name: ca: Tipologies d'edificació cs: typy budov de: Gebäudearten en: Building types es: Tipos de edificio fr: Type gl: Tipos de edificios hu: Épületek típusa it: Tipi di edificio ja: 建物の種類 nb: Bygningstyper nl: Gebouwtypes oc: Tipe de bastissa pl: Rodzaje budynków pt-br: Tipologias pt: Tipos dos edifícios ro: Tipuri de clădiri ru: Типы зданий sr: Врста зграде tr: Bina tipleri query: 16: nwr[building][building!=no]; feature: pre: |- {% set type = tags.building|split(';')[0] %} {% if tags.military %}{% set type = 'military' %}{% endif %} {% set color = const.other.color %} {% for cat, data in const %} {% if type in data.types %} {% set color = data.color %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} description: |- {% if tags.building == 'yes' and tags.military %} {{ tagTrans('building', 'military') }} {% elseif tags.building == 'yes' %} {{ keyTrans('building') }} {% else %} {{ tagTransList('building', tags.building) }} {% endif %} {% if tags.building == 'construction' and %} ({{ tagTransList('building', }}) {% endif %} {% if tags.building in [ 'yes', 'military' ] and tags.military %} ({{ tagTransList('military', tags.military) }}) {% endif %} markerSymbol: '' listMarkerSymbol: |- {{ markerPolygon({"fillColor": color, "fillOpacity": 0.8, "width": 1, "color": "#000000" })|raw }} priority: |- {% set p = 100 %} {% if %}{% set p = p - 10 %}{% endif %} {% if tags.amenity %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %} {% if tags.historic %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %} {% if tags.culture %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %} {% if tags.highway %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %} {% if tags.railway %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %} {% if tags.aeroway %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %} {% if tags.amenity %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %} {% if tags.tourism %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %} {{ p }} style: width: 1 color: '#000000' fillColor: |- {{ color }} fillOpacity: 0.8 info: |-
{{ markerPolygon({ "fillColor": data.color, "fillOpacity": "0.8", "width": 1, "color": "#000000" })|raw }} | {{ trans( }}: {% for i, type in data.types %}{% if i > 0 %}, {% endif %}{{ tagTrans('building', type) }}{% endfor %} |