Main categories of OpenStreetBrowser
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3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
  1. {
  2. "Objects with diet information": "Objects with diet information",
  3. "category:administrative": "Administrative Areas",
  4. "category:agriculture": "Agriculture",
  5. "category:alternative_amenities": "Amenities",
  6. "category:alternative_routes": "Routes",
  7. "category:buildings": "Buildings",
  8. "category:buildings-entrances": "Entrances",
  9. "category:buildings-figure-ground": "Figure-ground diagram",
  10. "category:buildings-height": "Building height",
  11. "category:buildings-start_date": "Building age",
  12. "category:buildings-type": "Building types",
  13. "category:car_amenities": "Amenities",
  14. "category:car_furniture": "Street Furniture",
  15. "category:car_maxspeed": "Maxspeed",
  16. "category:car_routes": "Car routes",
  17. "category:children": "Children amenities",
  18. "category:climbing": "Climbing",
  19. "category:coal": "Coal",
  20. "category:communication": "Communication",
  21. "category:construction": "Construction Sites",
  22. "category:craft": "Craft",
  23. "category:culture": "Culture",
  24. "category:culture_religion": "Culture and Religion",
  25. "category:culture-media": "Culture Media/Wikidata",
  26. "category:cycle_amenities": "Amenities",
  27. "category:cycle_routes": "Cycle Routes",
  28. "category:developable_areas": "Developable Areas",
  29. "category:developments": "Planning and Construction",
  30. "category:education": "Educational Services",
  31. "category:electric_power": "Electric Power",
  32. "category:emergency": "Emergency Services",
  33. "category:energy": "Energy",
  34. "category:financial": "Financial",
  35. "category:fixme": "Fix Me",
  36. "category:gastro": "Gastronomy",
  37. "category:gastro-smoking": "Smokefree Gastronomy",
  38. "category:health": "Health",
  39. "category:heritage": "Heritage Protection",
  40. "category:hiking_routes": "Hiking routes",
  41. "category:historic": "Historic",
  42. "category:index": "Index of Categories",
  43. "category:infrastructure": "Infrastructure",
  44. "category:internet": "Internet access",
  45. "category:law": "Law",
  46. "category:leisure": "Leisure",
  47. "category:leisure_sport_shopping": "Leisure, Sport and Shopping",
  48. "category:memorial": "Memorials & Monuments",
  49. "category:military": "Military",
  50. "category:mtb-routes": "Mountain bike routes",
  51. "category:natural": "Natural Formations",
  52. "category:office": "Offices",
  53. "category:oil_gas": "Petroleum and natural gas",
  54. "category:organisations": "Organisations",
  55. "category:osm-qa": "OpenStreetMap Quality Control",
  56. "category:other": "Other",
  57. "category:outdoor": "Outdoor activities",
  58. "category:phone": "Phone",
  59. "category:places": "Places",
  60. "category:places_geo": "Places",
  61. "category:playgrounds": "Playground",
  62. "category:post": "Post",
  63. "category:power_routes": "Power routes",
  64. "category:proposals": "Proposals",
  65. "category:pt": "Public transport map",
  66. "category:pt:routes": "Routes",
  67. "category:pt:stops": "Stops & Stations",
  68. "category:pt_amenities": "Amenities",
  69. "category:public": "Public Services",
  70. "category:railway": "Railway",
  71. "category:railway-electrification": "Railway electrification",
  72. "category:railway-gauge": "Railway gauge",
  73. "category:railway-infrastructure": "Railway infrastructure",
  74. "category:railway-maxspeed": "Railway Maxspeed",
  75. "category:railway-routes": "Railway Routes",
  76. "category:religion": "Religion",
  77. "category:renewables": "Renewables",
  78. "category:residential": "Residential Areas",
  79. "category:resources": "Resource Extraction",
  80. "category:roads": "Roads",
  81. "category:services": "Services",
  82. "category:shop": "Shopping",
  83. "category:special": "Special",
  84. "category:sport": "Sport",
  85. "category:swimming_bathing": "Swimming and bathing",
  86. "category:tourism_attractions": "Tourism",
  87. "category:tourism_services": "Tourism",
  88. "category:transport": "Transportation",
  89. "category:transport_alternative": "Alternative Transportation modes",
  90. "category:transport_car": "Individual Traffic",
  91. "category:transport_cycle": "Cycling",
  92. "category:transport_pt": "Public Transportation",
  93. "category:transport_walk": "Walking",
  94. "category:walk_amenities": "Amenities",
  95. "category:waste": "Disposal",
  96. "category:water": "Waterbodies",
  97. "category:wikipedia": "Wikipedia",
  98. "category:works": "Works",
  99. "category:xmas": "Christmas",
  100. "date format not understood": "Invalid Date Format",
  101. "outdated feature": "Features outdated",
  102. "xmas:outdated-warning": "Feature has not been updated for the current season! Please check and set the tag 'xmas:lastcheck' to the current date.",
  103. "deprecated": "Tag %s is deprecated. See <a target='_blank' href=\"%s\">here</a> for details."
  104. }