{ "type": "overpass", "query": { "8": "nwr[heritage~\"^(|.*;)1(|;.*)$\"];", "11": "nwr[heritage~\"^(|.*;)(1|2)(|;.*)$\"];", "13": "nwr[heritage];" }, "feature": { "description": [ "{% set found = false %}", "{% for k in ['amenity', 'shop', 'telecom', 'waterway', 'craft', 'highway', 'railway', 'aerialway', 'emergency', 'geological', 'man_made', 'natural', 'office', 'power', 'aeroway', 'tourism', 'leisure', 'military', 'landuse', 'barrier', 'route'] if not found %}", " {% if attribute(tags, k) and attribute(tags, k) != 'yes' %}", " {{ tagTransList(k, attribute(tags, k)) }}", " {% set found = true %}", " {% endif %}", "{% endfor %}", "{% if found %}{# nothing #}", "{% elseif tags.building and tags.building != 'yes' %}", "{{ tagTransList('building', tags.building) }}", "{% elseif tags.historic and tags.historic not in ['heritage', 'yes', 'building'] %}", "{{ tagTransList('historic', tags.historic) }}", "{% elseif tags.building == 'yes' or tags.historic == 'building' %}", "{{ keyTrans('building') }}", "{% endif %}" ], "priority": "{{ min(tags.heritage|split(\";\")) }}" }, "name": { "ca": "Protecció del Patrimoni", "de": "Denkmalschutz", "en": "Heritage Protection", "fr": "Protection patrimoniale", "hu": "Örökségvédelem", "it": "Protezione del patrimonio", "pl": "Ochrona dziedzictwa", "pt": "Património cultural", "pt-br": "Patrimônio histórico", "tr": "Kültürel Miras" } }