@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
{ |
"type": "overpass", |
"name": { |
"en": "Mountain bike routes" |
}, |
"query": { |
"13": "relation[type=route][route=mtb]" |
}, |
"members": true, |
"feature": { |
"description": "{{ tagTrans('route', 'mtb') }}", |
"listMarkerSymbol": "{{ markerLine({ 'width': 4, 'color': '#007fff' })|raw }}", |
"title": "{% if tags.ref and tags.name %}{{ tags.ref }} - {{ tags.name }}{% elseif tags.ref %}{{ tags.ref }}{% elseif tags.name %}{{ tags.name }}{% else %}{{ trans('unnamed') }}{% endif %}", |
"styles": "", |
"markerSymbol": "" |
}, |
"memberFeature": { |
"pre": [ |
"{% set refs = [] %}", |
"", |
"{% for master in masters %}", |
" {% if master.tags.ref %}", |
" {% set refs = refs|merge([ master.tags.ref ]) %}", |
" {% endif %}", |
"{% endfor %}" |
], |
"body": [ |
"<h4>Routes</h4>", |
"<ul class='overpass-layer-list'>", |
"{% for master in masters %}", |
" <li data-object=\"{{ master.id }}\">", |
" <span class='markerParent'><div class='marker'>{{ markerLine({ width: 4, color: '#007fff' })|raw }}</div></span>", |
" <span class='title'>{% if master.tags.ref and master.tags.name %}{{ master.tags.ref }} - {{ master.tags.name|default(master.tags.ref) }}{% elseif master.tags.ref %}{{ master.tags.ref }}{% elseif master.tags.name %}{{ master.tags.name }}{% else %}{{ trans('unnamed') }}{% endif %}</span>", |
" <span class='description'>{{ tagTrans('route', 'mtb') }}</span>", |
" </li>", |
"{% endfor %}", |
"</ul>" |
], |
"listExclude": "1", |
"style": { |
"color": "#007fff", |
"width": 4, |
"opacity": 1, |
"text": "{{ refs|join(' ') }} ", |
"textRepeat": "1", |
"textOffset": "12", |
"textFontWeight": "bold" |
} |
} |
} |