type: overpass name: ast: Serviciu Públicu ca: Serveis Públics cs: Veřejné služby de: Öffentliche Dienste el: Δημόσιες Υπηρεσίες en: Public Services es: Servicios públicos et: Kommunaalteenused fr: Services et équipements publics gl: Servizos públicos hu: Közszolgáltatások it: Servizi pubblici ja: 公共サービス nb: Offentlige tjenester nl: Openbare diensten oc: Servicis e equimaments publics pl: Usługi publiczne pt: Serviços públicos pt-br: Utilidade pública ro: Servicii publice ru: Общественные места sr: Јавне службе tr: Kamu Hizmetleri uk: Громадські місця query: 12: |- ( nwr[amenity~'^(.*;|)(embassy|public_building|townhall)(;.*|)$']; nwr[amenity=recycling][recyling_type=centre]; nwr[office~"^(.*;|)(government|administration)(;.*|)$"]; ); 16: |- ( nwr[amenity~'^(.*;|)(embassy|public_building|townhall|clock|drinking_water|recycling|toilets)(;.*|)$']; node[drinking_water][drinking_water!=no]; nwr[office~"^(.*;|)(government|administration)(;.*|)$"]; ); feature: pre: |- {% set key = null %} {% set value = null %} {% if tags.drinking_water and tags.drinking_water != 'no' %} {% set key = 'amenity' %} {% set value = 'drinking_water' %} {% endif %} {% for k, d in const %} {% set kv = k|split('=') %} {% if attribute(tags, kv[0]) and kv[1] in attribute(tags, kv[0])|split(';') %} {% set key = kv[0] %} {% set value = kv[1] %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} description: |- {% if key == 'office' %} {{ keyTrans('office') }} ({{ tagTransList('office', tags.office) }}) {% elseif value == 'drinking_water' %} {{ tagTrans(key, value) }} {% else %} {{ tagTransList(key, attribute(tags, key)) }} {% endif %} body: '{% if tags.operator %}{{ keyTrans("operator") }}: {{ tags.operator }}
{% endif %}' markerSign: |- {% set kv = key ~ '=' ~ value %} {% if const[kv] %} {{ const[kv]|raw }} {% endif %} info: |- {% for value, sign in const %} {% endfor %}
{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}
{{ sign|raw }}
{{ tagTrans('amenity', value) }}
const: amenity=clock: amenity=drinking_water: amenity=embassy: amenity=public_building: amenity=recycling: amenity=toilets: amenity=townhall: office=administration: office=government: filter: type: name: '{{ trans("filter:type") }}' show_default: 'true' type: select values: |- {% for k, v in const %} {% if k == 'amenity=drinking_water' %} {% endfor %}