You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. Categories can be created as YAML files. This is much simpler as JSON files, because you don't have to add all these quotes, you can use multi-line strings and allows adding comments.
  2. A simple example ([Source]( It queries nodes, ways and relations with amenity=restaurant from OpenStreetMap (via Overpass API), starting from zoom level 15. `nwr` is short for `(node[amenity=restaurant];way[amenity=restaurant];relation[amenity=restaurant];)`. Please note, that only a subset of OverpassQL is available (see [overpass-frontend]( for details).
  3. ```yaml
  4. # This is necessary, it tells OSB that this category is of type 'overpass'. An alternative would be 'index' (for directories).
  5. type: overpass
  6. # From zoom level 15 on, load all node, ways and relations with amenity=restaurant.
  7. query:
  8. 15: nwr[amenity=restaurant]
  9. ```
  10. Another example, showing fountains from z15 and (additionally) drinking_water from z17. ([Source](
  11. This is the first examples which uses [TwigJS]( for programming logic. TwigJS is a port of the [Twig template language](
  12. Here, we are using Unicode characters as icons. Alternatively, OpenStreetBrowser includes a [few icon sets](./ which you can use.
  13. ```yaml
  14. type: overpass
  15. query:
  16. # query as single line string:
  17. 15: nwr[amenity=fountain]
  18. # query as multi line string:
  19. 17: |
  20. (
  21. nwr[amenity=fountain];
  22. nwr[amenity=drinking_water];
  23. )
  24. feature:
  25. # In the description, '{{ ... }}' is a TwigJS template. In this case it will
  26. # translate either the tag 'amenity=fountain' or 'amenity=drinking_water'
  27. # into a localized string:
  28. description: |
  29. {{ tagTrans('amenity', tags.amenity) }}
  30. # '{% ... %} is a code block in Twig, it can be used for setting variables,
  31. # if and for statements. This places different icons in the markers:
  32. markerSign: |
  33. {% if tags.amenity == 'fountain' %}
  34. {% elseif tags.amenity == 'drinking_water' %}
  35. 🚰
  36. {% endif %}
  37. ```
  38. Improving on the example above, we add a `const` block. The values of this block are available throughout the code ([Source](
  39. ```yaml
  40. type: overpass
  41. # Adding a category name (in English: "Example 3")
  42. name:
  43. en: Example 3
  44. query:
  45. 15: nwr[amenity=fountain]
  46. # This query uses a regular expression to match either fountain or drinking_water:
  47. 17: nwr[amenity~"^(fountain|drinking_water)$"]
  48. feature:
  49. description: |
  50. {{ tagTrans('amenity', tags.amenity) }}
  51. # Here, the correct icon for display is read from the 'const' structure
  52. markerSign: |
  53. {{ const[tags.amenity].icon }}
  54. # We can use different markers depending on the type of item
  55. markerSymbol: |
  56. {{ markerPointer({ fillColor: const[tags.amenity].color }) }}
  57. # This is for the marker in the listing in the sidebar
  58. listMarkerSymbol: |
  59. {{ markerCircle({ fillColor: const[tags.amenity].color }) }}
  60. const:
  61. fountain:
  62. icon: ⛲
  63. color: '#0000ff' # need to quote, because YAML would treat the color as comment
  64. drinking_water:
  65. icon: 🚰
  66. color: '#007fff'
  67. ```
  68. Improving on the example above, we add a `info` block to show a map key. ([Source](
  69. ```yaml
  70. type: overpass
  71. query:
  72. 15: nwr[amenity=fountain]
  73. 17: nwr[amenity~"^(fountain|drinking_water)$"]
  74. feature:
  75. description: |
  76. {{ tagTrans('amenity', tags.amenity) }}
  77. # Here, the correct icon for display is read from the 'const' structure
  78. markerSign: |
  79. {{ const[tags.amenity].icon }}
  80. markerSymbol: |
  81. {{ markerPointer({ fillColor: const[tags.amenity].color }) }}
  82. listMarkerSymbol: |
  83. {{ markerCircle({ fillColor: const[tags.amenity].color }) }}
  84. info: |
  85. # We create a table which shows icon in the left column and description in the
  86. # right. Due to the 'if' statement in the for loop the map key changes due to
  87. # the current zoom level (`map.zoom`):
  88. <table>
  89. {% for value, data in const if data.zoom <= map.zoom %}
  90. <tr>
  91. <td>{{ markerCircle({ fillColor: data.color }) }}<div class='sign'>{{ data.icon }}</div></td>
  92. <td>{{ tagTrans('amenity', value) }}</td>
  93. </tr>
  94. {% endfor %}
  95. </table>
  96. const:
  97. fountain:
  98. icon: ⛲
  99. color: '#0000ff'
  100. zoom: 15
  101. drinking_water:
  102. icon: 🚰
  103. color: '#007fff'
  104. zoom: 17
  105. ```
  106. Back to the restaurants, we will display the cuisine(s) of the restaurants and even add a filter. In OpenStreetMap, cuisine is tag which can take several values, separated by `;`, e.g. `pizza;burger`. Detailed documentation about filters can be found [here](./ ([Source](
  107. ```yaml
  108. type: overpass
  109. name:
  110. en: Example 5
  111. query:
  112. 15: nwr[amenity=restaurant]
  113. feature:
  114. description: |
  115. {{ tagTrans('amenity', tags.amenity) }}
  116. # Details are written to the right side of the popup / the box in the list.
  117. # tagTransList is a function, which splits the value by ';' and translates
  118. # each value individually. They are joined as enumeration.
  119. details: |
  120. {{ tagTransList('cuisine', tags.cuisine) }}
  121. # Body is shown in the popup and the details in the sidebar. An easy way to
  122. # show all tags is using the TwigJS 'yaml' filter, which produces YAML.
  123. # Alternatively, you could use 'json_pp' (JSON pretty print).
  124. body: |
  125. <pre>{{ tags|yaml }}</pre>
  126. filter:
  127. cuisine:
  128. name: "{{ keyTrans('cuisine') }}"
  129. type: select
  130. key: cuisine
  131. op: has # query semicolon-separated lists
  132. values: |
  133. {% for value in const.cuisine %}
  134. <option value='{{ value }}'>{{ tagTrans('cuisine', value) }}</option>
  135. {% endfor %}
  136. <option value='-' query='nwr[!cuisine]' weight='1'>{{ trans('empty value') }}</option>
  137. <option value='*' query='nwr[cuisine]' weight='1'>Any value</option>
  138. # The option will be ordered by text content. Set 'weight' option to override order.
  139. # Also, the last two options set an explicit OverpassQL query.
  140. const:
  141. cuisine: ["pizza", "burger", "kebab"]
  142. ```
  143. Roads, with different color depending on its priority ([Source](
  144. ```yaml
  145. type: overpass
  146. name:
  147. en: Roads 1 # English name of the category
  148. query:
  149. 9: way[highway~"^(motorway|trunk)$"];
  150. 11: way[highway~"^(motorway|trunk|primary)$"];
  151. 13: way[highway~"^(motorway|trunk|primary|secondary|tertiary)$"];
  152. 15: way[highway~"^(motorway|trunk|primary|secondary|tertiary|road|residential)$"];
  153. feature:
  154. description: |
  155. {{ tagTrans('highway', tags.highway) }}
  156. markerSymbol: # empty, to hide the marker
  157. listMarkerSymbol: line # show a line which is generated from the style
  158. style:
  159. width: 4
  160. color: |
  161. {% if tags.highway == 'motorway' %}#ff0000
  162. {% elseif tags.highway == 'trunk' %}#ff3f00
  163. {% elseif tags.highway == 'primary' %}#ff7f00
  164. {% else %}#ffff00{% endif %}
  165. ```
  166. We rewrite the above example to use `const` for coloring. Also, we are adding a casing, to improve visibility of the roads on the map, and a label. ([Source](
  167. ```yaml
  168. type: overpass
  169. name:
  170. en: Roads 2 # English name of the category
  171. query:
  172. 9: way[highway~"^(motorway|trunk)$"];
  173. 11: way[highway~"^(motorway|trunk|primary)$"];
  174. 13: way[highway~"^(motorway|trunk|primary|secondary|tertiary)$"];
  175. 15: way[highway~"^(motorway|trunk|primary|secondary|tertiary|road|residential)$"];
  176. feature:
  177. description: |
  178. {{ tagTrans('highway', tags.highway) }}
  179. markerSymbol: # empty, to hide the marker
  180. listMarkerSymbol: line # show a line which is generated from the style
  181. style:casing:
  182. width: 8
  183. color: '#000000'
  184. pane: casing # use the predefined 'casing' pane, so that this line is below the 'style'
  185. style:
  186. width: 4
  187. color: |
  188. {{ (const[tags.highway]|default(const.default)).color }}
  189. text: |
  190. {{ }}
  191. textOffset: -8
  192. const:
  193. motorway:
  194. color: '#ff0000'
  195. trunk:
  196. color: '#ff3f00'
  197. primary:
  198. color: '#ff7f00'
  199. default:
  200. color: '#ffff00'
  201. ```
  202. All scripts of a feature are processed in the order of their appearance. As they all use the same scope, Twig variables (set via `{% set varname = 'value' %}`) are available in all sub-sequent scripts.