Stephan Bösch-Plepelits
7 years ago
18 changed files with 953 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
The files in this directory simplify translating categories. The real names will be read from the 'name' property in the categories. Translations in this directory will be copied to the categories. |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
{ |
"category:administrative": "Divisiones Alministratives", |
"category:agriculture": "Agricultura", |
"category:alternative_amenities": "Infraestructures", |
"category:alternative_routes": "Rutes", |
"category:buildings": null, |
"category:car_amenities": "Infraestructures", |
"category:car_furniture": "Acondicionamientu urbanu", |
"category:car_maxspeed": null, |
"category:children": null, |
"category:communication": "Comunicaciones", |
"category:construction": "Sitios d'obres", |
"category:culture": "Cultura", |
"category:culture_religion": "Cultura", |
"category:cycle_amenities": null, |
"category:cycle_infrastructure": null, |
"category:cycle_routes": null, |
"category:education": "Servicios educativos", |
"category:emergency": "Servicios d'emerxencia", |
"category:financial": "Dineru", |
"category:gastro": "Gastronomía", |
"category:health": "Salú", |
"category:hiking_routes": null, |
"category:historic": "Hestoria", |
"category:index": null, |
"category:internet": "Accesu a Internet", |
"category:leisure": "Recréu", |
"category:military": "Militar", |
"category:natural": "Formaciones naturales", |
"category:other": "Otres", |
"category:phone": "Teléfonos", |
"category:places": "Llugares", |
"category:places_geo": "Llugares", |
"category:playgrounds": "Xuegos infantiles", |
"category:post": "Corréu", |
"category:power": "Enerxía", |
"category:pt_amenities": "Infraestructures", |
"category:pt_routes": null, |
"category:pt_stops": "Paraes y estaciones", |
"category:public": "Serviciu Públicu", |
"category:railway-electrification": null, |
"category:railway-infrastructure": null, |
"category:religion": "Relixón", |
"category:residential": "Zones residenciales", |
"category:resources": "Estraición de recursos", |
"category:shop": "Compres", |
"category:sport": "Deportes", |
"category:tourism_attractions": "Turismu", |
"category:tourism_services": "Turismu", |
"category:transport_alternative": "Alternativu (Ciclismu, senderismu, ...)", |
"category:walk_amenities": null, |
"category:waste": "Basures", |
"category:water": null, |
"category:wikipedia": null, |
"category:works": "Fábriques" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
{ |
"category:administrative": null, |
"category:agriculture": null, |
"category:alternative_amenities": null, |
"category:alternative_routes": null, |
"category:buildings": null, |
"category:car_amenities": null, |
"category:car_furniture": null, |
"category:car_maxspeed": null, |
"category:children": null, |
"category:communication": "Comunicacions", |
"category:construction": null, |
"category:culture": "Cultura", |
"category:culture_religion": "Cultura i religió", |
"category:cycle_amenities": null, |
"category:cycle_infrastructure": null, |
"category:cycle_routes": null, |
"category:education": null, |
"category:emergency": "Serveis d'emergència", |
"category:financial": null, |
"category:gastro": null, |
"category:health": null, |
"category:hiking_routes": null, |
"category:historic": null, |
"category:index": null, |
"category:internet": "Accés a Internet", |
"category:leisure": null, |
"category:military": null, |
"category:natural": null, |
"category:other": null, |
"category:phone": null, |
"category:places": null, |
"category:places_geo": null, |
"category:playgrounds": null, |
"category:post": null, |
"category:power": null, |
"category:pt_amenities": null, |
"category:pt_routes": null, |
"category:pt_stops": null, |
"category:public": null, |
"category:railway-electrification": null, |
"category:railway-infrastructure": null, |
"category:religion": null, |
"category:residential": null, |
"category:resources": null, |
"category:shop": null, |
"category:sport": null, |
"category:tourism_attractions": null, |
"category:tourism_services": null, |
"category:transport_alternative": null, |
"category:walk_amenities": null, |
"category:waste": null, |
"category:water": null, |
"category:wikipedia": null, |
"category:works": null |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
{ |
"category:administrative": "Administrativní oblasti", |
"category:agriculture": "Zemědělství", |
"category:alternative_amenities": "Občanská vybavenost", |
"category:alternative_routes": "Trasy cest", |
"category:buildings": null, |
"category:car_amenities": "Občasnká vybavenost", |
"category:car_furniture": "Pouliční přislušenství", |
"category:car_maxspeed": null, |
"category:children": null, |
"category:communication": "Komunikace", |
"category:construction": "Staveniště", |
"category:culture": "Kultura", |
"category:culture_religion": "Kultura", |
"category:cycle_amenities": null, |
"category:cycle_infrastructure": null, |
"category:cycle_routes": null, |
"category:education": "Vzdělávací služby", |
"category:emergency": "Pohotovostní služby", |
"category:financial": "Finanční služby", |
"category:gastro": "Stravování", |
"category:health": "Zdravotnictví", |
"category:hiking_routes": null, |
"category:historic": "Historické", |
"category:index": null, |
"category:internet": "Přístup k internetu", |
"category:leisure": "Volný čas", |
"category:military": "Vojenské", |
"category:natural": "Přírodní úkazy", |
"category:other": "Jiné", |
"category:phone": "Telefony", |
"category:places": "Sídla", |
"category:places_geo": "Sídla", |
"category:playgrounds": "Hřiště", |
"category:post": "Poštovní služby", |
"category:power": "Elektřina", |
"category:pt_amenities": "Občanská vybavenost", |
"category:pt_routes": null, |
"category:pt_stops": "Zastávky & Stanice", |
"category:public": "Veřejné služby", |
"category:railway-electrification": null, |
"category:railway-infrastructure": null, |
"category:religion": "Religion", |
"category:residential": "Obytné oblasti", |
"category:resources": "Těžba surovin", |
"category:shop": "Obchody", |
"category:sport": "Sport", |
"category:tourism_attractions": "Turistika", |
"category:tourism_services": "Turistika", |
"category:transport_alternative": "Alternativní (Cyklistika, Pěší turistika, ...)", |
"category:walk_amenities": null, |
"category:waste": "Nakládání s odpady", |
"category:water": null, |
"category:wikipedia": null, |
"category:works": "Továrny" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
{ |
"category:administrative": "Administrative Gebiete", |
"category:agriculture": "Landwirtschaft", |
"category:alternative_amenities": "Einrichtungen", |
"category:alternative_routes": "(ausgeschilderte) Routen", |
"category:buildings": "Gebäude", |
"category:car_amenities": "Einrichtungen", |
"category:car_furniture": "Straßenausstattung", |
"category:car_maxspeed": null, |
"category:children": "Einrichtungen für Kinder", |
"category:communication": "Kommunikation", |
"category:construction": "Baustellen", |
"category:culture": "Kultur", |
"category:culture_religion": "Kultur und Religion", |
"category:cycle_amenities": "Einrichtungen", |
"category:cycle_infrastructure": "Radwege", |
"category:cycle_routes": "Radrouten", |
"category:education": "Bildungseinrichtungen", |
"category:emergency": "Notfalldienste", |
"category:financial": "Finanzen", |
"category:gastro": "Gastronomie", |
"category:health": "Gesundheitsdienste", |
"category:hiking_routes": "Wanderrouten", |
"category:historic": "Geschichte", |
"category:index": null, |
"category:internet": "Internetzugang", |
"category:leisure": "Freizeit", |
"category:military": "Militär", |
"category:natural": "Geographische Objekte", |
"category:other": "Andere", |
"category:phone": "Telekommunikation", |
"category:places": "Orte", |
"category:places_geo": "Orte", |
"category:playgrounds": null, |
"category:post": "Post", |
"category:power": "Energie", |
"category:pt_amenities": "Einrichtungen", |
"category:pt_routes": "Routen", |
"category:pt_stops": "Haltestellen", |
"category:public": "Öffentliche Dienste", |
"category:railway-electrification": "Eisenbahn Elektrifizierung", |
"category:railway-infrastructure": "Eisenbahn Infrastruktur", |
"category:religion": "Religion", |
"category:residential": "Wohngebiete", |
"category:resources": "Ressourcengewinnung", |
"category:shop": "Einkauf", |
"category:sport": "Sport", |
"category:tourism_attractions": "Tourismus", |
"category:tourism_services": "Tourismus", |
"category:transport_alternative": null, |
"category:walk_amenities": "Einrichtungen", |
"category:waste": "Entsorgung", |
"category:water": "Gewässer", |
"category:wikipedia": null, |
"category:works": "Fabriken" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
{ |
"category:administrative": "Διοικητικά Όρια", |
"category:agriculture": "Γεωργία", |
"category:alternative_amenities": null, |
"category:alternative_routes": null, |
"category:buildings": null, |
"category:car_amenities": null, |
"category:car_furniture": null, |
"category:car_maxspeed": null, |
"category:children": null, |
"category:communication": "Επικοινωνίες", |
"category:construction": null, |
"category:culture": "Πολιτισμός", |
"category:culture_religion": "Πολιτισμός", |
"category:cycle_amenities": null, |
"category:cycle_infrastructure": null, |
"category:cycle_routes": null, |
"category:education": "Υπηρεσίες Εκπαίδευσης", |
"category:emergency": "Υπηρεσίες Έκτακτης Ανάγκης", |
"category:financial": "Χρήμα", |
"category:gastro": "Γαστρονομία", |
"category:health": "Υγεία", |
"category:hiking_routes": null, |
"category:historic": "Ιστορικά", |
"category:index": null, |
"category:internet": null, |
"category:leisure": "Αναψυχή", |
"category:military": "Στρατιωτικό", |
"category:natural": "Φυσικοί Σχηματισμοί", |
"category:other": null, |
"category:phone": null, |
"category:places": "Μέρη", |
"category:places_geo": "Μέρη", |
"category:playgrounds": null, |
"category:post": null, |
"category:power": null, |
"category:pt_amenities": null, |
"category:pt_routes": null, |
"category:pt_stops": "Στάσεις & Σταθμοί", |
"category:public": "Δημόσιες Υπηρεσίες", |
"category:railway-electrification": null, |
"category:railway-infrastructure": null, |
"category:religion": "Θρησκεία", |
"category:residential": "Περιοχές Κατοικίας", |
"category:resources": null, |
"category:shop": "Αγορές", |
"category:sport": "Άθληση", |
"category:tourism_attractions": "Τουρισμός", |
"category:tourism_services": "Τουρισμός", |
"category:transport_alternative": "Εναλλακτικά (ποδηλασία, ορειβασία,...)", |
"category:walk_amenities": null, |
"category:waste": null, |
"category:water": null, |
"category:wikipedia": null, |
"category:works": null |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
{ |
"category:administrative": "Administrative Areas", |
"category:agriculture": "Agriculture", |
"category:alternative_amenities": "Amenities", |
"category:alternative_routes": "Routes", |
"category:buildings": "Buildings", |
"category:car_amenities": "Amenities", |
"category:car_furniture": "Street Furniture", |
"category:car_maxspeed": "Maxspeed", |
"category:children": "Children amenities", |
"category:communication": "Communication", |
"category:construction": "Construction Sites", |
"category:culture": "Culture", |
"category:culture_religion": "Culture", |
"category:cycle_amenities": "Amenities", |
"category:cycle_infrastructure": "Cycleways", |
"category:cycle_routes": "Cycle Routes", |
"category:education": "Educational Services", |
"category:emergency": "Emergency Services", |
"category:financial": "Financial", |
"category:gastro": "Gastronomy", |
"category:health": "Health", |
"category:hiking_routes": "Hiking routes", |
"category:historic": "Historic", |
"category:index": null, |
"category:internet": "Internet access", |
"category:leisure": "Leisure", |
"category:military": "Military", |
"category:natural": "Natural Formations", |
"category:other": "Other", |
"category:phone": "Phone", |
"category:places": "Places", |
"category:places_geo": "Places", |
"category:playgrounds": "Playground", |
"category:post": "Post", |
"category:power": "Power", |
"category:pt_amenities": "Amenities", |
"category:pt_routes": "Routes", |
"category:pt_stops": "Stops & Stations", |
"category:public": "Public Services", |
"category:railway-electrification": "Railway electrification", |
"category:railway-infrastructure": "Railway infrastructure", |
"category:religion": "Religion", |
"category:residential": "Residential Areas", |
"category:resources": "Resource Extraction", |
"category:shop": "Shopping", |
"category:sport": "Sport", |
"category:tourism_attractions": "Tourism", |
"category:tourism_services": "Tourism", |
"category:transport_alternative": null, |
"category:walk_amenities": "Amenities", |
"category:waste": "Disposal", |
"category:water": "Waterbodies", |
"category:wikipedia": "Wikipedia", |
"category:works": "Works" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
{ |
"category:administrative": null, |
"category:agriculture": null, |
"category:alternative_amenities": null, |
"category:alternative_routes": null, |
"category:buildings": null, |
"category:car_amenities": null, |
"category:car_furniture": null, |
"category:car_maxspeed": null, |
"category:children": null, |
"category:communication": null, |
"category:construction": null, |
"category:culture": "Cultura", |
"category:culture_religion": "Cultura y religión", |
"category:cycle_amenities": null, |
"category:cycle_infrastructure": null, |
"category:cycle_routes": null, |
"category:education": null, |
"category:emergency": "Servicios de emergencia", |
"category:financial": null, |
"category:gastro": null, |
"category:health": null, |
"category:hiking_routes": null, |
"category:historic": null, |
"category:index": null, |
"category:internet": "Acceso a Internet", |
"category:leisure": null, |
"category:military": null, |
"category:natural": null, |
"category:other": null, |
"category:phone": null, |
"category:places": null, |
"category:places_geo": null, |
"category:playgrounds": null, |
"category:post": null, |
"category:power": null, |
"category:pt_amenities": null, |
"category:pt_routes": null, |
"category:pt_stops": "Paradas y estaciones", |
"category:public": null, |
"category:railway-electrification": null, |
"category:railway-infrastructure": null, |
"category:religion": null, |
"category:residential": null, |
"category:resources": null, |
"category:shop": null, |
"category:sport": null, |
"category:tourism_attractions": null, |
"category:tourism_services": null, |
"category:transport_alternative": null, |
"category:walk_amenities": null, |
"category:waste": null, |
"category:water": null, |
"category:wikipedia": null, |
"category:works": null |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
{ |
"category:administrative": "Administratiivalad", |
"category:agriculture": "Põllumajandus", |
"category:alternative_amenities": null, |
"category:alternative_routes": null, |
"category:buildings": null, |
"category:car_amenities": null, |
"category:car_furniture": null, |
"category:car_maxspeed": null, |
"category:children": null, |
"category:communication": "Kommunikatsioon", |
"category:construction": null, |
"category:culture": "Kultuur", |
"category:culture_religion": "Kultuur ja religioon", |
"category:cycle_amenities": null, |
"category:cycle_infrastructure": null, |
"category:cycle_routes": null, |
"category:education": "Haridusteenused", |
"category:emergency": "Hädaabi teenused", |
"category:financial": null, |
"category:gastro": null, |
"category:health": null, |
"category:hiking_routes": null, |
"category:historic": "Ajalooline", |
"category:index": null, |
"category:internet": null, |
"category:leisure": null, |
"category:military": null, |
"category:natural": null, |
"category:other": "Ülejäänud", |
"category:phone": "Telefon", |
"category:places": "Kohad", |
"category:places_geo": "Kohad", |
"category:playgrounds": "Mänguväljak", |
"category:post": null, |
"category:power": "Elekter", |
"category:pt_amenities": null, |
"category:pt_routes": null, |
"category:pt_stops": null, |
"category:public": "Kommunaalteenused", |
"category:railway-electrification": null, |
"category:railway-infrastructure": null, |
"category:religion": "Religioon", |
"category:residential": "Elamupiirkonnad", |
"category:resources": null, |
"category:shop": "Ostmine", |
"category:sport": null, |
"category:tourism_attractions": "Turism", |
"category:tourism_services": "Turism", |
"category:transport_alternative": "Alternatiivne (jalgrattasõit, matkamine, ...)", |
"category:walk_amenities": null, |
"category:waste": null, |
"category:water": null, |
"category:wikipedia": null, |
"category:works": null |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
{ |
"category:administrative": "Zones administratives", |
"category:agriculture": "Agriculture", |
"category:alternative_amenities": "Équipement", |
"category:alternative_routes": "Routes", |
"category:buildings": null, |
"category:car_amenities": "Infrastructures routières", |
"category:car_furniture": "Infrastrucutures résidentielles", |
"category:car_maxspeed": null, |
"category:children": null, |
"category:communication": "Communication", |
"category:construction": "Sites en construction", |
"category:culture": "Culture", |
"category:culture_religion": "Culture", |
"category:cycle_amenities": null, |
"category:cycle_infrastructure": null, |
"category:cycle_routes": null, |
"category:education": "Service d'Éducation", |
"category:emergency": "Service d'urgence", |
"category:financial": "Finance", |
"category:gastro": "Gastronomie", |
"category:health": "Santé", |
"category:hiking_routes": null, |
"category:historic": "Histoire", |
"category:index": null, |
"category:internet": null, |
"category:leisure": "Loisirs", |
"category:military": "Militaire", |
"category:natural": "Formation Naturelle", |
"category:other": "Autre", |
"category:phone": null, |
"category:places": "Place", |
"category:places_geo": "Place", |
"category:playgrounds": "Jeux pour enfants", |
"category:post": null, |
"category:power": "Énergie", |
"category:pt_amenities": "Équipements", |
"category:pt_routes": null, |
"category:pt_stops": "Arrêts/Stops, Stations", |
"category:public": "Services Publics", |
"category:railway-electrification": null, |
"category:railway-infrastructure": null, |
"category:religion": "Religion", |
"category:residential": "Zone Résidentielle", |
"category:resources": "Extraction des ressources", |
"category:shop": "Magasinage/Shopping", |
"category:sport": "Other Sport", |
"category:tourism_attractions": "Tourisme", |
"category:tourism_services": "Tourisme", |
"category:transport_alternative": "Alternatif (Cyclisme, Randonnée, ...)", |
"category:walk_amenities": null, |
"category:waste": "Rebuts", |
"category:water": null, |
"category:wikipedia": null, |
"category:works": "Construction" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
{ |
"category:administrative": "Adminisztratív határok", |
"category:agriculture": "Mezőgazdaság", |
"category:alternative_amenities": null, |
"category:alternative_routes": null, |
"category:buildings": null, |
"category:car_amenities": null, |
"category:car_furniture": null, |
"category:car_maxspeed": null, |
"category:children": null, |
"category:communication": "Kommunikácó", |
"category:construction": null, |
"category:culture": "Kultúra", |
"category:culture_religion": "Kultúra", |
"category:cycle_amenities": null, |
"category:cycle_infrastructure": null, |
"category:cycle_routes": null, |
"category:education": null, |
"category:emergency": null, |
"category:financial": null, |
"category:gastro": "Gasztronómia", |
"category:health": null, |
"category:hiking_routes": null, |
"category:historic": "Historikus", |
"category:index": null, |
"category:internet": "Internethozzáférés", |
"category:leisure": null, |
"category:military": "Katonai", |
"category:natural": "Természeti képződmények", |
"category:other": "Egyéb", |
"category:phone": "Telefon", |
"category:places": "Helyek", |
"category:places_geo": "Helyek", |
"category:playgrounds": null, |
"category:post": "Posta", |
"category:power": "Áramellátás", |
"category:pt_amenities": null, |
"category:pt_routes": null, |
"category:pt_stops": "Megállók és állomások", |
"category:public": null, |
"category:railway-electrification": null, |
"category:railway-infrastructure": null, |
"category:religion": "Vallás", |
"category:residential": "Lakóövezetek", |
"category:resources": null, |
"category:shop": "Vásárlás", |
"category:sport": "Sport", |
"category:tourism_attractions": "Túrizmus", |
"category:tourism_services": "Túrizmus", |
"category:transport_alternative": "Alternatív (Krékpár, Túra)", |
"category:walk_amenities": null, |
"category:waste": null, |
"category:water": null, |
"category:wikipedia": null, |
"category:works": null |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
{ |
"category:administrative": "Suddivisioni amministrative", |
"category:agriculture": "Agricoltura", |
"category:alternative_amenities": "Infrastrutture", |
"category:alternative_routes": "Itinerari segnalati", |
"category:buildings": null, |
"category:car_amenities": "Infrastrutture", |
"category:car_furniture": "Dotazioni stradali", |
"category:car_maxspeed": null, |
"category:children": null, |
"category:communication": "Communicazioni", |
"category:construction": "Cantieri", |
"category:culture": "Cultura", |
"category:culture_religion": "Cultura", |
"category:cycle_amenities": null, |
"category:cycle_infrastructure": null, |
"category:cycle_routes": null, |
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Reference in new issue