type: overpass
ca: Rutes en cotxe
cs: Automobilové cesty
de: Autorouten
en: Car routes
es: Rutas de coche
fr: Itinéraires auto
gl: Rotas automobilísticas
hu: Főútvonalak
it: Tratte automobilistiche
ja: 車のルート
nb: Bilruter
nl: Autoroutes
oc: Itineraris auto
pl: Trasy samochodowe
pt: Rotas rodoviárias
pt-br: Rotas rodoviárias
ro: Rute auto
ru: Автомобильные маршруты
sr: Трасе за возила
tr: Araba Rotaları
10: relation[type=route][route=road]
members: true
pre: |-
{% set color = '#' ~ tags.network|default('')|md5|slice(0, 6) %}
description: |-
{% if tags.network %}{{ tagTrans('network', tags.network) }}{% endif %}
title: |-
{% if tags.ref and tags.name %}{{ tags.ref }} - {{ tags.name }}{% elseif tags.ref %}{{ tags.ref }}{% elseif tags.name %}{{ tags.name }}{% endif %}
listMarkerSymbol: |-
{{ markerLine({ 'width': 4, 'color': color })|raw }}
markerSymbol: ''
styles: ''
pre: |-
{% set refs = [] %}
{% set color = '#d41d8c' %}
{% if tags.ref %}
{% for ref in tags.ref|split(';') %}
{% set refs = refs|merge([ ref|trim ]) %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for master in masters %}
{% if master.tags.network %}
{% set color = '#' ~ master.tags.network|md5|slice(0, 6) %}
{% endif %}
{% if master.tags.ref %}
{% set refs = refs|merge([ master.tags.ref ]) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% set refs = refs|unique|natsort({ insensitive: true }) %}
body: |-
{% for master in masters %}
{% set _color = '#' ~ master.tags.operator|default('')|md5|slice(0, 6) %}
<li data-object="{{ master.id }}" style='list-style: none;'>
<span class='markerParent'><div class='marker'>{{ markerLine({ width: 4, color: _color })|raw }}</div></span>
<span class='title'>{% if master.tags.ref and master.tags.name %}{{ master.tags.ref }} - {{ master.tags.name|default(master.tags.ref) }}{% elseif master.tags.ref %}{{ master.tags.ref }}{% elseif master.tags.name %}{{ master.tags.name }}{% else %}{{ trans('unnamed') }}{% endif %}</span>
<span class='description'>{{ tagTrans('network', master.tags.network) }}</span>
{% endfor %}
listExclude: 1
color: '{{ color }}'
width: 4
opacity: 1
text: '{{ refs|join(" · ") }} '
textRepeat: 1
textOffset: 12
textFontWeight: bold