags, 'bridge:name') %}- {{ localizedTag(tags, 'bridge:name') }}{% endif %}
details: |-
{{ width }}
description: |-
{{ tagTrans('railway', tags.railway) -}}
{%- if tags.usage %}
, {{ tagTrans('railway=rail usage', tags.usage) }}
{% endif -%}
{%- if tags.service %}
, {{ tagTrans('railway=rail service', tags.service) }}
{% endif -%}
body: |-
{% if tags.operator %}{{ keyTrans('operator') }}: {{ localizedTag(tags, 'operator') }}<br>{% endif %}
{% if tags.usage %}{{ keyTrans('railway=rail usage') }}: {{ tagTrans('railway=rail usage', tags.usage)|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>{% endif %}
{% if tags.service %}{{ keyTrans('railway=rail service') }}: {{ tagTrans('railway=rail service', tags.service ) }}<br/>{% endif %}
{{ keyTrans('gauge') }}: {{ tags.gauge|default(trans('unknown')) }}<br/>
{% if tags.electrified == 'no' %}
{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', 'no') }}
{% elseif tags.electrified %}
{{ keyTrans('electrified') }}: {{ tagTrans('electrified', tags.electrified) }}, {{ keyTrans('voltage') }}: {{ tags.voltage|default(trans('unknown')) }}, {{ keyTrans('frequency') }}: {{ tags.frequency|default(trans('unknown')) }}
{% endif %}<br/>
markerSign: |-
{% if tags.railway in [ 'halt', 'tram_stop', 'station', 'stop', 'subway_entrance' ] %}X
{% endif %}
markerSymbol: |-
{% if tags.railway == 'signal' %}
<svg anchorX='5' anchorY='8' width='9' height='15'>
<rect x='0.5' y='0.5' width='8' height='14' style='fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1;' />
<circle cx='4.5' cy='4.5' r='2.5' style='stroke-width: 1; stroke: #000000; fill: #7f7f7f;'/>
<circle cx='4.5' cy='10.5' r='2.5' style='stroke-width: 1; stroke: #000000; fill: #ff0000;'/>
{% elseif tags.railway == 'switch' %}
<svg anchorX='5' anchorY='8' width='9' height='15'>
<rect x='0.5' y='0.5' width='8' height='14' style='fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: 1;' />
<line x1='2' x2='2' y1='2' y2='13' style='stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000; stroke-linecap: round;'/>
<line x1='2' x2='7' y1='10' y2='2' style='stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000; stroke-linecap: round;'/>
{% elseif tags.railway == 'railway_crossing' %}
<svg anchorX='5' anchorY='8' width='9' height='15'>
<rect x='0.5' y='0.5' width='8' height='14' style='fill: #ffffff; fill-opacity: 1;' />
<line x1='2' x2='7' y1='2' y2='13' style='stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000; stroke-linecap: round;'/>
<line x1='7' x2='2' y1='2' y2='13' style='stroke-width: 2; stroke: #000000; stroke-linecap: round;'/>
{% elseif tags.railway not in [ 'rail', 'tram', 'subway', 'narrow_gauge', 'abandoned', 'disused' ] %}
{{ markerPointer({})|raw }}
{% endif %}
listMarkerSymbol: |-
{% if tags.railway in [ 'station', 'halt', 'tram_stop', 'stop', 'subway_entrance', 'signal', 'switch', 'railway_crossing' ] %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
priority: |-
{% if tags.railway == 'station' %}0
{% elseif tags.railway in [ 'halt' ] %}1
{% elseif tags.railway in [ 'tram_stop', 'stop' ] %}2
{% elseif tags.railway in [ 'subway_entrance' ] %}3
{% else %}5
{% endif %}
styles: |-
{% if tags.bridge and tags.bridge != 'no' %}casing_bridge,{% endif %}
{% if const.color[tags.railway] %}casing,casing_layer,{% endif %}
{% if tags.railway == 'narrow_gauge' %}default,narrow
{% else %}default
{% endif %}
width: |-
{{ width }}
zIndex: |-
{{ tags.layer|default(0) + 10 }}
color: |-
{% set color = tags.railway == 'rail' or tags.railway == 'narrow_gauge' or tags.railway == 'disused' ? const.color['rail/' ~ tags.usage]|default(const.color.rail) : const.color[tags.railway]|default(const.color.default) %}
{% if tags.tunnel and tags.tunnel != 'no' %}
{{ colorInterpolate([ color, '#ffffff' ], 0.3) }}
{% else %}
{{ color }}
{% endif %}
opacity: 1
dashArray: |-
{% if tags.railway == 'rail' %}
{% elseif tags.railway == 'disused' %}1,5
{% elseif tags.railway == 'abandoned' %}1,7
{% endif %}
fill: |-
{% if tags.railway == 'platform' %}
{% elseif type == 'node' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
fillColor: |-
{% if tags.railway == 'platform' %}
{% elseif type == 'node' %}
{% endif %}
fillOpacity: |-
{% if tags.railway == 'platform' %}
{% elseif type == 'node' %}
{% endif %}
color: '#ffffff'
pane: casing
width: |-
{{ width + 2 }}
color: '#ffffff'
zIndex: |-
{{ tags.layer|default(0) + 9.99 }}
width: |-
{{ width + 2 }}
lineCap: butt
color: '#000000'
zIndex: |-
{{ tags.layer|default(0) + 9.98 }}
width: |-
{{ width + 4 }}
lineCap: butt
width: |-
{{ width + 2 }}
color: |-
{% if tags.railway == 'rail' or tags.railway == 'narrow_gauge' or tags.railway == 'disused' %}
{% if tags.usage == 'main' %}#ff8100
{% elseif tags.usage == 'branch' %}#daca00
{% else %}#000000
{% endif %}
{% elseif tags.railway == 'subway' %}#0000ff
{% elseif tags.railway == 'tram' %}#ff00ff
{% elseif tags.railway == 'light_rail' %}#00BD14
{% elseif tags.railway == 'platform' %}#3f3f3f
{% else %}#000000
{% endif %}
lineCap: butt
dashArray: '2,4'
info: |-
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "railway": "rail", "usage": "main" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'rail') }}, {{ keyTrans('usage') }}: {{ tagTrans('usage', 'main') }}</td>
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "railway": "rail" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'rail') }}</td>
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "railway": "narrow_gauge" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'narrow_gauge') }}</td>
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "railway": "light_rail" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'light_rail') }}</td>
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "railway": "subway" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'subway') }}</td>
{% if map.zoom >= 14 %}
<td>{{ markerLine(evaluate({ "railway": "tram" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ tagTrans('railway', 'tram') }}</td>
{% endif %}
rail: '#000000'
rail/main: '#ff8100'
rail/branch: '#daca00'
subway: '#0000ff'
tram: '#ff00ff'
light_rail: '#00BD14'
platform: '#3f3f3f'
default: '#000000'