@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ |
"node[tourism~\"^(artwork|gallery|museum|theme_park)$\"];", |
"way[tourism~\"^(artwork|gallery|museum|theme_park)$\"];", |
"relation[tourism~\"^(artwork|gallery|museum|theme_park)$\"];", |
"nwr[shop~\"^(art)$\"];", |
")" |
] |
}, |
@ -41,28 +42,81 @@ |
"{% elseif tags.tourism %}", |
"{% set key = 'tourism' %}", |
"{% set value = tags.tourism %}", |
"{% elseif tags.shop %}", |
"{% set key = 'shop' %}", |
"{% set value = tags.shop %}", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"description": "{{ tagTrans(key, value) }}", |
"markerSign": "{{ attribute(const, key ~ '=' ~ value) }}" |
"description": [ |
"{% if key == 'shop' %}", |
" {{ keyTrans(key) }} ({{ tagTrans(key, value) }})", |
"{% else %}", |
" {{ tagTrans(key, value) }}", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if tags.tourism == 'museum' and tags.museum %}", |
"({{ tagTrans('museum', tags.museum) }})", |
"{% endif %}", |
"{% if tags.amenity == 'theatre' and attribute(tags, 'theatre:genre') %}", |
"({{ tagTrans('theatre:genre', attribute(tags, 'theatre:genre')) }})", |
"{% endif %}", |
"{% if tags.amenity == 'community_centre' and tags.community_centre %}", |
"({{ tagTrans('community_centre', tags.community_centre) }})", |
"{% endif %}" |
], |
"body": [ |
"<ul>", |
"{% if tags.inscription %}", |
" <li class='hasSymbol'>", |
" <i class=\"fa fa-pencil-alt\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>", |
" <span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('inscription') }}:</span>", |
" <span class='value'>{{ localizedTag(tags, 'inscription') }}</span>", |
" </li>", |
"{% elseif attribute(tags, 'inscription:url') %}", |
" <li class='hasSymbol'>", |
" <i class=\"fa fa-pencil-alt\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>", |
" <span class='key'><a href=\"{{ attribute(tags, 'inscription:url') }}\">{{ keyTrans('inscription') }}</a></span>", |
" </li>", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if tags.artist_name %}", |
" <li class='hasSymbol'>", |
" <i class=\"fa fa-palette\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>", |
" <span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('artist_name') }}:</span>", |
" <span class='value'>{{ enumerate(tags.artist_name) }}</span>", |
" </li>", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"{% if tags.material %}", |
" <li class='hasSymbol'>", |
" <img data-src=\"maki:warehouse\">", |
" <span class='key'>{{ keyTrans('material') }}:</span>", |
" <span class='value'>{{ tagTransList('material', tags.material) }}</span>", |
" </li>", |
"{% endif %}", |
"", |
"</ul>" |
], |
"markerSign": "{{ attribute(const, key ~ '=' ~ value)|raw }}" |
}, |
"const": { |
"amenity=arts_centre": "🎨", |
"amenity=cinema": "🎦", |
"amenity=community_centre": "", |
"amenity=community_centre": "<i class=\"fas fa-users\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>", |
"amenity=fountain": "⛲", |
"amenity=studio": "", |
"amenity=studio": "<i class=\"fas fa-microphone\"></i>", |
"amenity=theatre": "🎭", |
"tourism=artwork": "🎨 ", |
"tourism=gallery": "🖼", |
"tourism=museum": "🏛 ", |
"tourism=theme_park": "" |
"tourism=theme_park": "<img data-src='maki:amusement-park'>", |
"shop=art": "<i class=\"fa fa-shopping-cart\"></i>" |
}, |
"info": [ |
"<table>", |
"{% for value, sign in const %}", |
" <tr>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ sign }}</div></td>", |
" <td>{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}<div class='sign'>{{ sign|raw }}</div></td>", |
" <td>{{ tagTrans(value|split('=')[0], value|split('=')[1]) }}</td>", |
" </tr>", |
"{% endfor %}", |