#### Unicode Icons Unicode defines many icons which can be used either directly or via their HTML codes, e.g.: ```html 🎂 🎂 🎂 ``` A drawback of Unicode icons is, that the display will differ from system to system as they depend on the available Fonts. #### Self defined icons You may upload images to your repository and use them via a relative image link: ```html ``` This will include the image from your repository (when uploaded to your 'img' directory). #### Font Awesome Icons [Font Awesome 5 Free](https://fontawesome.com/) is included in OpenStreetBrowser, therefore you can use, e.g.: ```html ``` You can use normal CSS to modify its look, e.g. ```html ``` #### Mapbox Maki Icons [Mapbox Maki Icons 5](https://www.mapbox.com/maki-icons/) are also included in OpenStreetBrowser. They can be accessed as images with protocol 'maki', e.g.: ```html ``` This will include the park-15.svg icon. Mapbox Maki icons come in two sizes: 11 and 15. Default is 15, if you want to use 11 pass the size parameter with value 11: ```html ``` You can pass URL options to the icon to modify its look. Note that every icon is a [SVG path](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths) and all [style options](https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Fills_and_Strokes) are available: ```html ``` #### Temaki Icons [Temaki icons](https://ideditor.github.io/temaki/docs/) are additions to the Mapbox Maki Icons with the difference that they only exist in to size of 15px. ```html ``` #### Markers Simple syntax (example: a black line): ```html {{ markerLine({ width: 3, color: 'black' })|raw }} ``` The following marker types are available: line, polygon (a rectangle), circle, pointer The following style parameters are possible: * `color`: outline color, default `#000000`. * `width`: outline width, default `3`. * `offset`: outline offset, default `0`. * `fillColor`: color of the fill, default value of `color`. If no `color` is set, use `#f2756a`. * `fillOpacity`: opacity of the fill, default `0.2`. * `dashArray`: outline dashes, e.g. `5,5'. Default: `none`. * `dashOffset`: offset of outline dashes. Default: `0`. Syntax with multiple symbols (example: a white line with a black casing). Only styles which are listed in the `styles` parameter will be used. Instead of `style:default:width` use `style:width`: ```html {{ markerLine({ styles: 'casing,default', 'style:casing': { color: 'black', width: 4 }, default: { color: 'black', width: 2 }})|raw }} ``` You can use the `evaluate` function, to emulate a fake object (e.g. for map keys). The following example would draw a line, which looks like the symbol which is generated by this category for an OSM object with the tags highway=primary and maxspeed=80: ```html {{ markerLine(evaluate({ "highway": "primary", "maxspeed": "80" }))|raw }} ```