Main categories of OpenStreetBrowser
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

168 lines
6.2 KiB

ca: Antiguitat de l'edifici
cs: Stáří budovy
de: Gebäudealter
en: Building age
es: Edad del edificio
fr: Date de construction
gl: Idade do edificio
hu: Épületek kora
it: Età dell'edificio
ja: 築年数
nb: Bygningsalder
nl: Ouderdom van het gebouw
oc: Data de bastison
pl: Wiek budynków
pt-br: Idade
pt: Idade dos edifícios
ro: Vârsta clădirii
ru: Возраст здания
sr: Старост зграде
tr: Bina yaşı
16: |-
pre: |-
{% set type = tags.building|split(';')[0] %}
{% if tags.military %}{% set type = 'military' %}{% endif %}
{% set start_date = tags.start_date %}
{% if attribute(tags, 'building:start_date') %}{% set start_date = attribute(tags, 'building:start_date') %}{% endif %}
{# Deprecated tags #}
{% if not start_date and attribute(tags, 'building:age') %}{% set start_date = attribute(tags, 'building:age') %}{% endif %}
{% if not start_date and attribute(tags, 'building:year_built') %}{% set start_date = attribute(tags, 'building:year_built') %}{% endif %}
{% if not start_date and attribute(tags, 'building:buildyear') %}{% set start_date = attribute(tags, 'building:buildyear') %}{% endif %}
{% if not start_date and attribute(tags, 'year_built') %}{% set start_date = attribute(tags, 'year_built') %}{% endif %}
{% if not start_date and attribute(tags, 'building:year') %}{% set start_date = attribute(tags, 'building:year') %}{% endif %}
{% if not start_date and attribute(tags, 'year_of_construction') %}{% set start_date = attribute(tags, 'year_of_construction') %}{% endif %}
{% if start_date %}
{# equalize tagging mistakes - need to add QA messages #}
{# convert 1910-1911 to 1910..1911 #}{% set m = start_date|matches('^(\d{4})-(\d{4})$') %}{% if m %}{% set start_date = m[1] ~ '..' ~ m[2] %}{% endif %}
{# convert 191* to 1910s #}{% set m = start_date|matches('^(\d{3})\*$') %}{% if m %}{% set start_date = m[1] ~ '0s' %}{% endif %}
{% set value = start_date|osmParseDate %}
{% if value and value[0] and value[1] %}
{% set value = (value[1] - value[0]) / 2 + value[0] %}
{% elseif value and value[0] %}
{% set value = value[0] %}
{% elseif value and value[1] %}
{% set value = value[1] %}
{% else %}
{% set value = 'error' %}
{% endif %}
{% if value == 'error' %}
{% set color = '#ff0000' %}
{% elseif value < 1500 %}
{% set color = '#0000ff' %}
{% elseif value < 1900 %}
{% set color = colorInterpolate([ '#0000ff', '#ff00ff' ], (value - 1500.0) / 400) %}
{% elseif value < 2000 %}
{% set color = colorInterpolate([ '#ff00ff', '#ffff00' ], (value - 1900.0) / 100) %}
{% else %}
{% set color = colorInterpolate([ '#ffff00', '#00ff00' ], (value - 2000.0) / 50) %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set color = '#7f7f7f' %}
{% endif %}
description: |-
{% if tags.building == 'yes' and tags.military %}
{{ tagTrans('building', 'military') }}
{% elseif tags.building == 'yes' %}
{{ keyTrans('building') }}
{% else %}
{{ tagTransList('building', tags.building) }}
{% endif %}
{% if tags.building == 'construction' and %}
({{ tagTransList('building', }})
{% endif %}
{% if tags.building in [ 'yes', 'military' ] and tags.military %}
({{ tagTransList('military', tags.military) }})
{% endif %}
details: |-
{% if start_date %}
{{ start_date|osmFormatDate({ format: 'short' }) }}
{% else %}
{{ trans('unknown') }}
{% endif %}
body: |-
{% if attribute(tags, 'building:start_date') %}<li>
<span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('building:start_date') }}:</span>
<span class='value'>{{ attribute(tags, 'building:start_date')|osmFormatDate }}</span>
</li>{% endif %}
markerSymbol: null
listMarkerSymbol: |-
{{ markerPolygon({ "fillColor": color, "fillOpacity": 0.8, "width": 1, "color": "#000000" })|raw }}
priority: |-
{% set p = 100 %}
{% if start_date %}{% set p = p - 20 %}{% endif %}
{% if %}{% set p = p - 10 %}{% endif %}
{% if tags.amenity %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}
{% if tags.historic %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}
{% if tags.culture %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}
{% if tags.highway %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}
{% if tags.railway %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}
{% if tags.aeroway %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}
{% if tags.amenity %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}
{% if tags.tourism %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}
{{ p }}
width: 1
color: '#000000'
fillColor: '{{ color }}'
fillOpacity: 0.8
info: |-
<td>{{ markerPolygon(evaluate({ "building": "yes", "start_date": "1400" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ markerPolygon(evaluate({ "building": "yes", "start_date": "1500" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ markerPolygon(evaluate({ "building": "yes", "start_date": "1600" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ markerPolygon(evaluate({ "building": "yes", "start_date": "1700" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ markerPolygon(evaluate({ "building": "yes", "start_date": "1800" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ markerPolygon(evaluate({ "building": "yes", "start_date": "1900" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ markerPolygon(evaluate({ "building": "yes", "start_date": "1950" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ markerPolygon(evaluate({ "building": "yes", "start_date": "2000" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ markerPolygon(evaluate({ "building": "yes", "start_date": "2020" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ markerPolygon(evaluate({ "building": "yes", "start_date": "xxx" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ repoTrans('date format not understood') }}</td>
<td>{{ markerPolygon(evaluate({ "building": "yes" }))|raw }}</td>
<td>{{ trans('unknown') }}</td>