Stephan Bösch-Plepelits
2 years ago
4 changed files with 317 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ |
type: "overpass" |
query: |
15: | |
(nwr[historic];nwr[tourism~'^(attraction|artwork)$'];nwr[heritage];) |
feature: |
pre: | |
{% set color = 'red' %} |
{% set str = 'No image, wikimedia_commons or wikidata' %} |
{% if tags.wikidata %} |
{% set color = 'blue' %} |
{% set str = 'has wikidata tag' %} |
{% set wikidata = tags.wikidata|wikidataEntity %} |
{% if[0] in ['Q5'] %} |
{% set color = 'magenta' %} |
{% set str = "wikidata points to a human, should most likely be 'subject:wikidata'" %} |
{% endif %} |
{% elseif tags.wikimedia_commons or tags.image %} |
{% set color = 'cyan' %} |
{% set str = tags.wikimedia_commons ? 'has wikimedia_commons tag' : 'has image tag' %} |
{% endif %} |
body: | |
{{ str }} |
description: | |
{% if tags.historic and tags.historic != 'yes' %} |
{{ tagTransList('historic', tags.historic) }} |
{% if tags.historic == 'memorial' and %} |
({{ tagTransList('memorial', }}) |
{% endif %} |
{% elseif tags.tourism %} |
{{ tagTransList('tourism', tags.tourism) }} |
{% elseif tags.heritage %} |
{{ keyTrans('heritage') }} |
{% endif %} |
markerSymbol: "{{ markerPointer({ fillColor: color })|raw }}" |
listMarkerSymbol: "{{ markerCircle({ fillColor: color })|raw }}" |
filter: |
type: |
name: "{{ trans('filter:type') }}" |
show_default: "true" |
query: "nwr[{{ value }}]" |
type: "select" |
key: "tourism" |
values: | |
<option value='tourism-artwork' query='nwr[tourism=artwork]'>{{ tagTrans('tourism', 'artwork') }}</option> |
<option value='tourism-attraction' query='nwr[tourism=attraction]'>{{ tagTrans('tourism', 'attraction') }}</option> |
<option value='historic-memorial' query='nwr[historic=memorial]'>{{ tagTrans('historic', 'memorial') }}</option> |
<option value='historic-monument' query='nwr[historic=monument]'>{{ tagTrans('historic', 'monument') }}</option> |
<option value='historic-wayside_cross' query='nwr[historic=wayside_cross]'>{{ tagTrans('historic', 'wayside_cross') }}</option> |
<option value='historic-wayside_shrine' query='nwr[historic=wayside_shrine]'>{{ tagTrans('historic', 'wayside_shrine') }}</option> |
<option value='historic-building' query='nwr[historic=building]'>{{ tagTrans('historic', 'building') }}</option> |
<option value='historic-other' query='nwr[historic][historic!~"^(memorial|monument|wayside_cross|wayside_shrine|building)$"]'>{{ keyTrans('historic') }} {{ trans('other') }}</option> |
<option value='heritage' query='nwr[heritage]'>{{ keyTrans('heritage') }}</option> |
op: "has" |
info: | |
<table> |
<tr> |
<td> |
{{ markerCircle({ fillColor: 'red' })|raw }} |
</td> |
<td>No image, wikimedia_commons or wikidata</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td> |
{{ markerCircle({ fillColor: 'magenta' })|raw }} |
</td> |
<td>wikidata tag points to a human, should most likely be 'subject:wikidata'</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td> |
{{ markerCircle({ fillColor: 'cyan' })|raw }} |
</td> |
<td>image or wikimedia_commons tag but no wikidata</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td> |
{{ markerCircle({ fillColor: 'blue' })|raw }} |
</td> |
<td>has wikidata tag</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
This category lists artwork, memorials, historic and heritage protected objects. These should have an <a target="_blank" href="">image</a> or <a target="_blank" href="">wikimedia_commons</a> tag, or (even better) a <a target="_blank" href="">wikidata</a> tag pointing to the object's entry.<br> |
Memorials erroneously often have a wikidata (and wikipedia) tag of the person/event, which should be changed to <a target="_blank" href="">subject:wikidata</a> resp. <a target="_blank" href="">subject:wikipedia</a>". |
@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ |
type: overpass |
query: |
14: nwr[~"^fixme(:.*|)$"~".",i] |
feature: |
pre: | |
{% set fixme = tags.fixme %} |
{% set category = null %} |
{% if not fixme %} |
{% for k, v in tags %} |
{% set m = k|matches('^fixme(:(.*))?$', 'i') %} |
{% if m %} |
{% set fixme = v %} |
{% set category = m[2] %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% endif %} |
{% if not category %} |
{% for k, d in const.fixme if d.match %} |
{% if fixme|matches(d.match, 'i') %} |
{% set category = k %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% endif %} |
details: | |
{{ fixme }} |
description: | |
{% set found = false %} |
{% for k in ['amenity', 'shop', 'telecom', 'waterway', 'craft', 'highway', 'railway', 'aerialway', 'emergency', 'geological', 'man_made', 'natural', 'office', 'power', 'aeroway', 'tourism', 'leisure', 'military', 'landuse', 'barrier', 'route'] if not found %} |
{% if attribute(tags, k) and attribute(tags, k) != 'yes' %} |
{{ tagTransList(k, attribute(tags, k)) }} |
{% set found = true %} |
{% endif %} |
{% endfor %} |
{% if found %}{# nothing #} |
{% elseif tags.building and tags.building != 'yes' %} |
{{ tagTransList('building', tags.building) }} |
{% elseif tags.historic and tags.historic not in ['heritage', 'yes', 'building'] %} |
{{ tagTransList('historic', tags.historic) }} |
{% elseif tags.building == 'yes' or tags.historic == 'building' %} |
{{ keyTrans('building') }} |
{% elseif tags.boundary %} |
{{ tagTrans('boundary', tags.boundary) }} |
{% endif %} |
body: | |
{{ fixme == 'yes' ? keyTrans('fixme') : fixme }} |
markerSymbol: | |
{{ markerPointer({ fillColor: const.fixme[category].color|default('#f2756a') }) }} |
listMarkerSymbol: | |
{{ markerCircle({ fillColor: const.fixme[category].color|default('#f2756a') }) }} |
filter: |
category: |
name: Category |
show_default: true |
type: select |
values: | |
{% for k, d in const.fixme %} |
<option value='{{ k }}' query='{{ d.query|default('nwr[~"fixme(:.*|)"~"' ~ d.match ~ '"') }},i]'>{{ tagTrans('fixme', k) }}</option> |
{% endfor %} |
type: |
name: Type |
show_default: true |
type: select |
values: | |
{% for k, d in const.types %} |
<option value='{{ k }}' query='{{ d.query }}'>{{ d.title|matches('^repo/') ? repoTrans(d.title|slice(5)) : trans(d.title) }}</option> |
{% endfor %} |
info: | |
<table> |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({ fillColor: '#f2756a' }) }}</td> |
<td>{{ trans('other') }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% for k, d in const.fixme %} |
<tr> |
<td>{{ markerCircle({ fillColor: d.color }) }}</td> |
<td>{{ tagTrans('fixme', k) }}</td> |
</tr> |
{% endfor %} |
</table> |
const: |
fixme: |
name: |
match: 'name' |
query: '(nwr[~"fixme:name"~".",i];nwr[~"fixme(:.*|)"~"name",i];)' |
color: '#00b6a9' |
incomplete: |
match: '(continue|incomplete|unfinished)' |
color: '#bb972f' |
position: |
match: '(position|location)' |
color: '#71ab43' |
addr: |
match: 'addr' |
query: '(nwr["fixme:addr"];nwr[fixme~"addr",i];)' |
color: '#0070b6' |
maxspeed: |
match: 'maxspeed' |
query: '(nwr["fixme:maxspeed"];nwr[fixme~"maxspeed",i];)' |
color: '#a36af2' |
resurvey: |
match: 're-?survey' |
color: '#00b647' |
verify: |
match: '(verify|recheck)' |
color: '#eeb600' |
import: |
match: 'import' |
color: '#a6b600' |
types: |
shops: |
title: 'tag:shop' |
query: 'nwr[shop]' |
craft: |
title: 'tag:craft' |
query: 'nwr[craft]' |
tourism: |
title: 'tag:tourism' |
query: 'nwr[tourism]' |
roads: |
title: 'tag:highway' |
query: 'nwr[highway]' |
gastro: |
title: 'repo/category:gastro' |
query: 'nwr[amenity~"^(bar|biergarten|cafe|fast_food|food_court|ice_cream|pub|restaurant)$"]' |
agriculture: |
title: 'repo/category:agriculture' |
query: 'nwr[landuse~"^(allotments|farm|farmland|farmyard|greenhouse_horticulture|orchard|vineyard)$"]' |
buildings: |
title: 'repo/category:buildings' |
query: '(nwr[building];nwr[entrance];)' |
transport_car: |
title: 'repo/category:transport_car' |
query: 'nwr[amenity~"^(car_rental|car_sharing|car_wash|fuel|motorcycle_parking|parking)$"];' |
children: |
title: 'repo/category:children' |
query: '(nwr[leisure~"^(playground|summer_camp|indoor_play)$"];nwr[shop~"^(baby_goods|toys)$"];nwr[changing_table];nwr[diaper];nwr[kids_area];nwr[playground];)' |
sport: |
title: 'tag:sport' |
query: '(nwr[sport];nwr[climbing];nwr[highway~"^(via_ferrata)$"];nwr[leisure~"^(sports_.*)$"];)' |
industrial: |
title: 'tag:landuse=industrial' |
query: '(nwr[landuse~"^(quarry|industrial)$"];nwr[man_made~"^(mineshaft|pipeline|goods_conveyor)$"];)' |
power: |
title: 'repo/category:electric_power' |
query: '(nwr[power];relation[type=route][route=power];)' |
communication: |
title: 'repo/category:communication' |
query: '(nwr[amenity~"^(post_office|internet_cafe|post_box|parcel_locker|telephone)$"];nwr[office~"^(telecommunication|it|newspaper|publisher|advertising_agency)$"];nwr[vending~"parcel"];)' |
construction: |
title: 'repo/category:construction' |
query: '(nwr[~"."~"^(construction)$"];nwr[~"^construction:"~"."];)' |
culture: |
title: 'repo/category:culture' |
query: '(nwr[amenity~"^(arts_centre|cinema|community_centre|fountain|studio|theatre)$"];nwr[tourism~"^(artwork|gallery|museum|theme_park)$"];nwr[amenity~"^(clock)$"];nwr[shop~"^(art)$"];)' |
bicycle: |
title: 'repo/category:transport_cycle' |
query: '(nwr[amenity~"^(bicycle_.*|compressed_air|charging_station)$"];nwr[shop~"^(bicycle)$"];nwr["monitoring:bicycle"];nwr[vending~"^bicycle_"];relation[type=route][route~"^(|.*;)bicycle(|;.*)$"];)' |
education: |
title: 'repo/category:education' |
query: '(nwr[amenity~"^(college|university|library|school|kindergarten|language_school|childcare|public_bookcase)$"];nwr[office~"^(educational_institution|research)$"];)' |
emergency: |
title: 'repo/category:emergency' |
query: '(nwr[amenity~"^(fire_station|hospital|police)$"];nwr[emergency];nwr[highway~"^(emergency_access_point)$"];)' |
financial: |
title: 'repo/category:financial' |
query: '(nwr[amenity~"^(bank|bureau_de_change|atm)$"];nwr[office~"^(financial|accountant|insurance|tax|tax_advisor)$"];)' |
health: |
title: 'repo/category:health' |
query: '(nwr[amenity~"^(baby_hatch|clinic|dentist|doctors|hospital|nursing_home|pharmacy|social_facility|veterinary)$"];nwr[healthcare];)' |
heritage: |
title: 'repo/category:heritage' |
query: 'nwr[heritage]' |
walking: |
title: 'repo/category:transport_walk' |
query: '(nwr[amenity~"^(bench|shelter)$"];relation[type=route][route~"^(|.*;)hiking(|;.*)$"];nwr[highway~"^(footway|path|pedestrian|elevator|steps|crossing)$"];)' |
historic: |
title: 'tag:historic' |
query: 'nwr[historic]' |
law: |
title: 'repo/category:law' |
query: 'nwr[amenity~"^(courthouse)$"];nwr[office~"^(lawyer|notary)$"];)' |
leisure: |
title: 'tag:leisure' |
query: 'nwr[leisure]' |
memorial: |
title: 'repo/category:memorial' |
query: 'nwr[historic~"^(memorial|monument|wayside_(cross|shrine|chapel))$"]' |
military: |
title: 'repo/category:military' |
query: '(nwr[military];nwr[landuse=military];)' |
natural: |
title: 'repo/category:natural' |
query: '(nwr[natural];nwr[place~"^(island|islet)$"];)' |
office: |
title: 'repo/category:office' |
query: 'nwr[office]' |
places: |
title: 'tag:place' |
query: 'node[place]' |
public: |
title: 'repo/category:public' |
query: '(nwr[amenity~"^(embassy|public_building|townhall|clock|drinking_water|recycling|toilets)$"];node[drinking_water];nwr[office~"^(government|administration)$"];)' |
railway: |
title: 'tag:railway' |
query: '(nwr[railway];relation[type=route][route=railway];)' |
religion: |
title: 'tag:religion' |
query: '(nwr[amenity~"^(place_of_worship|grave_yard|crematorium)$"];nwr[landuse~"^(cemetery)$"];nwr[historic~"wayside_(cross|shrine|chapel)$"];nwr[office~\"^(parish|religion)$\"];)' |
landuse: |
title: 'tag:landuse' |
query: 'nwr[landuse]' |
Reference in new issue