@ -9,16 +9,22 @@ |
"pt-br": "Rotas de caminhada" |
"pt-br": "Rotas de caminhada" |
}, |
}, |
"query": { |
"query": { |
"10": "relation[type=route][route~\"(|.*;)hiking(|;.*)\"][network~\"^(iwn)$\"]", |
"10": "relation[type=route][route~\"^(|.*;)hiking(|;.*)$\"][network~\"^(|.*;)(iwn)(|;.*)$\"]", |
"11": "relation[type=route][route~\"(|.*;)hiking(|;.*)\"][network~\"^(iwn|nwn)$\"]", |
"11": "relation[type=route][route~\"^(|.*;)hiking(|;.*)$\"][network~\"^(|.*;)(iwn|nwn)(|;.*)$\"]", |
"12": "relation[type=route][route~\"(|.*;)hiking(|;.*)\"][network~\"^(iwn|nwn|rwn)$\"]", |
"12": "relation[type=route][route~\"^(|.*;)hiking(|;.*)$\"][network~\"^(|.*;)(iwn|nwn|rwn)(|;.*)$\"]", |
"14": "relation[type=route][route~\"(|.*;)hiking(|;.*)\"]" |
"14": "relation[type=route][route~\"^(|.*;)hiking(|;.*)$\"]" |
}, |
}, |
"members": true, |
"members": true, |
"feature": { |
"feature": { |
"priority": "{{ const[tags.network].priority|default(4) }}", |
"pre": [ |
"description": "{% if tags.network %}{{ tagTrans('network', tags.network) }}{% endif %}", |
"{% set network = tags.network %}", |
"listMarkerSymbol": "{{ markerLine({ 'width': 4, 'color': const[tags.network|default('')].color|default(const[''].color) })|raw }}", |
"{% for n in tags.network|split(';') %}", |
"{% if n|matches('wn$') %}{% set network = n %}{% endif %}", |
"{% endfor %}" |
], |
"priority": "{{ const[network].priority|default(4) }}", |
"description": "{% if network %}{{ tagTrans('network', network) }}{% endif %}", |
"listMarkerSymbol": "{{ markerLine({ 'width': 4, 'color': const[network|default('')].color|default(const[''].color) })|raw }}", |
"title": "{% if tags.ref and tags.name %}{{ tags.ref }} - {{ tags.name }}{% elseif tags.ref %}{{ tags.ref }}{% elseif tags.name %}{{ tags.name }}{% endif %}", |
"title": "{% if tags.ref and tags.name %}{{ tags.ref }} - {{ tags.name }}{% elseif tags.ref %}{{ tags.ref }}{% elseif tags.name %}{{ tags.name }}{% endif %}", |
"styles": "", |
"styles": "", |
"markerSymbol": "" |
"markerSymbol": "" |